I'll be including some people so just to be clear. X-men apocalypse didn't happen(yet).

Since existence of mutants remained a secret, the zealots of Apocalypse just kept on believing. They weren't aware of such power so they didn't have a reason to find Apocalype's pyramid in such a hurry


X-Mansion courtyard.

A portal appeared.

Tony was the first one to exit. He was wearing a suit of armor reminiscent to the Mark VII armor. Unlike the Mark VII armor however, there was a very obvious additional equipment. On his back, there is a large tube shaped weapon attached.

Tony ȧssumed that conventional weapons wouldn't work on the Shi'ar so he decided to bring the most powerful weapons he had. The prototype weapon he last discussed with Jean.

The next to exit the portal is Jean. On her face was a yellow-gold mask. She is currently wearing a low cut green dress, yellow belt with a prominent X mark and some high heels. She was also wearing some thɨġh high socks.

Tony actually had an armor prepared for her but Jean didn't want to wear it. The suit was bulky and Jean moved awkwardly while wearing. While the various weapons made fighting convenient, Jean still concluded that she could fight a lot better without it.

Jean was about to wear her usual Marvel Girl costume but Tony was able to make her wear this suit. The looks are similar but the materials are different. Instead of the her regular suit made with kevlar like fiber discovered by Hank, he had her wear his suit which was made with Vibranium. Though it was made of metal, it shouldn't be a problem as Magneto is currently on their side.

The only thing he added were her thɨġh high socks. Her old costume had a considerable part of her legs on display. The socks covered a considerable part increasing the overall protection.

Tony didn't know why Jean had to wear heels but just went with it. He gave her similar heels but with mini repulsers equipped. It couldn't fly at high speed but it could let Jean focus on fights a bit better.

Ororo came out last wearing her regular X-men costume. A black costume with gold outlines. Tony offered to make her a suit similar but with Vibranium but she refused. Tony thought he noticed her react a bit after the mention of Vibranium but Tony didn't have time to pry anything from her. He did tell Jean about it hoping that she would ask Ororo about it later.


After they arrived, they identified multiple groups of people who were also suited up.

The most easily identifiable group were the X-men. They are currently wearing suits that appeared to be bright yellow spandex.

Originally, these suits would have looked like black leather suits (Xmen movies) but "accidents" kept occurring during their production. The finished suits kept looking like yellow spandex with black outlines. They tried to manufacture the thing time and time again but the results were the same. Eventually, they gave up and settled on the yellow spandex..

(AN: of course it's Tony messing with them. What did you expect? JARVIS going Skynet and pranking all the superhero costumes?)

Storm and Jean approached the X-men and greeted the regulars, Cyclops (Scott), Beast (Hank), and the Professor after they saw them. After greeting them, they check the status of the new members. There was Colossus a student with the ability to turn his skin into metal. Kitty, the girl who can walk through walls. And Iceman, a man with ice powers.

Professor X didn't really want to include the new ones since they were still students but these themselves insisted. They knew things were serious since they experience the same thing when they were younger. The kids would hide in the bunkers while the ȧduŀts protected them. Now, it is time for them to help protect others.

The next group of people were the ones who didn't wear the X-men costume. A member of this group is Wolverine. He is just wearing some casual clothes and a leather jacket. The Xmen did have an extra suit his size but Wolverine declined due to the outfit looking funny.

Another member of this group is Mystique. She was only a part of this group because she wasn't actually wearing anything. Though on the outside, she did appear to wear something. But that was only so that a certain someone wouldn't ogle at her.

Beside her is Havoc. The brother of Cyclops. He had similar powers to his brother but instead of sonic blasts coming out of his eyes, the energy was released from his ċhėst. He wasn't supposed to be here since he wasn't an X-men anymore. But he was talking to Mystique try to catch up just moments before Charles contacted. He was dragged along since the threat did involve his brother. He can't exactly just leave things alone when his brother is in danger.

Tony was just about to greet them when he was approached by the leader of one of the other groups, Magneto.

Magento: "Mr. Stark. I owe you one. I heard things from Charles. If not for you, my wife and kids would have already been taken or worse."

Tony: "It's fine but can you address me as Iron Man while I look like this. I still have to keep my identity a secret after all. By the way, did you kill anyone yet?"

Magneto: "No. I'd prefer not to do that in front of my family."

Tony: "Then thank me later. We still have things to do."

Magneto was just about to inquire about the situation but Fury walked in interrupting him.

Fury walked after hearing the name Stark. He was currently holding Goose with him who jumped onto Tony's shoulder the moment she was in range.

Goose: NYAA!!!

Tony felt the anger in Goose's voice so he decided to feed her. He reached inside the tube on his back, with a portal in it, acting as if it was a food container and started pulling out some fresh meat.

Goose fell for the distraction and started eating. Tony still had some things to do so he instructed Goose to just get the food himself. He maintained the portal and Goose stuck his head into the tube and her tentacles started grabbing food from the other end of the portal.

Fury: "Hey 'Iron Man'. What's the deal? I get that you sent your spaceplane just to pick up Goose but why did you have me fetch an old man?"

Tony: "Where is he?"

Fury: "Inside the house. He said was going to change into his costume. "

Tony: "Then wait until he's finished. You'll see why.

Magneto. can you introduce me to your team? I'm not really familiar with your Brotherhood"

Magneto looked at Fury while responding to Tony's request: "Are you sure about the human?"

Tony:"Oh Fury? Yeah he's cool. If not, we can just have Charles wipe away his memories."

Fury: "My what now?"

Fury wanted to protest more about his memories getting wiped but Tony and Magneto just ignored him.

Magneto:" I think you remember the boy over there, Pyro. The woman beside him is Callisto. She can run fast. The one beside her is Toad. I don't think he needs an explanation. The last one is Mastermind. He can cast illusions on to people.

Tony looked at Mastermind who was currently ogling at Jean: "I'm not sure I like how that Mastermind guy is looking at Jean. You best keep him in check. Otherwise I'll have to."

Magneto: "No one in my group really likes the guys. He's just with us because of his powers. "

Tony had Callisto distribute communications earbuds to everyone while him and Magneto started talking about how to best use their groups powers when they noticed the others stopped talking. They looked up to see what's the matter and saw everyone looking at the man who just came out of the mansions. The man was wearing a suit with such an iconic star that they recognized who the person was.

It was Steve. Captain America just arrived.

Scott recognized the shield that help beat him up so he didn't have a good impression of the guy.

The old ones were amazed that he actually appeared. They heard of him from their parents. They even got to read some of Captain America comics. They later learned that he died but it turns out, he just disappeared from the limelight just like them mutants.

Wolverine thought that the man's smell is familiar but he still has amnesia and couldn't remember much of his past. He thought about asking but now isn't the time. His instincts keep telling him that something dangerous is coming towards them.


Tony waved at Steve. Steve recognized Tony's Iron Man suit so he approached him immediately

Steve: "Last I remembered, we weren't supposed to mess with the you know what."

Tony: "Well, we couldn't wipe minds last time.

And last I remembered, you weren't so..."

Steve: "So what?"

Tony: "Fat. Are you trying Thor's look again or something?."

Steve: "Hey! That was due to circumstances. Besides, I'm supposed to be retired.

It's nice just to live life. We were supposed to go on this camping trip but you just had to call me out of the blue asking me to suit up.

So, what's wrong?"

Tony: "Remember Wanda's sad story?"

Steve: "Wait. You didn't?"

Tony: "Nope. I swear I didn't tamper with Stark Industries. But it turns out, it might not be me after all. I think it's something else."

Magneto, overhearing the name of his daughter can't help but join the conversation: "What is it about my daughter?"

Tony: "It's complicated. Let's call professor and Fury. I'd rather talk about this once."


When the leaders got together, Tony started explaining things.

He didn't go into specifics very much since time was tight but he did say the important things.

One, an alien race was attacking.

Their first mission was to capture Jean but now, they are to capture anyone related to Xavier's School.

From Tony's research, he discovered that all previous hosts that were captured ended up pleading guilty. Tony didn't understand why they would do such things until he found something in common. All the hosts the Shi'ar race captured had something or someone that they cared about. It may be a friend or family, but they all had something that could be used as leverage against them.

Tony figured that someone blackmailed them into throwing the trial away. They would accept the settlement the empire offered in order to protect their loved ones.

As for those who would rather die than get captured, the Phoenix would go away and jump to another host. The Shi'ar would track the Phoenix onto the next host. It didn't take long for the Shi'ar to notice a pattern. The Phoenix would more often than not, select the next host from the previous host's relatives. This pattern more than just once that the Shi'ar named it the the

"[insert name here] Bloodline".

(AN: eg. Grey Bloodline, and the og bloodline is the Rook'shir Bloodline if anyone wants to know)

From then on, the Shi'ar would wipe out all the blood relatives of the Phoenix host.

JARVIS was able to track some of Jean's blood relatives but by the time it made contact, it was already too late. The


While Magneto understood why the X-men required his help he still didn't understand why his family was attacked.

Tony answered that it wasn't actually his family they were targeting but him.

Magneto couldn't believe it at first but Tony told him that it was because of his powers. While Magneto current abilities aren't enough enough to destroy a space fleet, his abilities did have the potential to do so. Shi'ar ships are mostly made from metals and Magneto could possibly destroy them all.

His family was only dragged into it because of him. His wife would have been captured then added into the emperor's harem if she was a mutant. His children would have also been captured and made to be slaves. Magneto's power could possibly be inherited by his children. The slave would then be brainwashed and then trained into the Imperial Guards.

Magneto couldn't believe at first that he was the one who brought danger onto his family. He was then furious after hearing the fate of his family in case he failed protecting them.

Magneto's powers were starting to go out of control due to his rage. The magnetometers in Tony's suit was able to detect it and he was able to calm him down before he caused any damage.

Magneto: "Sorry. I just couldn't control myself after hearing such things."

Fury: "Do they really still have slavery out there?"

Steve: "Possibly. I've even met this alien who treats an army as something disposable."

Xavier: "I'm sorry to interrupt but I can't help but be curious. Were there aliens during World War II?"

Steve: "Don't worry. There were aliens even back then. There are even some things you'd probably just dream about"

Tony was impressed that Steve could lie now. He thought the man would still have some of his tell when he lies but it wasn't obvious. Tony guessed that it was probably due to his kids. He has probably done some story telling before they slept. He probably based it on his life since it was interesting. But he probably mixed things up just in case they remember his bedtime stories.

Tony: "Cap, want to call it on this one?"

Steve: "No. You got this. I'm just here to help protect the innocent. I'm not even sure what's the capabilities of everyone."

Tony: "Okay. Let's do this"


While Tony was busy telling everyone what they were supposed to do, the people on the other end were wondering about something.

Why was there a cat with its head stuck in the tube on Tony's back?

They kept getting distracted by the cat's body wriggling from time to time. They didn't know how the leaders were able to maintain their focus on listening to Tony's instructions while there was a cat's buŧŧ raised pointing up in the air.

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