Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 91 - Fight (Part 1)

AN: So this took way longer than I expected. I'm releasing this part now since it is quite a while.

I tried my best but don't expect too much.

Also. Reminder that everyone now has some earpiece from Tony. Those are quantum based equipment. Couldn't fit them properly so just place it here.

Need some reminder since there would be conversations that might feel out of place because the person wasn't anywhere near the story a few moments ago.


Shi'ar Death Commando Spaceship

The ship is currently heading towards the X-mansion. The ship could have arrived at their destination a few hours earlier but due to their previous encounter, they decided not to fly faster.

They were ambushed just recently. Back then, their ship's cloaking mechanism was also active. Since they were confident that no one on Earth would have found their ship, they ȧssumed that one of the mutants found them.

They had experience with minders and would have found out if a minder located them. Their conclusion was mutant with a different set of powers found them. Object-based manipulating powers didn't have that far of a range so they ȧssumed something weather-based.

They were still unsure exactly what power found them so they decided to play it safe. They traveled in the air at the flight speed of commercial planes. The disturbances in the atmosphere should be camouflaged. They only had to forge some flight plans into some airlines in case their enemies were monitoring such things. It would be a slow travel but they would have less chances to be discovered.

Black Cloak: "How's Devo?"

Offset, an insectoid alien replied: "Not good. That Earther really did a number on him. All the shrapnel in his body were removed but he is still in comatose. We'll need a minder if you want him to be combat-ready.."

Black Cloak: "It would take time for a minder to come here. Time that would be used by our enemies against us. We'll just have to do this without him."

Black Cloak was disappointed since Devo wasn't conscious. Devo's powers were more than just convenient and would have helped in the upcoming fight.

Black Cloak: "Just prepare for combat.

Remember to be careful.

They already ambushed us once. If they get the jump on any of you again, then you better forget returning to the empire. "


Back to when the Death Commandos attacked Magneto's family

They would have gone and kidnapped this Tony Stark guy first since he was not a 'mutant'. He would be an easy grab. They decided not to though due to the man's identity.

The man is a public figure. It would alarm the Earthers if someone as well-known as him suddenly disappeared. It would definitely cause a ruckus that could spread internationally. It might even reach their other targets cause them to be alarmed.

Since they can't do their jobs starting from easy to difficult. They just went the other way and targeted the highest threat first.

They picked Magneto as their target and went to Sokovia

Immediately after arriving at Sokovia, they started monitoring Magneto's family.

They were used to black ops missions. They attack the target, confirm the target is dead, then go on to their next mission. They did the same thing here and waited for a chance to strike. They saw an opening when Magento and his family were preparing for dinner.

They were just about to commence their attack when they were suddenly ambushed. Magneto's Brotherhood of Mutants have already found them and shot attacks before the Death Commandos could even react.

Large needles, balls of flame, as well as other kinds of projectiles started flying towards them.

Devo, being in charge of the defense, was able to create force fields around his teammates just in time to protect them.

Magneto was able to take Devo by surprise with the hidden nails. He was able to land multiple hits to his target. Magneto started manipulating the nails to break up inside Devo's body. They were then dispersed inside his body to deal more damage to him.

Devo injuries got severe that he wasn't able to maintain the force fields. The mutants attacks started to slip through the shield and the Death Commandos had to use their personal skills to protect themselves.

Black Cloak was surprised by everything that was happening. He expected some degree of resistance but not this much.

He didn't expect to already be a man down so early. His team was also having a hard time deflecting the attacks that came from all directions.

His enemies clearly knew about their attack. They should be monitoring close by since they were able to attack at the moment Black Cloak's team least expected.

He didn't know what else these mutants prepared for them but he knew they were at a disadvantage. The initiative was already with their enemies. His team wasn't used to playing on the defensive so he ordered his men retreat.

He got his cloak to cover his team. The cloak acted like a portal and a few moments later, Death Cloak and his team were teleported back to their ship.


After surviving the ambush, they reflected on their actions. They checked everything in their memories trying to figure out how their enemies got them by surprise.

Their ship was equipped with Shi'ar's best cloaking technology. Even the most advanced country on Earth(Wakanda), was unable to detect any signs of it when they passed by.

They tapped into the internet and monitored all types of Earth communications for any clues that would have revealed them but found nothing. They weren't able to tap onto Tony's quantum communication network because they can't.

Once something becomes Quantum Entangled to a quantum network, the network would be aware of it. The only way they wouldn't get found immediately is if no one on the network is watching for such things.

The Commandos were here on Earth on a secret mission. They aren't supposed to be here. They needed to remain a secret as much as possible.

They knew it would be impossible to tap into the quantum network without getting caught so they didn't even try.

(AN: If this feels foggy, this is similar to what happened with Nebulas on End Game. Her memories are supposed to be stored through a similar type of network.

Also again IRL, called Quantum Teleportation)


They found nothing that seemed to expose them. They ȧssumed that they were exposed through some kind of mutant. Since they couldn't do this as discretely as they wanted, they decided not to be as discrete.

They would still sneak on their target to try and catch them by surprise. Their egos were hurt so they wanted to sneak up on their target and regain some confidence.

When they went back for revenge, Magneto and his family were already gone. The more powerful mutants were also gone. All that was left were the lackeys from the Brotherhood.

The Death Commandos remained to watch the mutants trying to find out where their target went.

They soon found a teleporter transporting Magneto's men. Since their target has already escaped, they decided to just take revenge. They first killed the teleported and then went to wipe out Magneto's men.


Back to the present.

The Death Commandos were waiting patiently until to reach their destination when they felt a minder trying to read their minds. They were already prepared this time and didn't give a chance for the minder to have a peek.

What they felt was Professor X. He was currently using the Cerebro to find the Death Commandos. The mutants were already ready so they kept up the initiative and attack.

Black Cloak: "Looks like their minder is searching for us. Krait, go out there. Go on and check what they have prepared for us."

While there were other members of the Commandos who could fly, Krait could fly the fastest so he was called to do reconnaissance.

Krait is a humanoid with a bird's head as well as a pair of wings. He used these wings to fly and he could fly at very fast with them.

Krait went to the doors and waited for them to open.

The doors were starting to open so he stretched his wings preparing to fly. The door was wide enough for him to get off and fly when the alarms on their ship starting ringing.

The ship's system reported that all their guns were not responding.

They checked what happened through the video feed which showed the ship's guns seemingly ripped off.

They tried to search for the enemies but the ship's system reported another problem. There were parts of the ship's hull that sustained significant damages.

It didn't take long for them to notice the ship's hull was starting to collapse into itself.

The woman in white, Hypernova, complained on how fast their enemies managed to reach them

Hypernova: "How did they get to us so fast? The minder found us just seconds ago."

BlackCloak: "Everyone prepare for combat. These mutants are more of a threat than I expected.

Hypernova, make a hole. We need to get out before things start to get ugly."

Hypernova pointed her hand towards the ship's floor and a beam of energy came out of her hands. It hit the floor and the materials it hit slowly disintegrated.


On the outside, Magneto was busy trying to crush the spaceship when he noticed Tony was flying towards him.

Tony kept hovering near Magneto watching as the spaceship slowly got crushed.

Magneto: "Why did you come? You do know that pawns are usually the first ones to attack? "

Tony: "I need to see the enemies for myself. Your description was helpful but I can only do so much with it."

They noticed a hole being formed in the underside of the ship. From that hole, they saw a white cloud of gas come out.

Tony: "Do you remember something that resembled a cloud when they first attacked?"

Magneto: "No. I only recall a swarm of bugs. Is it also an enemy? "

Tony: "Possibly. Professor?"

Professor X: "I sense something from that cloud. It is unclear but I think it is sentient "

Tony: "Storm, see that cloud. Make a tornado and try to vacuum it.

Jean, catch the cloud. Make sure you create multiple layers to contain that cloud after it gets vacuumed. We're not sure what it can do so make sure it doesn't escape.

Iceman, after Jean contains the cloud, freeze it. Don't worry about killing. Aliens have weird bodies so I doubt you would kill it."

Tony looked at Magneto and ordered him to go to his position.

Tony remained there watching as entities started jumping out of the hole.

After the cloud (Sega), a swarm of bugs (Colony) came out next. Tony recognized the species and warned everyone about it. The bug Colony could eat through various materials so it's best not to get close.

After the two vaguely shaped aliens came out, the rest that followed were more normal. The rest had humanoid bodies.

First was a white alien woman (Hypernova). She had clothing that covered her body like stripes. She also has some lines on her face that reminded Tony of a Tiger. She didn't bring any weapons but Tony was still felt danger from her.

Next was a bug alien(Offset). It had a large jaw as well as four arms. There was also something that looked like stingers on its hands.

Next to come out is an entity made of rocks (Shell). It looked like some kind of humanoid dinosaur but with rocks for skin.

The next alien to come out reminded Tony of DC's Deadshot (The alien's name is Warshot btw). The man's head looked like a skull with his left eye glowing red. He has a belt with weapons and even has this rifle on his back.

Following the Deadshot looking alien is Krait.

Last was a big green man. Tony had doubts if he was seeing things correctly but JARVIS confirmed his doubt.

The green man that jumped down is a Skrull. This man is considerable bigger than Tony's image of a Skrull. Other than the size, he also has chunks of metals all around his body that looked to be Cybernetic Implants.

He may look different but the face of the man was most definitely of a Skrull. Tony didn't know how they could grow that big but it was probably experimented on after becoming a refugee.

Tony: "Professor, see that green guy? He can transform like Mystique. I'm not sure about those implants but sure you don't lose him. "

Tony contacted the Professor to check if there is anyone else on board. The professor found one inside that was left unconscious.

Tony wanted to go near the ship and take out the unconscious man before he regained consciousness but the birdman, Krait, intercepted him.

Tony dodged Krait's attacks and shot some of his own.

It became a dogfight between birdman and Iron Man.


While Tony was busy having a dogfight with a bird.

The other Death Commando's were still in midair falling towards the ground.

Their landing was rough because Cyclops and Havok were firing at them.

Havoc would fire large beams of energy at them while Cyclops would fire multiple small hits.

Iceman, Pyro, and Magneto would also send some projectiles every now and then to try and hit them.

The Commandos saw the attacks targeting them and would try to dodge.

They managed to dodge the first few attacks but soon found out that they couldn't dodge them all.

Professor X was coordinating all the attacks targeted towards them so there were no blind spots they could slip into.

The Death Commando's decided to let Cyclop's attacks hit them as his beams looked to be the smallest. His attacks should be the weakest so they let it hit with them.

They felt like they were punched after they were hit but at least there was nothing else. They tried to go land as fast as they could while enduring Cyclop's attacks.

Little did they know that they were falling for a trap.

Tony knew that these attacks couldn't kill the enemies but he still ordered the mutants to fire them.

The attacks main priority wasn't to deal a large amount of damage.

Its main purpose was to separate the enemies from one another.

Callisto was moving Cyclops all over the place so Cyclop's attacks came from different angles. Not only would it extend the enemies' flight time, each attack was also positioned in such a way that the Commandos would fly away towards a certain direction.

(AN: Callisto is the fast one. I'm just ȧssuming all people with super speed have some level of strength. Flash and Quicksilver seems to be able carry people just fine so I don't see a problem with Callisto not being able to carry some normal weighing human)

The other attacks were just a distraction. Ice spears and flame balls look far more threatening due to their sizes but it was just an optical illusion. The attacks looked to be much more powerful so that the enemies would avoid them.

By the time they noticed what was happening, the Death Commandos were already separated from one another, it was already too late for them to regroup midair. The best they could do is go to the ground as fast as possible and regroup after landing.

Tony heard from Magneto about each of the Death Commandos abilities. These abilities are strong individually but they aren't as effective as when they are used in a coordinated attack.

Tony wanted them to be separated from each other and have the mutants deal with them individually. They would fight multiple opponents at once which should help suppress their advantages.

It also helped prevent them from running away. Black Cloak could teleport people but Tony knew there usually were limitations with teleportation.

Tony didn't know what the enemy's limitations are but he still had a countermeasure. Once the enemies tried to retreat, Tony would send clones to each Death Commando's location. He would then channel the Space Stone's power and prevent teleportation in the surrounding area.

It would reveal Tony's powers to everyone but Tony could just blame it on the Phoenix. The only person that might not accept it is Steve but Tony could probably work on something to reason his way out of it.


Fight: Black Cloak

After shooting the suppressive fire, Magneto had Callisto move him to where Black Cloak was supposed to land.

He looked at Black Cloak who was still falling. Magneto got different metal objects out and used these shrapnels to attack the man.

Black Cloak did some mid-air maneuver to dodge the attacks. He was busy trying to avoid the attacks that he failed to notice some parts of his armor moving.

Magneto was trying to control his armor to see it was possible. A few moments later, the metals on the Black Cloak's equipment were in Magneto's control.

Using these things, Magneto was able to separate Black Cloak from his cloak.

This was Magneto's primary mission. He saw the man teleport using the cloak so Tony made his first target to remove it.

Magneto wanted to refuse since he already tried before. Back then, he couldn't manipulate the metals on the man's body. It was only because Tony ordered him to do so that he decided to give it another try.

Tony told Magneto that he should be capable of manipulating the metals in the enemy's armor.

Based on Tony's research, the Shi'ar should have used metals with magnetic properties in their alloys. Magneto should be able to sense it if he focused on those particles. He should be able to locate it given some time and later manipulate those particles. He wouldn't have enough control to use the things as a weapon but he should have some basic control over the enemy's equipment.

With his cloak gone, Black Cloak fell to the ground faster.

Magneto flew close enough for his voice to reach and started talking.

Magneto: "You're their leader right? Tell me, Why did you target my family?"

Black Cloak felt the anger in Magneto's voice. He tried to incite more anger from Magneto in the hopes of making him mad.

Black Cloak: "We didn't target your family. Our primary target was you. You're the primary threat against the empire.

Why? Are they dead? Too bad. I was planning on torturing them after I killed you.

I heard some Ravagers wanted to have a taste of you Earthers. We both know old meat is hard but young meat should be nice. How about I send your kids to them after all this?


Magneto: "You!!!!"

Magneto wanted to rip the man to shreds but he heard Tony's voice. Tony reminded him not to get caught up in their mind games and do his job. He could just interrogate the enemy later.

Magneto immediately used his powers to take away all of Black Cloak's other equipment.

He started with the man's helmet and spear. He was warned that anything they had might have some other use so Magneto did his best to strip the opponent.

With his previous experience, it became easier to detect the metals he could manipulate. He was able to pull all the metals he could away from Black Cloak.

He set them all to the side. Callisto came by like a blur and the next seconds, all of Black Cloak's equipment were gone.

Black Cloak: "Quite shameless disarming me before the fight. Nevertheless, I can still kill you with my bȧrė hands."

Black Cloak jumped towards Magneto to try and land a hit. Magneto just flew away while using some metal shrapnels to try and hit Black Cloak.

Black Cloak could only watch as he didn't want to jump towards Magneto. He didn't have the ability to fly without his cloak and jumping would show an opening while he was in midair that Magneto could use to hit him.

Black Cloak tried to taunt Magneto into attacking as he wanted the man to focus on their fight.

BC: "Are you running away? Are all Earther's cowards? I thought you people had a concept of a warrior's pride."

Magneto: "You can taunt all you want. My job is just to disarm you.

Now that you could only fight hand to hand, other people could easily handle you."

Just as Magneto finished his speech, Captain America's shield flew right below him and straight into Black Cloak's face.

The shield then bounced away and flew back to Captain America who caught it. Behind Captain America was Beast.

Toad was also jumping from tree to tree approaching the rest of them.

Magneto was ȧssured seeing the iconic Captain America. He remembered hearing stories about the man beating Nazis when he was still a kid in a concentration camp. The guy unintentionally helped him during his escape so he trusted Captain America.

He knew the man could handle things here so he flew towards his next destination.

With Black cloak's weapons were gone, they were able to fight him evenly.

Captain America moved slower than before but he didn't need to be as active. He was only there to block the man's attacks while his new ally, Beast, would be the one doing all the punching and kicking.

While Black Cloak was busy fighting the two, Toad would spit some sticky substance onto Black Cloak. He tried to hit the man's as much as he could but he would hold back if his allies might get hit. He also targeted certain places so that his allies could still hit Black Cloak without getting stuck in Toad's slime.

The sticky substance wasn't able to hinder Black Cloak's movements at first but Toad shot multiple times. The substance would soon pile up and Black Cloak's movements began to slow down.

The fight ended up like a training match with Black Cloak as the dummy.

Captain would block all of the man's attacks. He would also land some punches but the heavy hits came from Beast. The guy would jump from trees and onto Black Cloak.

Black cloak, stuck in Toad's slime spits, wasn't able to dodge them. He eventually got exhausted that he tried to call reinforcements.

Black Cloak asked his people for help but they were also busy with their own fight. Black Cloak tried to some last-ditch struggle but without his equipment, he could only deal with combatants one at a time.

Fighting three people who are aware of their roles in the fight was too much for him to handle.

It didn't take long and Black Cloak was eventually knocked unconscious.


Flaw (Skrull)

Tony changed the plan a bit after he saw the Skrull enemy.

Since this person was a Skrull, Tony gave him a bit of special treatment. Tony knew the threat of having the Skrulls as their enemies so he tried his best not to give them a reason to.

Instead of getting the mutants to beat him up, he decided to try and convert him. He switched Flaw with another enemy and had Cyclops blast him towards Mastermind. If Mastermind is as good as he says he was, he should be able to trap the Skrull in his illusions.

Tony transferred the images of Skrulls to Mastermind's mind. He had it go through Professor X as Tony still didn't trust the guy to let him in his mind.

After the image transfer, Tony told him about some stories Tony heard from his Skrull friends. Tony didn't know where this Skrull was from but he should be able to relate. Tony even mentioned certain iconic areas from the Skrull's homeworld in an effort to sell the illusion.

Tony tried his best to give all that Mastermind would need to form a very convincing illusions.

He even set up a clone to maintain contact with Mastermind in case the man encountered problems with regards to detail. Tony wanted to try and covert the Skrull into their side and providing all the information Mastermind needed wasn't such a hassle.

Tony just had JARVIS reroute Mastermind's communicators just to make sure other people didn't get confused hearing Tony's voice overlap with himself at the same time.

Mastermind wasn't just boasting about his skill.

His illusions were able to convince Flaw. It didn't take long for Flaw to start doubting if he was on the correct side. He even started to believe that he was supposed to be on the mutant's side.

Mastermind was even able to convince Flaw to reveal the weaknesses of his former allies.

The information was immediately dispersed which made the fight of the other people easier.



Warshot was currently having a shootout with Cyclops.

The fight didn't look as intense as the others that if Tony was here, he would immediately think that two were in a Lazer Tag competition instead of some serious fight.

Warshot would fire laser beam at Cyclops while Cyclops hid behind trees to dodge the attacks.

The lasers from Warshot's rifle shoot wouldn't pierce through because his gun's output wasn't set to max.

It wasn't like this before but Warshot had to change his weapon's output.

Before, the fight was a fight between snipers at first.

Both Cyclops and Warshot would stay as still as they could and try to find each other. The shots were a lot less than right now but the shots fired were a lot more deadly.

Cyclops was about to be hit a couple of times if not for Professor X's warning. Professor would warn Cyclops when Warshot looked like he was about to fire and Cyclops would jump away just in time to dodge the attack.

Cyclops was getting exhausted from all the dodging but thanks to the inside information, Cyclops decided to change his tactics. Instead of firing large beams that could disable the enemy. He decided to fire multiple shots and harass Warshot.

Warshot had limited power cells to power his rifles while Cyclops has a seemingly unlimited amount of energy coming out of his eyes.

Cyclops would fire with as much as he can that wouldn't affect his speed.

Warshot felt the trees he was hiding behind get destroyed faster. He couldn't wait until his cover was destroyed so he shot back without being able to aim properly.

Cyclops would still dodge the attacks and continue shooting at Warshot. Warshot felt that his only chance to move was when he shot back so he decrease his gun's output and fired dummy shots.

The fight was going for a long time as no one was able to land a killer shot.

Cyclops suddenly heard Magneto's voice coming from his earpiece.

Magneto: "Cyclops. Do you need a hand?"

Cyclops: "Magneto? Yeah. I'll file multiple shots to attract his attention. Use that as cover. Be careful not to get seen, this guy is a sniper."

Cyclops got up and shot a lot more than usual. Warshot was unable to move as Cyclops kept firing all around his cover preventing him from coming to give some return fire.

While Warshot was hiding waiting for a chance to attack. Magneto came from Cyclops direction and flew until he was near the enemy.

Magneto was able to feel a hint of magnetic particles in Warshot's equipment which he used to pull his equipment away from him.

Warshot was able to grab a grenade and pistol but he was hit by Cyclops before he could use them. He was caught off guard and hit by another one of Cyclop's shots.

Cyclops continued firing energy beams at him until Professor X confirmed that his enemy was knocked out.

Cyclops approached his enemy and then did a double-tap just to make sure his enemy stayed down.


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