Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 92 - Fight (Part 2)

Sega (White Cloud)

Jean is currently playing with a giant ball resembling a marble ball. The ball is mostly transparent with a white cloud of gas inside. The white cloud inside the ball-shaped force field is Sega.

Jean was currently dribbling the ball while looking at Iceman. He was currently kneeling on the floor exhausted.

Jean: "Iceman, are you okay."

Iceman: "Sorry Ms. Grey. I think I overexerted myself."

Jean: "I told you to take it easy. You're not supposed to use all your strength in just one attack. You're supposed to conserve some energy. Especially when the fight is not yet finished."

After Storm and Jean went to capture Sega, Iceman was called to freeze the enemy.

With this being Iceman's first mission, he couldn't help but try to show off.

He approached Jean and waited for her instructions. When she said go, Iceman immediately started freezing Sega.

He succeeded and Sega was frozen solid. After seeing the results, he immediately collapsed onto the ground.

Turns out, he used all his power trying to freeze Sega. He went max from the start trying to use his powers that he failed to ration his energy. That lead to his current situation.

Tony, on the 'radio', overheard Iceman call Jean by Ms. Grey.

Tony: "Hey Marvel Girl. Can you deduct some points from Iceman"

Jean looked at Iceman with a little bit of regret. She didn't want to reduce the bonus points since it was sort of a reward they'll be giving to the volunteers but she knew it wasn't unreasonable.

Earlier in the debriefing, everyone was reminded to use their codenames during combat. Some people waived the use of codenames but for the most part, everyone was instructed to refer to the others by their codenames.

Tony repeated this a couple of times during the briefing but Iceman wasn't focused on listening to remember.

Jean: "[Sigh] He's got a point. Iceman. That'll be two points off of the bonus points you're supposed to be getting after this."

Iceman: "What? There are bonus points? Why do I get deductions?"

Jean: "Codename Iceman. You need to call people by their codenames. Iron Man already brought that up earlier."

Iceman: "What for? Codenames just makes things more confusing."

Jean: "Iceman, you need to get used to calling other people by their codenames. Especially during fights. This rule isn't made for you. It's for your teammates.

It's fine right now since this combat is pretty much already under control. This cloud is already contained and half the fight is settled. But what if it's not?

What if you called Shadowcat by her real name and your enemy heard you?

People can look someone up with just a name. They can filter the results via their gender, height, body build, mannerism, and other details. They could narrow the option and may even find out Shadowcat's true identity.

Sure she can handle herself, but what if the enemy targets her family.

A lot of things could go wrong just from revealing someone's name. That's also why some wear masks.

We keep our identities secret for the ones close to us."

Iceman: "Sorry Miss"

Jean: "It's fine. Just remember to call people by their codenames next time.

Besides, if you forget, you can always create new nicknames for people.

Now, let's go help Storm.



Hypernova (Not Storm)

Hypernova is a woman with the power to project energy from her hands.

Magneto took note of her since she used these energy beams to disintegrate some of Magneto's men.

At the moment, she is trading shots with Havok

Havok is most proficient in the group when it comes to energy beam. He should be more familiar with energy projection combat than anyone else. He was least likely to get injured fighting her so he was sent to her.

Since he hasn't seen combat for a while now, no one expected him to defeat her. He is just too rusty when compare to Hypernova whose main job is to use her powers for ȧssassination.

Havok's job was just to stall her. He just had to fight her until everyone else is finished.

He has done a good job so far.



The bug looking alien, Offset, is currently facing Wolverine and Colossus.

Offset, with stingers on each of its four arms, looked to be a close combat specialist. With the team's other hand to hand combatants handling the leader, it was decided that Wolverine and Colossus were going to handle this one.

Colossus has the ability to covert the tissues of his body into an organic metal-like substance. Using that ability, he is able to cover his body in some kind of metal instead of normal human skin.

With this metal skin, Offset's stringers shouldn't be a threat to Colossus. Even though he has little experience, he shouldn't be a burden to Wolverine while fighting this bug.

He would be receiving all the attacks while Wolverine would deal the damage.

With Wolverine's adamantium claws, he should be able to deal more than just scratches on Offset's exoskeleton. His Adamantium claws should have the ability to penetrate the alien's exoskeleton.


After Offset landed, its attention was immediately on Colossus. Compare to Wolverine who looked pretty much the same as a regular Earther, Colossus' metal skin seems more of a threat.

Offset threw a couple of needles at the two to test their reactions.

Wolverine twisted his body to the side and the needles passed by.

Colossus, on the other hand, raised his arms to block the attack.

Seeing the two's reactions, Offset decided to attack Wolverine first.

Offset saw Colossus block its needles with his bȧrėd hands. While these weren't its strongest weapons, it was pretty close. Offset knew that it wouldn't be able to hurt the metal man so easily so he left him for last.

Offset also chose to attack Wolverine first because Colossus was slow. It knew that it could just leave the metal man for later as it could dodge his attacks. Colossus wasn't that much of a threat even when left alone.

Wolverine appeared to be an easier target. The man's body was made of flesh. Offset felt the man's was only had to watch out for his punches

With Wolverine as its target, it started trying to attack for real.

It crouched down on its hind legs and then suddenly jumped towards Wolverine.

Wolverine: "Too slow bub."

Wolverine already knew that he would be its target so he was already prepared.

When Offset got near him, he whipped out his Adamantium claws. Offset was surprised by the Wolverine's claws and wasn't able to completely dodge the guy's attack.

Wolverine got his claw into Offset. He was able to slice a bit of Offset's abdomen before it pulled its body away from him.

Wolverine looked at where he stabbed to see his results. It wasn't as big as he expected though since the bug could still move.

Offset held its wound for a bit. It checked its wounds and saw that while the wounds were deep, they weren't anywhere important.

It was a bloody battle where Offset's claws would scratch Wolverine and the guy would stab it in return.

Wolverine noticed that his attacks were useless. Offset could still move the same even with its injuries.

Wolverine decided to not to hold back anymore.

Since the enemy could handle stabs and impalement, he started targeting its limbs. Wolverine wanted to cut off all of its limbs.

It shouldn't be able to attack if it does have any limbs to attack with.

Wolverine let one of Offset's attack hit him.

It didn't matter to Wolverine since he would just regenerate any injuries. He would use the opening Offset would show from the attack to strike back.

Wolverine's plan was a success. He sliced through two of its arms reducing Offset's arms from four to two.

Offset caught its arms and tried to reattach it but Wolverine interrupted. He got near enough to slice Offset's head off.

It was able to dodge in time and it backed away from Wolverine.

It knew it was at a disadvantage so it tried to retreat.

Offset's back shifted revealing a pair of wings. It used the wings on its back to fly away.

Offset didn't use its wings before since he didn't usually use them.

Offset's wings were a lot smaller than its body. They needed to be flapped at very high speed to let Offset fly. The rapid flapping of its wings would produce a buzzing sound. The noise isn't appropriate for a black ops squad so it usually forgo using it

It also didn't use them due to its size. It had wings smaller than normal. This meant that Offset needed to exert more effort to fly. Flying was too exhausting for it so it didn't usually fly.

Offset didn't have much of a choice this time however so it flew.

It started flying and maintained its height. There, it started reattaching its limbs in an effort to regain some combat advantage.

Wolverine looked around trying to search for Colossus.

He saw Colossus come out of a bush.

Colossus went to the bush to puke. He couldn't help it after seeing Offset's dismembered limbs.

Wolverine looked at the man checking to see if he could still move.

Wolverine: "You done bub?"

Colossus: "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to such things. Ripping the arms of your enemy…"

Wolverine: " Then snap out of it. This is how I fight. We need to reach that bug before it escapes.

Do you have any ideas?

Colossus: "Sorry, No. You?"

Wolverine: "How strong are you?"

Colossus: "Very Strong. I can lift cars with one hand."

Wolverine: "Good. Lift me and throw me at the bug."

Wolverine crouched down and tried to form himself into a ball.

Colossus picked Wolverine up and started moving for a shot.

Once he saw the shot, Colossus pulled his hand back.

Wolverine: "Fastball Special. Execute"

Colossus threw Wolverine towards Offset.


Offset was currently working on restoring its limbs when he heard something. It looked down to where its enemies were and found Wolverine flying towards its.

Wolverine was flying too fast that Offset was unable to dodge in time. Wolverine was able to slice through multiple parts of its body finally killing Offset.

Wolverine way down wasn't as nasty as he expected. He was able to stab his claws into a tree and slow himself until he landed on the ground.

Wolverine reported their status and received instructions on where to go next.

Callisto buŧŧed in the conversation complaining that Wolverine was too heavy. She wouldn't want to carry him again if possible.

He looked at Colossus and asked he could throw him again.


Bird vs Tony

Tony is currently flying away from Krait after attacking him with some missiles.

They have been fighting in supersonic speeds for a while now and Tony was starting to get bored of playing tag.

Tony: "JARVIS, how is the scanning coming along?"

JARVIS: "Scanning is almost complete. I only need to record a couple more maneuvers and the enemy's wing will be completely modeled."

Tony: "Good. Leave the rest on display and I'll see to it."

Tony picked Krait as his enemy because of his physiology.

Krait possessed a body that is half avian, half humanoid. His body wasn't formed artificially but naturally.

It is a form that is developed through generations of evolution of Krait's species. A body designed for atmospheric combat.

Tony wanted to fight him to learn how to best utilize wings. Unlike birds, Krait's body is humanoid. It would be a much better model to base on as it was based around a humanoid body. Less modifications would be needed to design the wings around a suit.

While Tony's suits have flaps and repulsors at strategic positions to help him, it has a lot of shortcomings when compared to wings.

A good example is what happened to Tony moments before.


During the start of their dogfight, Tony had a hard time dodging Krait's attacks.

Krait used his wings to do seemingly impossible aerial maneuvers with ease while attacking Tony.

Tony, on the other hand, had to set his repulsors to operate near their maximum just to dodge Krait's attacks. There are even moments where Tony had to use a bit of his powers (gravity and telekinetic) just to avoid some attacks.

Tony was soon able to through Krait's movements. He could predict the attack and dodge but his suit still had to maintain its repulsor's output at a high level just to execute the maneuvers.

Though he could now avoid Krait's attacks. The suit still wasted a lot of energy for each maneuver. If Tony's suit isn't powered by a near-infinite source of energy, his arc reactor would have already used up a majority of its energy.

Other than the energy problem, Tony also noticed another problem. The forces Tony's body experienced during the fight was a lot. It was at a level that no regular human could handle for extended amounts of time.

Tony eventually instructed JARVIS to create a wing model based on his enemy.

Though the wings were unnecessary for Tony, it was still a possible path for improving his armory.

Unlike Falcon's wings which was designed by the military to give its users aerial advantage during ground combat. This wing model is based on combat with air superiority in mind.

Tony wouldn't be including the wings to the Iron Man suits' standard equipment. A winged Iron Man suit might be useful.

He could use the wings for some of his bigger robot designs. It would give better maneuverability on his special robots compared to the fixed-wing backpacks he was going to be equipping for the mass production models.


Tony was just finished modeling Krait's wings when the Phoenix informed him about an incident.

He stopped flying and looked back to face Krait.

Tony: "Hey bird brain. Do you want to surrender now? There's an incident so I'm afraid I'm going to finish our game of tag."

Krait: "Do you think I'll believe you? Your suit is probably out of energy. I'll just have to keep attacking some more and you would soon crash to the ground."

Tony saw Krait approaching him again.

Tony: "[Sigh]. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Tony reached to the back of his suit and grabbed the weapon prototype.

He held the pipe with both hands and pressed a buŧŧon on it.

The pipe started producing a buzzing sound. A few moments later, a beam of blue light was released from the weapon and straight up the sky.

Tony is currently wielding his first prototype lightsaber.

Krait flew back after seeing Tony's new weapon. He wanted to fly as far away as possible and observed the situation.

Unfortunately for him, Tony's reaction was faster.

Tony dropped his altitude just below Krait's and started using his prototype lightsaber.

He swung the beam towards Krait and was able to scratch the man's wing.

Scratch may be an understatement as the beam that hit Krait was about a foot in diameter. It was originally half that but Krait was far from Tony and the beam spread out a bit.

(AN: Just look at your foot. It's about that big unless you have remarkably small feet.)

The beam passed through Krait's wing and it was almost torn off.

Tony was able to turn off the lightsaber just before Krait's wing was sliced off.

Tony: "Ooops. My bad."

Tony looked at the prototype lightsaber in his hands with a bit of disappointment.

There were still a lot of problems he needed to fix before he could make his lightsaber.


First of all, the prototype lightsaber he held looked more like a bazooka than a lightsaber. It didn't matter much though it was just temporary and miniaturizing it would be easy.

There is a much more glaring problem that Tony wanted to fix. The prototype lightsaber's length.

The prototype used lasers to produce the blade. There were a lot of laser emitters working together to produce the beam.

Since photons could be used to push vessels in space (see LightSails/ solar sails), Tony thought about creating the reflection effect of lightsabers using the same concept. By making the beam densely packed with photons (to the point that it is solid), the beam should be able to push other beams away.

(AN: yeah exploiting particle part of photons a bit much. But Sci-Fi )

The problem with lasers is that they produce a lot of heat. The device heated up fast and the beam itself would also heat up its the surroundings. JARVIS was worried that there was too much heat and cause the device to meltdown.

Tony was able to solve that problem in the device by using Vibranium heatsinks. Since heat is the vibration of particles, Vibranium is also able to absorb it.

The more pressing concern is the beam itself. It would go on until its energy is depleted.

A portal or a mirror could be used to contain the beam but both options would make the beam's tip a lot less lethal. Tony couldn't figure out how to contain it yet. This was also one of the reasons Tony wanted to peek at the Shi'ar library. He wanted to see if they have the technology to contain the beam.


Tony approached where Krait crash-landed. He saw the poor alien passed out after experiencing the pain of his wings getting torn off. Tony felt a bit sorry. It wasn't much though as he still placed shock collars on his neck.

This shock collars didn't produce regular shocks but the shocks the Kree used to restrain Captain Marvel's powers. Tony could have made them smaller like a patch but he had it especially designed like that. These collars weren't just to restrain someone's power. They were also there to humiliate the wearer a bit. These collars should deal some psychological attacks on them.

Tony would only use these on his enemies since he had something smaller for his friend.

After checking that Krait is properly restrained, Tony had the alien carried away.

Tony then took off himself.



Kitty is currently running away from the alien with the rock skin, Shell.

Shell was moved slowly and was unable to catch up to Kitty. It knew it couldn't catch up so it picked a few rocks from its body and threw it at her.

Kitty saw the attack and acted as if she was trying to dodge the stones thrown at her.

Kitty: "Umm. Can anyone take out the dinosaur already? I'm starting to get exhausted here"

Kitty's has been running from Shell since the beggining.

Since her ability is to phase through objects, she was picked to stall this guy. She would be helping the team while not being exposed to toomuch danger at the same time.

Shell had no weapons and only used its body to attack. It was the perfect match for Kitty who was another fresh X-man.

Her job was also to stall her enemy.

She needed to keep its attention while not making it too obvious that she could phase through object. She just had to act as if Shell almost hit her.

She has to give the alien false hope so that it would keep attacking her. If her ability is revealed, Shell might give up on her and go to another place.

Kitty: "Hello? Can anyone hear me? Someone?"

Kitty was just about to quit when she heard a growl.

It was Wolverine who got himself thrown to this place by Colossus.

Wolverine started stabbing Shell. He kept attacking the alien but it didn't seem to feel it.

Kitty: "It won't work. It's skin is too thick. We need something else"

Wolverine ignored her as he had nothing else he could do. He kept ripping off parts of Shell's body until he something over the comms.

Kitty also heard an order to close her eyes. She didn't want to at first but she heard the order again. She decided to follow the orders and close her eye.

Just as she closed her eyes, Wolverine also jumped away from Shell.

Wolverine landed a couple of meters away and saw blue beams of light hitting Shell's body.

Tony: "Careful with your eyes. This is some high powered laser"

Wolverine ignore Tony's warning as he could just heal such things. He watched closesly as Tony sliced Shell's body away.

After the beam passed through Shell's body a couple of times, Wolverine finally saw Shell's body again.

It's body is now dismembered. The ground where its body was cut also had scorch marks and what looks like lava.

Wolvering looked up to where Tony was and saw Tony waving at him.

Wolverine recognized the guy. Wolverine retracted his claws while leaving the middle one popped out.

Tony just laughed a bit. He then flew off and continued on his way.

Wolverine looked at Kitty who still had her eyes closed.

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