When Tony arrived at Jean's location, he was surprised by the scene that greeted him.

Jean was being restrained by her teammates.

Iceman and Pyro were holding her by the arms trying to hold her back from walking. Storm was right in front of her trying to talk to her.

Tony looked to where Jean was facing. He saw a line of trees that were destroyed. At the end of that, there is a pile of tree trunks stacked up to each other. Under the trunks was a pair of legs.

There appeared to be a man under that pile of trees. Based on the shoes worn, the man under the pile is Mastermind.

Tony knew a bit about the situation so he ignored the guy after JARVIS informed him that the guy was alive.

Tony approached Jean and the others.

Tony: "You can stop now"

Storm: "Tony? Good timing. Give us a hand here. Something's wrong with Jean. First, Wolverine and now this."

Tony approached Storm and held her by the shoulders

Tony: "I'm referring to you three. You can stop trying to restrain Jean now."

Storm: "What do you mean stop? If we stop, Jean would kill that guy."

Tony: "Come on Storm. Jean is a powerful telekinetic. If she really wanted to go somewhere, do you think these two would be able to stop her? She would have already knocked them out."

When they heard Tony's reminder, they couldn't help but pause. Everyone here knew what her powers were. Jean got away from them and went on Tony's side

Tony: "You good?"

Jean: "No. I still want to roast that guy."

Tony: "Maybe later. Where are the ȧssassins? "

Jean raised her hand and gestured them circularly. Then, a circle appeared right in front of her hands. The circle looked just like a sorcerer's portal. The difference was, instead of sparks, the circle was made of flames.

Two balls floated from the portal. One was filled with a cloud of gas. Another was filled with bugs.

Tony recognized the portals. He couldn't help but ask so he got close to Jean and whispered: "You could do that now? And without rings?"

Jean: "Yeah. But Jean still can't. She needs to work on visualization."

Storm heard what 'Jean' just said. She approached the two and

Storm: "What do you mean 'Jean can't'? You're not Jean are you?"

Tony: "Relax Storm. This is sort of like another personality. It's a long story. Don't worry, Jean's just fine."

Storm still couldn't help but worry. She looked at 'Jean' trying to see if she's truly okay. She then felt as if Jean changed. Not only has Jean's facial expressions changed, even Jean's "aura" seemed to have changed.

Jean: "I'm okay Storm. We just adopted this pet. She's just overprotective."

Storm: "Jean? You're the real Jean right?"

Jean: "Yeah. Sorry for making you worry."

Storm: "What happened?"

Jean: "You know that creepy guy on Magneto's group? He put me under an illusion. Or at least tried to."

Jean told Storm about what happened.

Back when Storm and Pyro were confronting Colony.

Storm was trying to capture Colony the same way she caught the white cloud. She created a tornado and tried to vacuum the bugs.

Unlike Sega who was made up of gas, Colony was made up of bugs. Colony's was a hive mind while Sega was just a cloud with consciousness. This made it necessary for Storm to collaborate with Pyro.

Colony's bugs have parts of its consciousness. That allows it to spread its bugs at a wide area without being in danger of spreading too far and dissipating.

Pyro coordinated with Storm to allow her to create a Firenado. The bugs individually weren't sentient enough to notice that the flames weren't that much of a threat. Their instincts kicked in and they flew straight to Jean's psionic ball.

Things were going smoothly until Mastermind arrived.

When Mastermind came, he saw Jean already had Colony under contained. He couldn't help but be frustrated.

Mastermind wanted to make an appearance just before things got settled. He would then cast an illusion (on anyone, not just Jean) that would make the situation worse than it actually was. Jean would be in some sort of danger. He would then arrive just in the nick of time to save Jean's life. He would appear like a knight in shining armor and save Jean.

Mastermind wanted to do this so that he could start brainwashing Jean. He knew of Jean before today. He was also aware of her psionic abilities. She would have barriers erected in her mind that would prevent him from brainwashing her.

He might not have succeeded before but this knight in shining armor stunt would have made Jean lower her defenses on him. He would have been able to get in eventually and made her his lover.

(AN: Not sure where to put it so just place it here.

Brainwashing illusion != regular illusions.

He can have anyone under 'light' illusions as long as it wouldn't mess up with something in their subconscious. At least that's how I thought the guy's powers worked. )

Since Mastermind was already too late for his plan A, he tried his plan B.

Since they were facing aliens, he thought he could exploit everyone's lack of information. He decided to set up an illusion where one of the bugs escaped the Firenado. The bug would sneak behind Jean and try to attack her to make her release its 'friends'. Mastermind would then pop out of nowhere and slice the bug with his sword.

He started placing everyone on the same illusion. He wanted the others around her to be witnesses. It was crucial that everyone else would be under the illusion before her. They could back up his claim later if Jean ever got out of his illusions.

He just started getting Jean under his illusion when the Phoenix noticed.

Phoenix was on guard ever since Tony's clone got caught. It immediate noticed Jean going under an illusion and checked the source of the illusion. It got control of Jean's body and peeked into Mastermind's mind.

After seeing his plans for Jean, the Phoenix couldn't help but be angry.

Phoenix started boosted Jean's body to Tony's level. It then used Jean's body as its own as it started beating Mastermind by hand.

Phoenix would usually burn its enemies away but it knew such action would inconvenience Jean later on.

It also wanted to try beating someone to a pulp.

It was inside Tony when he was fighting with Wolverine up. Phoenix remembered how satisfying each of Tony's hits on Logan was. Not only was it satisfying, since Tony avoided using any powers, the beatdown took way longer than when Phoenix burned someone up.

It eventually wondered if beating someone up was more satisfying than its usual actions.

Phoenix wanted to try it out but thought it wouldn't be able to do it until sometime later. Fortunately for it, a volunteer showed just before Phoenix forgot about it.

Phoenix copied Tony's combat skills and started beating Mastermind up.

The first few moves were awkward since Tony's combat style wasn't designed for a woman. Phoenix learned fast though and it was soon able to beat up Mastermind.

Phoenix enjoyed punching and kicking Mastermind. It was just getting into the good part when Phoenix felt Mastermind was about to die. Phoenix wanted to beat the man up some more so it decided to heal him.

Phoenix continued trying out all of Tony's moves but Mastermind was on the brink of death again. Phoenix remembered Wolverine had regeneration that kept him up so it decided to give Mastermind the same power.

It would take the regeneration away from Mastermind later but it wanted to beat him up for now.

With Mastermind's new power, Phoenix started beating him. It wanted Mastermind to be afraid of looking at Jean. Phoenix continued things until it felt that the fear had been engraved into Mastermind.

They tried to stop 'Jean'.

Phoenix knew it couldn't hurt these people but before it stopped, it landed one last hit.

Phoenix took away the regeneration from Mastermind. Then, she waited until Tony arrived before switching back to Jean.

Storm: "Are you sure?"

Jean: "Yeah. I also read his mind. "

Pyro: "Sorry Miss Grey. I thought that guy was cool"

Iceman: "Why does he get to call you Miss Grey while I get a deduction?"

Tony got what he was saying. Since things were almost finished, he tried to convince Jean to retract the deduction.

Jean reduced the deductions but didn't fully retract it. Her reason was that reducing the deduction was appropriate but retracting it completely would have made things pointless.

Tony: "Sorry kid. How about this."

Tony stuck his hand on the opening of his prototype lightsaber and pulled out a bottle of beer.

Tony: "Here's a drink. On me. It's not that cold yet but I think you could take care of that. "

He opened the bottle and handed it to Iceman. Iceman cooled the beer down but only looked at it.

Tony: "What? Not your drink? I also have some Trappist beer here but I suggest you drink something average first."

Tony just pulled another bottle out. He just had the beer opened when Storm and Jean knocked him on the head.

Tony: "O What was that for? You could have asked properly if you also wanted some"

Tony pulled another two bottles out when he saw the anger on their faces.

Tony: "You don't like beer? I also have wine but I suggest we drink that at the afterparty."

Tony pulled out a bottle of wine from his 'pipe'.

Storm: "What is that? Doraemon's pocket "

Jean: "That's not the point Storm. "

Storm: "Oh right. It's inappropriate to give that to him Tony."

Tony: "What? Why?"

Jean: "Because they're underage."

Tony: "Really?"

Tony looked at Iceman and Pyro who just nodded their head.

Tony: "Damn. What kind of food have you been serving in the mansion? Last time I checked, these people look 18."

Jean: "They are 18."

Tony: "Then what's the problem? Here"

Tony gave another bottle to Iceman to cool down before handing over to Pyro. The two were just about to drink when the bottles they were holding floated away.

Storm: "Where do you think we are? Drinking age in the US is 21."

Tony: "Oh right. You know what? Let's just go to the UK. I think you're legal there."

Tony got hold of the two and was just about to fly away when he was interrupted.

Jean: "Where are you going? The fight's not yet over."

Tony: "Damnit. Let's finish this already."

Tony held the two guys and flew towards Hypernova.

Jean and Storm shrugged. They also flew and followed Tony.


She and Havok were still having a shootout.

Hypernova continued trying to contact her teammates. She was getting worried since it was already a long time since she made contact with anyone.

She couldn't help but worry since she also stopped hearing sounds of fighting. She didn't want to think about it but it felt as if all her teammates already lost.

She prepared to fire a huge shot. She would the blast as a cover to run away and try to regroup with her teammates.

She started concentrating her energies when she saw an unnatural shadow. It was a small dot that was getting bigger.

She looked up the sky and saw her teammates' bodies falling towards her.

The bodies started to land one by one. Hypernova tried to approach them but she heard the sound of a weapon.

She knew they were defeated. She wanted to deal one last attack but before she could do anything, a collar was stuck on her neck and suddenly her powers were lost.

Hypernova: "My powers!!? When did Earthers have this tech?... So it was a trap huh?"

Hypernova looked behind her. She saw a lot of Earthers lined up next to each other.

Hypernova: "Can I ask you a question?"


A shock originating from the collar hit her and she went unconscious.

While the Death Commandos were getting round up, Steve slipped out of the group to talk to Tony.

Steve: "Is that it?"

Tony: "Yup. Do you want more?"

Steve: "Not really. It's just that…"

T: "Too easy?"

Steve: "Yeah. Who are these guys?"

Tony: "Mutants. By the way, You recognize the guy with the claws?"

Steve: "Mutants… That doesn't sound nice.

I think I remember a guy I worked with back during the war. The guy looks just like him.

Good guy. Very violent.

I think his name is James Howlett. Is he a kid of James?"

Tony: "Nope. At least I don't think so. How should I say this? He's probably the same guy."

Steve: "Same? But the only people who look young are… But how? Howard just finished recreating it. Are you telling me someone duplicated the serum that fast?"

Tony: "No. Dad didn't lie. He just finished it after I was born. I think Erskine might have based the serum on him."

Steve: "Wait. If Erskine got the serum from him, then that means he is"

Tony: "Older than you? Yeah. With his body regenerating that fast, he's probably hundreds of years old by now."

Steve: "Hundreds? But if that's true, then these mutants should have already existed then. There would have been millions by now. Why didn't anyone notice them last time?"

Tony: "Have you forgotten what happened to Wanda? Or are you pro-registration now?"

Steve: "No. I'm just thinking. If we had them by our sides back then, maybe you didn't need to do that snap."

Tony: "Hey!!! That's my moment. You already had yours. That one is mine."

Steve: "I know. Also, I don't think it's healthy to be intimate with the moment of your death."

Tony: "Not intimate. But I think you get it."

Tony replied in his mind [Of course that snap was important. I cried every time I watched that scene.]

Steve: "Anyway… How were they able to hide from everyone? They're not exactly a secret country like Wakanda. "

Tony: "I'm not sure. Even I'm feeling the pressure trying to hide them. I was able to hide them in my company but I don't think I'll be able to hide them if they multiply at the rate they're going."

Steve: "You what? Stark Industries is a weapons company. Is the army trying to weaponize them?"

Tony: "What? No. They're in another company I own. Besides, Stark Industries has too many spies that I wouldn't be able to hide them if I tried."

Steve: "HYDRA?"

Tony: "Is just one of them. The government was able to block most of them but they can only do so much."


The two talked a little more and then they started approaching the rest of the group. Everyone who fought was currently sitting on tree trunks and rocks forming a circle. In the center of the circle are the prisoners.

Tony had JARVIS send some drones to drop crates filled with snacks and drinks here.

As everyone was taking a break, Fury Xavier and Mystique arrived. Magneto, Tony, and Steve saw them and stood up. They got together, walked a bit away from the group, and then started the meeting.


They looked at each other waiting for someone to start talking. Magneto didn't have that much patience to wait anymore so he talked first.

Magneto: "So. What are we going to do with these aliens?"

Tony: "I need them alive for a day. Then, I don't care as much."

Fury: "SHIELD has this facility where we could lock them up."

Magneto, Steve, Tony, Xavier, Mystique: "NO"

Fury: "All right all right. It was just a suggestion. No need to get worked up. Why is everyone against SHIELD anyway?"

Mystique: "Spies. Your group's security is too easy."

Steve and Tony nodded.

Fury: "Come on. It's not that bad. Is it?"

Mystique: "I was able to infiltrate it faster than I did some banks. Tony's company is way harder to get into. I would rather his company be in charge of these aliens than SHIELD."

Fury: "Come on. Really?"

Steve looked at Tony with an expression of disbelief. His image of Fury is some manipulative spy. He heard things on Fury from his wife. Still, he never thought Fury could be this naïve.

Tony understood his feeling. Tony whispered something to Steve.

Steve: "You sure about this?"

Tony: "Yeah. I'm not sure how this happened but it would be a disaster if this goes on. His "

Steve thought about it a couple more times. He then called out to Fury and asked him a question.

Steve: "Do you have a grandfather that worked operating in elevators?"

Fury: "How did you know?"

Steve looked at Tony again who now had a helpless face.

Steve: "Just study his life.

Let's get back to business."

Tony: "Speaking about the aliens. I honestly don't care what happens to them. I actually prefer them dead than have them in prison"

Xavier: "Am I the only one who wants them locked up? Captain?"

Steve: "Sorry. I would have sided with you if I was younger. But I'm with Tony on this one. Some people just shouldn't be left alive. And based on my experience, these guys are some of them."

Xavier: "But we should give them a second chance."

Magneto: "Stop dreaming Charles. They already had their second chance. They could have left after they attacked my family."

Tony: "Look, professor. It's not like you would be killing them. I'm sure someone is more than happy to make sure each one of them dies."

Xavier: "Letting someone get hurt is the same as hurting them. It's the same with death. I believe that was taught in my school, Mr. Stark."

This time, Steve just couldn't help but correct him. He remembered how Tony almost lost his parents in this timeline. He knew Tony was prepared to give up on them for the sake of the future. There were just events where someone has to be sacrificed.

Steve can't tell much about this but he knew that if he let Xavier go, there is a chance that Tony might see that he almost murdered his parents.

Steve: "Then you're wrong.

I'm guessing you haven't experienced a situation where you had no choice but to let someone die.

I'm not in control but I suggest you remove that from your curriculum.

That isn't heroism. That's just conscription (forced enlistment).

By teaching that to kids with powers, you are forcing the students to save people. You aren't creating heroes. You're just training soldiers. "

Magneto was surprised by what he heard. He couldn't help but be proud seeing as Captain America shares his perspective.: "See Charles. It looks like I am not the only one who noticed."

Xavier: "I'm not creating soldiers Captain. I'm running a school."

Steve: "And I believe that is what you think you are doing. But you haven't lived for as long as I have. Trust me. That part, that's something you shouldn't be teaching."

Magneto: "You can relax Charles. I'll make sure their death is painless. You should just run your school and leave the ȧduŀt stuff to us."

Xavier wasn't able to respond. He was still thinking about what Steve just said. His students were called soldiers more than once. He ignore them out due to those claims coming from his enemies. He just didn't expect it to come for Captain America.

He started thinking back. He wanted to see why everyone kept referring to his students as soldier.

Everyone saw the shock in Xavier's face. He then started thinking seriously so they decided to leave him alone.

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