Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 106 - Personal Guards

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However, Saito's next words shocked them all once again, "You are going to be my personal guard. Obviously, some of your missions will be different from your teammates but you will do rest of the things together with them. For some missions, they would have to make do with just 3 of them."

It didn't just shock others. His words shocked Elena as well. She didn't want to hurt him so she spoke out, "Your Majesty, I am afraid that I am not suitable for such a prestigious position. This power is not in my control… I could hurt you."

As he heard her words. Saito started to chuckle. It wasn't a chuckle which would relieve others. No… it was a really cold chuckle as he said, "Do not overestimate yourself. Even if you tried your best… You can't even scratch me. It is just a bloodline. With my training, you will be able to control it and become a great asset."

Elena though still seemed very hesitant and Saito's eyes grew cold as he spoke in a powerful voice, "I am not asking you or requesting you. This is an order Elena."

"Yes, your majesty." Elena said as she was greatly excited. She had the chance to be by his majesty's side and protect him.

She sincerely wanted to remain by his side and protect him from all threats. This was the only way she could repay all that his majesty had done for her.

He turned around and looked at the other Eternal Soldiers, "You all listen as well. She has shown me great potential through her bloodline which is why she is chosen as my personal guard. However, remember that your Bloodline is not the only thing which determines your talent and potential. 4 more people who would be able to become my Personal Guards. The ones who manage to show me that they have great potential and talent, I will make them my personal guard as well."

His words made them all really excited. They felt as if they had the chance to become his personal guards.

After that, they were all ordered to go to sleep since tomorrow was going to be a long day for them.

As they returned back to their residences in the old Trost Village. They slept in the same places as last night.

After they all started to sleep, Saito stared in the west direction with a grim face. He knew that tomorrow would be the day. The day when he would have to clash against the soldiers sent by Crown Prince.


The next day, Saito woke them all up very early. Even the sun hadn't risen yet. However, Saito didn't care about that at all. He woke them all up and made them all run 10 rounds of the Execution Ground.

A fierce exercise followed after that. Even though he wasn't going to make the girls focus on physical exercise too much. They had to have an optimum level of physical conditioning.

After the exercise, he let them rest for an hour as he started to talk with Emma through their mental link 'Are you sure Emma? You haven't encountered any human in the forest right now?'

He received a reply from Emma 'Yes master. There hasn't been any human within this forest. I have also spoken to multiple beasts within the forest and told them to roar as soon as they encounter any humans because the Humans are coming to capture them.'

Saito was satisfied with her response because this was what he had asked her to do 'Alright, stay on high alert. There is no telling when they decide to enter the forest.'

'Master, I have also found the cave of the Three-Eyed Lion who fought against Joergen before.' As Saito heard this, he was incomparably excited.

He didn't think that she would find him so soon. He wanted to find out about the location of this beast as he wanted to tame the Lion. Though due to the Lion's pride, he knew that he shouldn't be too hopeful but there was still a chance that the Lion might submit to him.

Even if he didn't. He could kill it and let Emma swallow its beast core, making her evolve. However, now was not the time to concentrate on the Lion.

He continued to wait for the forces of the Crown Prince. He had already asked Iris to increase its search range to 20 miles in radius. Anyone who entered the area would be discovered. No matter who it was.

That was why, he could concentrate on their training without any issues. The men and women were split into separate groups and were training far away from each other.

The men were ordered to focus on their physical training excessively. The magic energy within their bodies which had not been absorbed by them was also helping as it gave their muscles even more power.

Meanwhile, Saito worked on the women and didn't make them do any excessive physical training. He had created 100 wooden dummies with his Nature Magic.

He used one and handed them a wooden knife each. He then asked them to hit the wooden dummy they have been given. The place where they were asked to hit was extremely deadly to a human.

It was the neck. They were asked to slash the neck with their wooden knives until it had been chopped up. After that came, slashing their wrists and then legs.

The neck was naturally tough and it would be impossible for them to slash it just after slashing it one time. They would have to continuously slash at a single point to slowly deepen the crack.

This would make them precise since slashing at a single point continuously was a lot harder than it sounded. He also wanted to make them get used to hitting that part of a human.

Even though they would have a sharp dagger or sharp sword if they were asked to kill a human. A human wouldn't also have a thick neck but it was better to be remain cautious about it. Since, a human could coat his weak points using an earth element magic.

At that point, these females would be required to hit a single point continuously to break through that defence.

This was also going to increase their arm strength but obviously not as much as men. It would also allow them to look delicate and retain their beauty completely and not seem like a muscled woman.

They continued to follow through his orders until it was the middle of the day. They hadn't even eaten breakfast so they were quite hungry. Saito had quite a lot of beasts within his inventory and he wasn't stingy.

He let them eat until they were full before they were asked to go to their training once again. Saito wasn't training at all right now. He was sitting under a tree that he had made using his Nature's Magic. He had a serene expression as he was meditating.

As he was meditating, he continued to absorb the world's energy and increase his magic power. There was no way he wanted to remain weak since he had fought that True Hero Renya.

In a battle of magic power, he was the weaker one. He had realized this and accepted that fact. This was why he was meditating while absorbing the power from the world.

The time passed and it was almost night time. Saito opened his eyes as his emerald green eyes stared at the training ground in front of him.

Saito was confused right now as he had a talk with Emma and realized that she had still not found any humans within the Western Side of the Zleka City. It was truly weird…

He couldn't anticipate just what was the Crown Prince thinking. Wasn't he furious at the death of his subordinates? Didn't he want to avenge the death of his brother Rai? Had he given up? Had Saito overestimated the Crown Prince?

The last thought was instantly thrown away from his mind since he knew that there was no way he had overestimated the Crown Prince.. It was possible that he was still underestimating him.

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