Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 107 - Training The Knights

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He talked to Iris and realized that there were still no humans approaching them from the side of the Zleka city.

It made him curious. Was he attacking from the other side of the Trost Village? But how could he go around them when he wasn't even sure of their position?

It was incredibly weird…

However, he decided to not worry about it too much now. Saito and Joergen were only 20 miles apart… If someone really powerful did appear then Saito would ask Joergen to return and deal with the threat together.

There was no point in worrying about the unknown.

So, with that, Saito placed all his importance into training his soldiers. They were more important than worrying about unknown.


2 weeks passed in a blink of an eye. Saito stayed together with his Eternal Soldiers and rarely left them while they were training. He even trained together with them sometimes. After 2 weeks of training, there was a smile on Saito's face.

The weaklings from 2 weeks before were gone and in front of him stood men and women who gave off an aura to successfully scare a noble.

Saito hadn't rested in these 2 weeks at all. He had talked with each one of them in the span of 2 weeks. He knew what each one of them was like. It was something that he felt that he should know. He knew that with fear and admiration, he wouldn't be able to gain the complete loyalty of a soldier.

So, he was also using affection to add onto their reasons to be loyal to him. He had even started to provide them with the information about the world. As his soldiers, he couldn't let them remain oblivious to the world. It would be harmful for their mind's growth.

His soldiers were very delighted to have their king whom they admired so much to spent so much time in training them and even teaching them. Hearing his words, they felt as though they were living under a rock since they didn't know much about the world.

Even the adults of around 25 years old were no different. It seemed as though even before the bandits came, the people rarely left the village.

The Eternal Knights were also very happy when Saito would spend some time to talk to each one of them. It was like he wanted to get to know more about them. To understand them. To help them.

All of them were on the scene when he had helped out Elena. He hadn't stepped back a single step even though it was such a noble aura and great power which was being released from her body.

They were proud. Immensely proud to know that they served him. From the training, they could understand that they would probably be asked to do many immoral deeds but the belief of following their King had sown deep in their minds.

The words that Saito had spoken to them before rang in their minds "Are you ready to go against the whole world behind me!?" Now, they wanted to make him change that statement. They wanted to be on the front and take on his enemies, becoming his shield and swords.

They wanted to be the first ones to destroy the enemies of their king and being a shield for his wounds.

The Eternal Knights had not only undying loyalty towards Saito. Their trust with each other had also reached a high level. They were incredibly friendly towards each other. They were on good relations with the women as well.

Elena wasn't the most talented person if her bloodline was to be excluded. It was a woman named Allyssia Clark was the one who was most talented. Her incredibly memory and great thinking along with her great precision… She was the most gifted in terms of the work output.

Saito was sure that she would achieve great accomplishments. She was a 22-year-old woman with a great mature body. He heard that she had been violated by the bandits many times in the past…

She was not a virgin but if someone had her as a wife. They would definitely thank the heavens for giving them a chance to live.

Today, he was thinking about giving all of them weapons and starting their weapon and magic training. He had no idea why the Crown Prince wasn't making an appearance before him with a large army but he didn't care. It helped him develop his forces without a problem.

Right now, he was waiting for the person and the weapons to arrive. Sure enough, a wagon appeared followed by another wagon which was making the sound of the metals clashing against each other as it moved.

There were a lot of weapons within them. Swords, spears, sabres, needles, daggers, Axes and Great swords.

Of course, these were all normal weapons. There was no hint of magic within them. Since his forces couldn't use magic, there was no need to provide them with magic weapons.

As the wagons reached their destination. They entered the village and after some time, they stopped because they felt the village was too quiet.

There was no one in the village. The residences seemed like there hasn't been anyone in days. The wagon driver couldn't help but wonder why they had arrived there.

Just when he was about to ask the mistress with a noble identity sitting inside. He swallowed the words in his mouth as he saw Saito descending like a god.

Even though he lived in the Zleka City. To see people who could fly wasn't normal. It was rare that they would be able to witness such an individual.

Saito had a great smile on his face as he gently spoke, "Come out Sophie…"

It was one of his mistresses, Sophie who had come here with a great number of weapons. Saito had told her to appear two weeks after he left the Zleka City.

This way nobody would suspect her and she would arrive when she was most needed. As she got out from the Wagon, there was a sulking expression on her face.

She approached him and started to hit him many times on his chest, "You villain! You never visited me in these two weeks."

Saito let out a laugh as his hands went around her waist, "Looks like my dear Sophie missed me a lot. Alright, what will I need to do to make it up to you."

The anger on her face instantly disappeared as she spoke in a flirtatious look, "You will have to work harder at night." She instantly blushed as she finished speaking.

Saito's chuckled at her words and nodded. Since he was still in front of the wagon driver, he wasn't excessive in showing his passion.

He asked the Wagon Driver to leave all the weapons. These are the weapons which Sophie had bought for Saito. After placing the weapons in front of the two of them, the Wagon Driver left.

She naturally knew what Saito was planning and wanted to help him in any way she could.

Saito stared at her and said in an earnest voice, "Thanks Sophie. These will greatly help my ambition."

There was a gentle smile on her face as she said, "If I don't help my husband then whom will I even help?"

His hands reached her buttocks as he grabbed them in his hands and fondled them. Sophie had been waiting for 2 weeks for him to do it, she could hardly resist the urge to let out a moan, "Mmmmhhmmmmmm… Ahhhhhh…."

After some more fun, Saito stopped since he didn't want to do with her on the rough ground. He kissed her on her lips and after some time, released her mouth and looked at her.

Suddenly, the long robe that covered Sophie's body was removed. Saito's eyes went wide in surprise as he stared at the clothes that she wore underneath that large robe.

They were extremely short clothes that showed off a lot of skin. Especially her long legs. The shorts reached around 30 centimetres above her knees.. The thin top she was wearing showed off a lot of her cleavage which instantly made Saito's blood boil with desire.

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