Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 114 - Convincing Rita

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He pulls her into his embrace as they sit on the bed as he asks softly, "Tell me everything. Who told you about this? Is the information accurate at all?"

Rita seemed to have lost her resistance as she felt his lips touching her cheeks. She bit her lips and soon enough started speaking, "It was Father who called out for me today. He told me that my younger Brother Rai has been missing for around 2 months now. He has contacted the territory where he was supposed to go and received the message that Prince Rai never arrived there."

"However, that isn't all… After just a week ago, Brother Rai's women were who were staying in the palace were all mysteriously killed. Even though we never had much interactions, it makes me sad to hear that even his women have been killed."

Her words made Saito's eyes widen in shock. He never made a move against that guy's women. Just who and why did they kill those women. Yet, Rita didn't seem like she was finished yet.

"Two days ago, Father received a letter from a mysterious person. He claims that he has captured my younger sister Hanna and wants to ask for treasures to exchange for her life."

"Yesterday, before my father could send out the reply, another brother was captured by this mysterious person as he sent another letter to exchange treasures for both of their life. He is the second oldest brother I have. Just like Brother Rai, his family was also murdered. These people didn't even spare his 2-year-old daughter."

Saito looked into her eyes and saw a rare trace of anger within them. She had rarely displayed any negative emotion such as anger in front of him. He knew that she was really enraged right now.

The more he heard her words, the more he felt as if he was being dragged into a pit which was being dug by some unknown person. It was a strange feeling since he didn't know anything about this other party.

He continued to caress her back and tried to calm her down, "It's okay… It's okay. Calm down. I am here now… I won't let this continue."

Rita though shook her head and replied to him, "No… I want Axel to go away. Father called out for me today and told me to stay alert since I could be his next target. If you remain with me, it will be very dangerous for you."

As Saito that she could be his next target, he nearly couldn't hold back his killing intent. He took a deep breath in as he gently said to her, "My sweet wife is so nice. I am really happy to see that you care about me but don't worry. If we two are together, we can beat him up and then find out about the location of your siblings."

Rita though tried to refute him by saying, "But… but I don't want Axel to put himself in harm's way."

Saito pinches her cheeks and said, "And what? Are you expecting me to leave you alone when you are in such a dangerous position? Is that how you think I am?"

He said in a rather hurt voice which made Rita feel really sweet in her heart. She quickly shook her head and attempted to explain, "No, that's not what I meant!"

Saito gave her a smile and said, "Then we don't have anything to worry about. I will stay here together with you until we deal with this bastard."

Even though his words comforted her a great deal, Rita still didn't want him in harm's way because of herself. But the words he had spoken, she knew that he wouldn't leave her.

Saito though started to think of this mysterious person or organization which seemed to be targeting the Royal Family 'I can understand them killing her second eldest brother's wives and concubines along with his daughter but why did this organization kill the wives of that Prince Rai? Did they both know each other? Did he offend them? But why are they dealing with his family now?'

These questions continued to roam within his mind and he could find no answer related to those questions. There were just some theories that he thought of. He didn't know if they were true or not but those were the only logical reasons for which the organization could have targeted the wives of Prince Rai.

He looked at Rita who seemed to be at peace as she placed her head on his chest. He gently plays with her light blue hair and asks her, "Rita, would it be alright if I check out the place where they were killed? I think we might find some clues there."

Rita looked down on the ground before she slowly nodded. She holds his hand and takes him out of her room. They moved in the palace and Rita takes him to the location where Prince Rai's wives were found dead.

He was also curious about how could this person get inside the palace without being detected? Was he about as powerful and as scheming as he himself was? He had no idea about this. He could only speculate right now.

As he reached the room where Prince Rai's wives were murdered. He entered the room and used his magic to envelop the whole room in it. Rita sensed him using his magic but didn't say anything.

Saito could see the presence of the blood on the floor which had been wiped off recently. However, this was natural. He continued to look around to find any clues. He noticed some peculiar things however he didn't touch them at all.

They were peculiar but there were no clues here. He closed his eyes and his magic returned back to him.

Rita asked him in a curious tone, "Did you find out anything?" Saito could only shake his head helplessly. He didn't even know what he was looking for so it was rather hard to search.

He then says to her, "Take me to the place where your second brother's wives and daughter were killed. I refuse to give up now." There was a resolute expression on his face which made Rita a bit better.

She nodded her head and she walked towards the room. Saito followed her while continuing to think of various possibilities what could have happened.

He had various theories of what could have happened but none convinced him completely so he could only remove them from his mind. As he reached the place where Rita's Second Brother's wives and daughter were killed. He instantly spread his magic sense within the room.

This room was somewhat different from the previous one. He could still smell the blood's scent within this room. It was rather strong as compared to the one in the previous room.

He looked down and noticed that even though the bodies had been picked up, the blood has been wiped away. He could still sense the vague position of how they were before they died.

Saito moved and started to look around the things present on the table. Everything here was different from the previous room he had been in.

He was about to turn around when he suddenly noticed a peculiar thing and narrowed his eyes. This caught his interest because he had seen this thing in the previous room as well.

From a single look, it was quite ordinary. There was no presence of the lingering magic on it but Saito didn't understand why he felt uneasy as he stared at it.

It was just a rectangular piece of paper. It was rather small in size, about 10 x 10 cm. The paper was completely blank.

He remembered that the piece of paper he had seen was the same size and also cut in the exact same shape.. Though it didn't say anything, he couldn't help but pick up this piece of paper.

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