Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 115 - Teleportation Symbol

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As he touched the texture, he was surprised because it was different from a normal piece of paper. A normal piece of paper, no matter how smooth would still have a trace of roughness on it.

However, this piece of paper was so smooth that Saito felt it slipping through his fingers. He applied some magic within this piece of paper however, nothing happened at all.

Even though nothing happened, he couldn't place the feeling at rest that something was wrong with this piece of paper. He closed his eyes and asked Iris 'Iris, scan this piece of paper and show me the results.'

[Master, this piece of paper was recently used as a carrier for great amount of magic.]

It confused Saito as he heard Iris 'Carrier for great amount of magic? Then why can't I sense any magic coming from this piece of paper?'

[Master, from what the system can analyse. There was a Teleportation Symbol inscribed upon this piece of paper around a day ago. It requires two different Teleportation Symbols to be place in different location. When placed enough magic in one circle, you will be able to cross Space-Time and appear through the second circle.]

At those words, Saito's eyes widened in realization. He understood now… He understood how they entered the palace and how they left.

It was through teleportation!

However, there was still one mystery he couldn't solve and thought 'Then how did this Teleportation Symbol disappear from this side? They should need to use the Teleportation Symbol from this side to return back… So, how can it disappear?'

[No idea.]

Saito wasn't disappointed with this response from Iris. He already had sufficient information right now and continued to think. Rita was surprised to see Saito holding a piece of paper while making such a serious face.

It was like he was in deep thought and she didn't want to disturb him.

As Saito thought more, he wondered 'Wait a second… Before that, how did these two families even get this piece of paper?'

'Only someone within the palace will be able to do this. So, it is safe to assume that someone within the palace is distributing this to the princes and princesses.'

He remembered that the murder of Prince Rai's wives occurred around a week ago and widened as a possibility emerged within his mind 'It can't be!'

He looks at Rita and asks her in a hurry, "Rita! Did you receive a piece of paper like this one with a pattern on top of it?"

Rita was startled as he suddenly got out of his serious thinking pose and asked her in such a rushed voice. She slowly nodded her head and placed her hand in her pocket where she kept the piece of paper.

She pulled it out of her pockets and showed it to him. As soon as Saito's eyes laid on the piece of paper. He shouted at her, "Throw it away… There's a Teleportation Symbol inlaid on it."

In a hurry, Rita threw away the piece of paper. Soon enough, it landed on the ground and Saito breathed a sigh of relief as the Teleportation Symbol hadn't activated.

He then thought 'Yes… that's natural. They do not know that their trick has been seen through. They were most likely going to use this trick to suddenly appear behind her and place a weapon on her throat while taking her along with them through the Teleportation Symbol.'

He then stared at Rita who was looking at the Piece of Paper with a bewildered expression. He asks her seriously, "Who gave you that piece of paper? Do you remember that person's face or name?"

Rita was surprised by his serious question and tried hard to think about it. She started to speak, "As far as I am sure, I received this piece of paper around 2 days ago. It was through a servant's hand. He said that someone told him to give it to me. The servant was told that it is a charm that increases the life of their loved ones if it is kept close to their body… So… I…"

Saito didn't need to hear anymore to understand the rest of the story. Rita was fidgeting rather nervously as she stared at Saito.

Saito let out a sigh and pulls her close to him. His hot breath touching her skin as he said, "There is no need to believe in charms like these. Your husband will live a long life."

Rita wanted to deny and say something but she felt rather weak and just nodded. Saito then stared at the piece of paper, "Now, let's bring it to your room and think of dealing with it."

"Mhm!" She nodded her head and stared at Saito's face. At this moment, Saito was intently staring at the Piece of Paper so he didn't realize Rita's gaze on his face.

The cold expression and that icy cold glare through which he was staring at the Piece of Paper caused Rita to be surprised but she kept quiet.

At this moment, Saito's whole focus was on this piece of paper. He was angry, enraged and a trace of ruthlessness appeared on his face.

The last time it appeared. 200 bandits suffered under him as they begged to die but couldn't even express that desire.

Saito pointed his wrist at the Piece of Paper and the dark web stuck with it. He pulled the dark web string and held the Piece of Paper in his hand.

"Let's go." He said while holding Rita's hand. He held in the ruthless thoughts that were appearing in his mind while giving her a beautiful smile.

When they returned back to the room, Rita asks him in a serious voice, "What is this Teleportation Symbol? What did you mean back then?"

Saito knew that he would have to explain it to her sooner or later so he decided that it was better to explain it now, "I believe this is an object through which they travel through space-time and teleport. I noticed the same kind of paper placed on the table within both your sister-in-law's room. They were also cut in the exact same shape and were placed on the table. Someone erased the magic but didn't take the piece of paper along with them. I don't know the reason to that but I don't really care."

"I believe that they probably used similar trick to hand over this piece of paper to your sisters-in-law's, your second eldest brother and your younger sister. He probably appeared behind them suddenly, taking them by surprise while returning with them through applying the magic in this paper and teleporting back."

As she heard about how her siblings had been kidnapped and how her Second Brother's wives and daughter were killed. She wanted to go and beat them all up while saving her siblings.

She then remembered Saito's last words and says to him, "Can't we go to their hideout with this Teleportation Symbol?"

Saito nodded his head because it was indeed true, "Yes, we can. But…" But he was cut off by an excited Rita, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go, my brother and sister might be being tortured at this very moment."

Saito shook his head and placed his hands on her shoulders to pacify her, "No, we cannot do that. We have no idea about their numbers, their strength or where we will be teleported. If we are suddenly teleported between all of them, then even with our strength we won't be able to get out of that place. It will be too dangerous and we would simply be giving up our lives."

Rita though spoke out in a rushed tone, "Then what do we do? I don't want to wait any longer and hear the news about another sibling of mine being kidnapped…"

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