Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 117 - Miscalculation

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Her words did make Saito shut up and he started to laugh nervously, "Let's not talk about the past." Sophie was speechless as she saw him behaving so shamelessly.

After this, Saito looked at her seriously, "The situation has changed now. I am here for 3 more days."

Sophie didn't ask him what this situation change was. She stood up and hugged his arm, "Anyway I can help?"

Saito thought for some time before he replied, "No. It would be too dangerous to involve you or anyone else. I will be going to the forest to make some preparations. I just wanted to come here and check up on you."

She nodded her head and said, "Alright, I will also head out and check up on their training."

Saito didn't say anything and left the residence. He was flying very fast and finally reached a place with a sufficient distance from the New Trost Village and Execution Ground.

He could sense that there was nothing within the 20 miles of radius. It was all forest along with many beasts.

There was a trace of ruthlessness on his face when he pulled out that Teleportation Symbol and threw it on the ground. He spoke with an eager expression, "Come… Come quickly…"

He waited in the forest while constructing a prison out of his wood magic. He also used his magic and used some more of his skills before hiding them in the surrounding. They were ready to be used at his command.

The magic they consumed to be maintained wasn't that much for him. He waited in that place while staring at that Teleportation Symbol with a patient expression.

He waited for around 5 hours but didn't give up any hope. From what he guessed; the next target was sure to be Rita. She was not only the strongest princess in the kingdom but also the one whom the King loved the most.

Whatever treasure it was, the king would surely hand it over if three of his beloved children's life was in danger. His eyes twinkled with some excitement when he noticed that Teleportation Symbol sparkling with the white light.

He thought with an exciting look 'Great… I was getting tired of waiting here. You will be a good warm-up before I move in to deal with the rest of your people.'

A man soon appeared within the wooden cage that Saito had built. As soon as he appeared, a web string shot out of Saito's wrist and pulled the Piece of Paper on which the Teleportation Symbol was inscribed.

The person who appeared was looking like a 22-year-old man. He had greenish-blue hair with black colored eyes. There was a confused look on his face as he stared at his surroundings.

Saito soon descended from the tree and levitated in front of him. He had a cold smile on his face, "You finally appear… I was just getting bored of waiting here for all this time."

There was a frown on his face as he stared at Saito. He asked him, "Who are you? And, where am I?" He looked rather shocked to see that he was in a cage.

Saito stared at him with a cold gaze, "Can't you guess it by now? Well, I guess I will amuse you for now. I know that you were targeting Princess Rita and I have been waiting for you to appear here. It's a pretty neat trick to teleport using two Teleporting Symbols."

The man looked shocked as he stared at Saito, "I can't believe a kid like you know about this. You must not be allowed to live."

Saito though coldly hmphed and says, "You should worry more about yourself." A large number of web strings shot towards the man and held him tightly.

"Now as I was speaking… I understand the reason why you would want to kidnap the second eldest prince and the third princess, but I was quite confused why you people targeted the family of Prince Rai who has long been dead for the last 2 months ago."

"Why would you want to target some widows? Then I understood, you probably wanted to practice this method of teleportation. You weren't sure if it would work perfectly if the king would sense your presence or not. Isn't that right?" Saito explained with a cheerful tone that was barely containing his killing intent.

The man stared at Saito's face as he struggled within the dark web, "You… You are Axel. The man close to Princess Rita. You were also on our list but we didn't know about your location so it was impossible to hand you a teleportation symbol."

Saito snorted at his words and started speaking, "You are completely trapped right now. You should speak up if you want to live."

At this moment, the man who was trapped within Saito's wooden cage and the dark web started to chuckle, "You are smart Axel… However, you miscalculated three things. The first is that you have managed to trap me, Raul Chaser here…" His eyes suddenly turned red as he muttered, "Black Dragon's Strength…"

His muscles suddenly tripled as he tore apart the Web Strings binding him. Saito didn't show any reaction to his strength which managed to tear apart his strong Web Strings.

"The second is that I alone have appeared within this night. Since you were so kind as to explain so much, I will tell you some cheesy information. Tonight, our plan was to take all the children of the King hostage. Though regrettably, we were not able to act against the Crown Prince, the king should give in after all his children other than the Crown Prince are taken, hostage. Wouldn't you agree?" There was a smirk on his face as he punched the wooden cage and broke it apart.

Saito continued to analyze him and thought 'His physical strength is unreal. I can't hold my own against him in pure physical strength. His magic power though hasn't increased or decreased at all, which means magic isn't being used to enhance his physical body.'

He was internally rather shocked that this guy had such strong physical strength; however, it didn't really change the expression on his face. If this guy wasn't strong, there was no way he would have been sent to kidnap Rita.

Just thinking that this guy's target was Rita made his blood boil with anger. The man wasn't sure if he saw it right, but Saito's Emerald Green eyes had a trace of purple color within them.

However, he wasn't worried at all and continued speaking, "And the third thing, if it takes more than 10 minutes for me to return then another person, much stronger than me will appear through the teleportation symbol. It would be easy to destroy you after that."

His words didn't seem to be a lie as he was somewhat confident. He thought that this would break the calmness on Saito's face, but it didn't affect him at all.

Saito spoke in a composed manner, "Bold of you to assume that I miscalculated…" After saying that, he pulled out his Nightfall Sword and disappeared in a black flash.

The lightning crackled strongly as he passed through Raul. He managed to scratch his wrist. Raul looked down and noticed the scratch, "Just this? It barely stings."

However, Saito didn't reply at all. There was a cold look on his face as he pulled his arm. Raul's eyes widened when he noticed a thin Dark Web string stuck within the flash which had been scratched.

He felt the pull from Saito and the dark web managed to pull his skin strongly which made him grit his teeth to hold back his scream in pain.

He understood what Saito was doing.. If he pulls it even more strongly than Saito then there was going to be a greater pain since it was attached to his skin.

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