Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 118 - Can You Heal This?

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The string was also rather strong so unless he used a sufficient amount of power, he won't be able to break it. As Saito strongly pulled the web string, he sent a strong lightning current through it which managed to paralyze Raul.

As soon as he was paralyzed, Saito appeared within an arm's length and muttered, "Dance of the Fire God: Condensed Flames."

Saito's entire black-colored sword started to shine a little as it burned with a high temperature. He thrust his sword within Raul's body and destroyed his heart.

It caused Raul to widen his eyes completely and cough out blood, "Ahh… You are strong." He said that as he fell down on the ground. Saito pulled out his sword and slashed it as the blood splashed on the ground.

His strong physical form didn't dissipate which caused Saito to remain on guard. Saito then placed one of his feet on top of his chest as he started speaking in a cold tone, "You said that I miscalculated? I beg to differ since this has been within my expectations. You being strong enough to get out of my trap, your people suddenly appearing to kidnap all the children of the king, and the chance of you getting an accomplice. All of this was within my expectations!"

Just as Raul clenched his fist and seemed like he was about to take action, Saito brought down his sword and his sword passes through his chest again, "Now-now, you only have 3 hearts. Don't be in a rush to die."

Raul coughed out blood once again as Saito pulled out his sword which was drenched in his blood. Raul weakly asks him, "How…did… you… know… about… the… number… of… my… hearts?"

Saito casually replied to him, "I could sense three different types of pumping the blood from your body. Anyways, I wonder when your friend will be coming. You were rather boring though. I didn't even need to use any of the things I prepared."

Saito let out a sigh as if he was very disappointed. This guy seemed to have nothing but strong physical strength. The rest was just weak and an idiot guy.

Raul weakly responded to him, "Your weapon… your weapon is strong… It can even pierce my skin!"

Saito was about to reply when his eyes slightly widened as he noticed the scratch on his wrist had already closed. When he concentrated strongly, he could see that the two holes within his chest were rapidly closing.

It worried him slightly since he could still not sense his magic dropping at all. Saito looked at the smiling face of Raul and asked him, "Are you waiting for your injuries to heal?"

The smile on Raul's face told him that this was indeed the case. Saito maintained his composure and further asked him, "I have a question for you, can you heal this?"

He suddenly slashed his sword and cuts off Raul's hand. The hand was split from his body before Saito kicked it away. Raul let out a loud scream which echoed in the forest, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......…."

Saito observed it carefully and noticed that there were no signs of regenerating an arm other than closing the wound. He then did the same with his other arm and kicked it away as well, "Looks like you can't regenerate an entire arm."

"And what happens if I do this?" He then raised his sword high in the air before smashing it in one of the destroyed hearts of Raul.

The sword went deep in the ground as it pierced his heart which was still regenerating. As soon as the regenerating heart touched the sharp edges of Nightfall Sword, it would be instantly before it would start bleeding again.

Every minute movement by Raul would cause his chest to move slightly which would destroy the skin that came in contact with the Nightfall Sword.

Right now, the Sword was cutting his tough skin as if it was soft butter. Saito showed a surprised face as he stared at his hands, "Wow… your body's regeneration is so quick. Even though it can't regenerate an entire arm, it was still able to seal the wounds to prevent the blood from overflowing. It's pretty interesting… Now, time to wait for your friend to arrive. I hope he will be stronger than you."

Raul was about to say something but as a result, his chest moved slightly and was slashed from both sides due to the sharp edges of Nightfall Sword which was very hot right now.

Saito noticed this and advised him, "Hey… Hey… Don't try to speak. It wouldn't be fun if you suddenly died. You still have a great role to play."

This really confused Raul as he couldn't understand how he was taken down so quickly. He had only used a single technique and thought that it would be enough to deal with this guy but he never imagined to be taken down in under a minute.

This sword was also rather strange. He was trying hard to suppress its power and using his magic to form a protective layer around his chest however, it was all for naught. The sword seemed like it wasn't affected by anything and continued to maintain its high temperature.

The thing that he regretted was being overconfident and letting Saito slash him. Because as soon as he was slashed, Saito seemed to know what to do next. And the fight was over.

The way he was able to use his dark web and restrain him for some moments. The way he was able to use his dark lightning and paralyze him for some moments. This scared Raul…

Raul wasn't even able to make him reveal any of his other techniques. The only thing he found out was that Saito was very skilled in the use of the dark web and his Black Lightning.

Saito once again sat on the ground as he threw the Teleportation Symbol away. This time, he didn't create a cage out of wood to trap the person coming next. From the strength displayed by Raul, it was probably going to be useless.

The strength and regeneration also didn't seem to be using his magic. They were using some other energy. He looked back at Raul and saw him struggling to hold back his pain.

"I am rather surprised that they chose a weakling like you to go after Rita. Maybe I shouldn't have been worried so much since with that power, you would have your ass kicked all over the place by her." He said rather carelessly as he waved his hand.

Raul hatefully stared at him while still enduring the pain, "You haven't even seen me use all my power. If I had used all my power, I would have beaten you like a rag doll."

Saito rolled his eyes and replied, "Are you an idiot? It's common knowledge to finish the fight as quickly as possible. Why would I want to waste my magic on an idiot like you when another strong opponent will appear within 10 minutes."

There was nothing Raul could say now because he felt Saito's words were indeed right. However, he was too angry to care about right or wrong.

He just wanted to get up and give him a strong kick. Saito looked at his body and saw that it was still buffed up. He raised his eyebrows and spoke out, "You know, you should relax your body now. You won't be able to get out without your hands. It's not like you can fight anymore now."

There was no response from Raul. He seemed to not want to reply to Saito's words right now. However, he never expected Saito to smirk and start speaking, "Let me guess… If you release this form right now, you probably won't be able to use it for 12 hours within a day. Maybe even more. This is why you don't want to release this form.. You are also hopeful that when your friends come, he would be able to pull out the sword and you would still be able to fight with your legs."

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