Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 122 - Destroying The Teleportation Symbol

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The Ultra-healing property of Nightfall Sword was activated as it healed Saito completely. After around 2 minutes, Saito had replenished around 80% of his magic and was completely healed.

Raul's eyes widened when he saw Saito healing completely. He couldn't believe that this sword had such a property. However, he could also feel that the heat radiated from the sword had disappeared and it could no longer injure him so heavily.

Saito noticed the expression on Raul's face and coldly said, "Why do you think that I am staying here while waiting for your comrades to appear? This is because it is my territory…"

He pulled out his sword from Raul's chest and once again stabbed his chest, destroying his other heart. Even though Raul was so weak that he couldn't use his Black Dragon's Strength so soon, he didn't want to take any chances. The strength that Lyle displayed caused him to be on the edge.

He created two Magic Spheres, both were of different elements, Hell Flames and Black Lightning respectively. Saito placed them in the holes within his chest and said with a smirk, "Move your body and these two Spheres will blast your body into bits. You should have seen what it did to your big brother some time ago. Though he took on the explosions by using two of his strongest forms, in your current condition I don't think you will survive if even one of them explodes."

Raul stared at Saito with a hateful gaze and shouted, "You are a monster!" He was absolutely terrified of Saito right now but he couldn't help shout this. It was understandable since he had seen such a horrifying end of his big brother right now.

Saito said with a neutral voice, "Maybe I am…" From his face, it was clear that he didn't care what Raul said about him.

He was indeed a monster for his enemies! This person was planning on kidnapping his beloved… Even though he had got into a relationship with her for his own benefits initially, after spending time with her, he couldn't help but care about her genuinely.

To plot against her was simply asking for being on the receiving end of Saito's Wrath! Even though he had around 80% of his magic right now, Saito didn't know if he would be able to win against someone of Lyle's level even by using the Nightfall Sword.

He stared at the Teleportation Symbol long enough before a question appeared in his mind 'What would happen if I destroy this Teleportation Symbol as soon as it lightens up? From what I have seen, it takes 1 whole second for the person to be teleported here. If I suddenly destroy this Teleportation Symbol, would he cover only a part of the distance from his original position to this place?'

Even though he had asked these questions to himself. It was Iris who replied to him.

[You are only half-correct in your hypothesis master. If you interrupt the Teleportation Symbol while the person is being teleported then that person would be lost in the void of time. Nothing can exist in the void. His body and soul won't be able to exist after spending mere seconds within the Void.]

Saito slightly trembled with excitement as he found a great way to kill one of their men without any loss to himself. He let out a sigh as this method could only be used for a single time since the Teleportation Symbol will become useless. He would also lose the chance of going inside their hideout through this Teleportation Symbol.

It made him fall into a dilemma. Should he fight against this next expert who was going to come to fight? Even though he himself wasn't at full strength, if this expert was too powerful, he could speak to Joergen mentally and ask him to come at his location.

With Joergen's presence, he was confident in dealing two experts of Lyle's level. However, he then shook his head since even though he would be able to get inside their hideout. With no way to know where he would be teleported, it was very risky.

He didn't have any idea about the surroundings of that place. How many people would be there? Would he even be able to run? Besides, most of all, if it was too far away, Joergen would take too much time to come.

Without any hope of reinforcements, it would be extremely foolish to go to their hideout. After thinking all this, he finally made his decision.

There was a cruel smile on his face as looked at the Teleportation Symbol which had started to shine with a white light as similar to what happened before.

Saito pointed his finger at the Teleportation Symbol and a stream of Hell Flames were released from his finger.

They instantly set the Teleportation Symbol ablaze. Even though this Teleportation Symbol was inscribed on a special kind of paper which was resistant to elements, Hell Flames were not normal.

They Symbol stopped glowing and burned without even leaving the ashes. Right as Raul witnessed him do this, his eyes widened because the elder who had created this method of teleportation had cautioned them that nothing should happen which would interrupt the teleportation.

Even though this 1 second of time required to teleport was extremely small in the eyes of ordinary men. He finally understood the significance of this 1 second. 1 second ago, an expert of his clan was alive while now, that expert was probably within the Void, his body was probably being torn apart.

Except for the existence of Gods who could travel between dimensions. Nobody could save him right now. And Raul was completely aware that no god would be willing to save that expert.

Raul absolutely detested Saito right now. He gritted his teeth through the pain he was feeling but he didn't dare say anything.

Saito didn't even need to do anything and he could easy explode his body. He couldn't believe that someone so powerful, someone with so many skills had managed to stay under their radar.

If only their clan had known about his existence, they would have approached in another manner which would certainly reduce the causalities.

His eyes were red when he just thought about how much the Clan had lost. They had lost a great expert who was capable of fighting against a weak Demon Lord. They had also lost another expert in the family whose powers were probably in the Top 10 within the clan.

He didn't dare imagine that the expert coming next was the Deputy Clan head or the Clan head. Because if this was the case then his Clan was completely doomed. Without the presence of both of them, there was no way the Clan could be preserved.

Saito looked down and stared at Raul. He didn't say anything and created a long Wooden Spear with his Nature Magic.

Saito had a small smile on his face as he noticed the look with which Raul was looking at him. He gently says, "I am very happy that you have such great regeneration skill. Perhaps it's a passive skill of your blood but regardless, it makes me very happy. After all, I won't have to worry about you accidently dying on me."

His words were gentle but Raul couldn't stop shivering after hearing them. Saito brought down his Wooden Spear and stabbed Raul's body which was lying on the ground.

The Wooden Spear didn't target any of his vital organs, it simply went through his flesh. Raul groaned in pain but before he could even release the painful groan, Saito had pulled out the Spear and stabbed another part of his body which was not a vital organ.

The painful groan which was about to be released by Raul was swallowed by this extreme pain and he resisted the urge to cry.. With his power right now, there was nothing he could do to resist Saito.

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