Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 123 - Sea Dragon Race

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Saito though didn't stop. He continued to stab him another 3 times before Raul broke the silence with a mix of painful groans and words, "Ahhhhhh… Stop… Stop it please!"

There was a frown on Saito's face as he asked him, "What is it? Speak quickly, time is precious after all."

Raul noticed his frown and instantly uttered, "Why… why are you not asking me a single question? How will I answer if you don't ask me any questions? I will speak… I will tell you everything, just stop this. I can't take any more of this pain."

The answer he received was a Stab from the Wooden Spear in his abdomen, "You don't seem to understand the difference between interrogation and torture. I don't want to ask you any questions, it wouldn't take me long to find out the information I need. The only reason you are still alive is that I still need to hear more of your screams. They are music to my ears."

Raul's entire body went cold as he heard Saito. He had initially planned on giving false information to Saito which would make him step into a trap and die but he never expected Saito to not be interested in any kind of information.

When he heard Saito say that it won't take him long to find out the information that he needed. He felt like giving up. He thought in his head 'So, that is how that woman felt when she realized she was going to die regardless of what she did… So, this is the feeling of hopelessness.'

It was unknown about whom he had thought about at this juncture. He opened his mouth and started to chuckle madly. He stopped caring about the clan, the pain. He didn't care about anything right now. He knew that there was no point in begging to live. Right now, he only had a single wish left. It was to be with his big brother after death.

The brotherly love between these siblings wasn't something that could be measured.

Raul felt that it would be incredibly great if he could even die. He looked at Saito and spoke with a stern expression, "I have lost Axel… I admit my defeat. You can ask me anything I know and I swear on my Clan's ancestor that I shall answer you truthfully. In return, just give me a quick and painless death. Throw my remains on top of my Big Brother's remains and burn me with his body… That's all I ask."

When he noticed that Saito was about to speak up, he added, "I know that you are capable of getting the information through your own sources but time is not something that you have.

And if you want to get the pleasure of hearing my screams then I do assure you that no matter what you do after this, I will not utter a single sound. I will even bite my tongue to make sure I can't release any sound."

Saito stayed silent for a period of time and his hold over the Wooden Spear relaxed. He slowly said with a calm expression, "Very well… I will go along with the agreement if the information you provide me is worth it."

This was completely within Raul's expectation as he weakly nodded his head. Saito continued to stare at his battered body and made no attempts to heal him.

Raul weakly started to speak, "Ask me… What do you want to know? I will try my best to answer all that I can..."

The surroundings were completely silent for a period of time. Saito was still thinking about why Raul had decided to suddenly co-operate with him. He couldn't understand the reason why Raul would be ready to betray his people.

The two requests from Raul though did make him understand it. Especially the request for his remains to be on top of his brother's remains. It seems as though these siblings were rather close.

He probably understood that it was hopeless to even have a chance of running away and living. He had lost all hope of living and only death awaited him so he made the choice. The choice was that after his death, he could be with his big brother again.

It was simply childish to have such thoughts and Raul knew it. However, this was the last desire he had in his mind. He didn't care about anything else… If he was going to die, he wanted this last wish to be fulfilled.

This was a mentality that even Saito didn't understand completely. However, he wouldn't let anger cloud his rational judgement and asked him calmly, "Where is your hideout? How many men are there who can fight? What is the level of those men?"

Raul was a little surprised by Saito's question. He had thought that Saito would ask him about their identity or about the reason why they were targeting the Royal family.

He saw a cold glint in Saito's eyes and understood. Saito didn't care about their identity, the only thing he needed to know was that they were enemies. And they were supposed to be annihilated.

"I believe I should talk about my race first. We are the members of the Sea Dragon Clan, a Royal Clan within the Sea God Race. As you have already witnessed, we are demi-humans who have mutated Dragon Bloodline. The lowest level of the Bloodline is the Black Dragon Bloodline, the next is the Golden Dragon Bloodline, and the strongest is Purple Dragon Bloodline."

"My big brother was the 3rd Strongest in our whole clan and had the Bloodline level of Golden Dragon. This is the reason he was significantly stronger than me." After he said so much, he coughed out blood since his injuries had still not healed.

Saito remained silent for some time before voicing out his thoughts, "Isn't the Sea God Race fighting against the Dwarf Kingdom? Why is the Royal Family not helping out its race?"

Raul didn't hesitate much before answering him, "That attack is only meant to keep the Dwarves distracted. While the Sea God Race is attacking them, the Dwarves would be unable to extend their support for the Vermillion Kingdom."

"The Royal Family had given a single order to the nobles and the council. To keep the Dwarves distracted as long as possible while also taking the opportunity to steal the [Orb of Sealing] from their Royal Treasury."

Saito's brows wrinkled as he spoke out, "I am not interested in these matters. Tell me about the location of your Clan and the strength of your clan. And what have you done to the Prince and Princess?"

With no trace of worry on his face, Raul explained, "Be patient… The only reason I am explaining so much is so that you would find the information valuable and honour my last wishes."

Saito remained silent after those words. Raul took this chance to continue speaking, "The reason our Clan is attacking the Vermillion Kingdom in such a shameful manner is that we need the [Orb of Destruction] from them. We know that in direct confrontation, we are not the match of the Vermillion Kingdom. It is also impossible to steal the Orb since nobody other than the king knows about it. The Clan has used every resource available to them but nobody in the Vermillion Kingdom seems to be aware of the fact that their Royal Family possesses a sacred object which was used to seal our King around 300 years ago, the Ocean Splitting Dragon King."

With a calm expression, Saito asked him, "What about the Teleportation Symbols? If you had these then you didn't even need to come on the mainland."

It was hard for Raul to even nod his head but Saito did notice his head to weakly shake vertically. Raul then proceeded to speak, "Right now, my clan is 5000 of miles south of Vermillion Kingdom. It is situated between the territory of Two Demon Lords known as Azaroth and Bakaul while maintaining its peace using an Illusionary Formation to cover their presence and also make any person want to avoid it instinctively."

"The reason the Sea God Race has acted right now is because of the sudden appearance of a Formation Master in our clan. Only the Clan Head and Deputy Clan Head know about his identity. He is the one who made all these Teleportation Symbols and the Illusionary Formation. In this one month, I believe that our Clan head has also contacted one of the Demon Lord and formed an alliance with him.. The Demon Lord probably agreed because it also wanted to destroy the neighboring Demon Lord."

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