Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 13 - Awakening

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He was really hungry at the moment. He came across a shocking thing, the one which made him happy as well.

Saito stared at the food on his plate and thought with an amazed expression 'Damn, these two actually managed to cut apart that dragon and have been eating it as food. Let's see how it tastes.'

He took a bite out of the roasted meat; his eyes were instantly watery. Lyra was worried that he didn't like this food and was about to ask him how it was before she received the answer.

Both of them were dumbfounded when they saw him dig into the food at an unbelievable speed. Saito even tried to speak while having the food in his mouth. Of course, neither of them was able to understand what he was talking about.

The wolves were given their share of food as well. But it seemed that they were satisfied just by eating the corpses of the lizardmen which had been left.

'Looks like they are saving up food for Joergen. When he wakes up, he is bound to be hungry. They want him to eat the flesh of the Dragon.' He smiled at the way the wolves behaved with each other.

All three of them went to sleep, this time though, Lyra didn't sleep with her younger brother. She was standing in front of Saito as she was fidgeting, "I-I wanted to sleep next to master."

Saito blushed brightly as the words took the form of another meaning inside his perverted mind. But he suddenly remembered that these two days, Lyra was the one taking care of him 'Maybe she finds it comfortable to sleep next to me. Besides, we are just sleeping together. It's not like we are going to do anything else.'

Saito replied back with a nod, "Of course you can. Even I wanted to sleep next to my sweet little Lyra." Lyra blushed madly when she heard him call her sweet little Lyra with that gentle and sweet tone.

She laid her body next to Saito and continued to stare in his eyes, she felt his hand wrapping around her body but she didn't mind, she slowly moved closer to Saito and rubbed her head against his chest.

Saito kissed her forehead before whispering in a sweet and gentle tone, "Good night sweetheart~!" Lyra replied back with a meek tone, "Good night master~Sweet dreams~!"

Both of them cuddled and soon fell asleep, Saito took a bit longer to sleep because that's what he was doing for these 2 days. Just sleep.

He continued to stare at Lyra's fair face and thought 'So beautiful. I promise to protect you Lyra.'

His right hand around her waist and the other was caressing her hair. He finally fell down asleep, content with the way he was living his life.


The next day, Joergen woke up as well. It started to spend more time with Emma, Lyra's pet. It ate tones of Dragon's meat after its awakening. The Dragon's meat was nearly finished, just one meal for each one of them was left.

Joergen was now different from all the other wolves, he could keep his wings unfolded and nobody would even realize that he had wings. Only when he unfolded them would someone see the dark Blue colored wings protruding from its back.

It received a lot of attention from its pack members though he spent quite some time with his mate Emma. It seemed that their feelings were mutual and Saito was happy for them.

This peace continued for a few days…

Since Saito had grown sufficiently strong, he was a bit lax on his training. He started to have more fun with Lyra and Reus. Playing games together with them, teaching them different games.

He wanted them to enjoy the time they had; he wasn't going to let them get hurt anyway. With the power he currently wielded, he could protect them from almost anything.

Right now, Saito was playing tag with them. They both were asked to catch him; he wasn't supposed to use any magic while both of them were using magic to assist themselves.

It was a handicap for Saito but he didn't mind. He thought along the lines 'It would be too unfair to them if I use my magic.' So, he didn't use any magic and just relied on his mind, physical capability to run away and not get caught by them.

As Saito was running away, he teased Reus by shouting, "Heh!? What happened to little Reus. It seems you can't catch me even if you use your magic."

Reus even while running replied back to the teasing, "It's not my fault. Nature magic does little to assist our speed, I can't catch you if you run so fast."

"Aww… Little Reus is making so many excuses and I am still not even using my magic. With the speed you are running, you probably need thousands of years before you catch up to this speed." He continued to tease and laugh along the way.

"Brother, stop letting master rile you up. You must be calm and analyze the master's running pattern. It will give you an idea of where he will go next." Lyra shouted out a piece of advice for her brother.

"I know alright!" Reus shouted out before he rushed towards Saito once again. It didn't seem like he was listening to her sister's advice at all.

"It would be good if you listen to your sister's advice." After Saito said this, he laughed loudly for a few seconds.

Suddenly, his eyes snapped open and he jumped high in the air, from the air, he ordered them both, "Stop both of you. Remain where you are."

Both of them did stop and were astonished when they saw a Wooden Spike shooting out of the place where Saito was going to step.

This wooden spike and the magic were awfully familiar to Lyra. She frowned when she notices it.

Saito spoke in his mind 'Iris, from where was this magic used?' Iris immediately replied back [From the west master. Another attack is incoming!]

Saito noticed a number of Wooden Spears coming towards him. Saito stretched out his hand and whispered softly, "Hell Flames!"

The Black Flames appeared and burned all the Wooden Spears before they could reach Saito's body. Saito landed on the ground and showed off dense Hell Flames in his left hand, loudly shouting, "Who is there!? Come out now. I know you are hiding in that direction."

Saito was surprised to see a guy with blonde hairs, green dress, slant shaped emerald eyes, he had a smile on his face, he also had long ears which resembled those of Reus and Lyra.

Saito thought with a neutral face 'Because of the wood magic. I did guess that it could be a part of the Nature Magic of the elves but to think that this was indeed the case.'

He was a 21-year-old looking guy who was relieved to see that Lyra was unharmed. He was surprised to see that Reus was still living, it has almost been a month since they left the Elf kingdom, the best doctor in the elf kingdom had stated "This boy shall only live for a week at most."

Realizing that Reus was still alive and well, it did surprise him because this meant that the doctor was wrong. He spoke in a monotonous voice, "Greetings, Princess Lyra and Prince Reus. I, Theodas Zyldi received the task to return back to the Elven Kingdom with Princess Lyra, I had no idea that Prince Reus was also well."

Lyra replied back with a cold and detached tone, "Master Axel saved Reus from that curse. He is cured and can live like a normal elf person."

"Master? Princess Lyra, you shouldn't refer to this human as a master. However, it's certainly a surprise to hear that this human was able to treat the young prince.." Theodas continued to talk as if Saito wasn't present there.

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