Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 14 - Teaching A Lesson

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Saito internally sighed as he thought 'I can already tell by his tone that this guy is going to be troublesome. He sounds like a standard arrogant person.'

Saito raised his hand and prevented Lyra from speaking any further, "I believe you aren't interested in idle talk. Tell me, who wants Lyra and Reus back at the Elven Kingdom?"

Theodas frowned when he noticed how Saito was speaking about the prince and princess without giving them the proper respect, "How dare you speak of their names so disrespectfully?"

Saito waved his words off and asked once again, "You shouldn't concern yourself with the reason. Tell me, who has called out for them? And you can tell the elves standing behind you to come forward, no use hiding now."

Theodas gritted his teeth, he didn't like one bit how Saito was talking to him like he was an insignificant character. He took a look at the princess and the prince, realizing that they didn't care about the disrespect, he couldn't keep hold of the matter any longer.

Meanwhile, the elves standing behind him slowly stepped forwards. It seemed as if there were hundreds of elves who were with this guy named Theodas, all of them were carrying bow in their hands.

Theodas finally replied back to Saito's question even though he didn't want to, "The Elf Queen has ordered us to return back with the princess. And since the prince is alive and well, he would need to return back as well."

He slowly calmed down before he said to Saito, "You would be given sufficient reward for the treatment of prince Reus but right now, they need to come back with me."

Saito though replied back, "You know, it's pretty rude if you say you are going to take them back and not even ask for their opinion."

He turned around and asked them, "Do you both want to return back right now?" Lyra and Reus immediately answered, "Not right now."

Saito turned back towards Theodas and said, "Well, you heard them." Theodas snorted at his words and said, "Like it matters now. Its queen who has given the order, their word means nothing."

Saito though countered back with a calm face and a smile, "The same for me. The word of your Queen means nothing. I don't care what she ordered you. Go back and inform her that they don't want to come back yet."

Theodas fumed in anger as he said, "You human, you seemed to not realize your limits! We will take them back, whether they want or not!"

He pointed at Saito and loudly shouted, "Soldiers, kill this human and make him realize the power of the elf kingdom."

All of the hundreds of elves pulled back the bowstring, Saito raised his eyebrow in amusement as he noticed them forming wooden arrows and releasing all of the arrows at the same time with only a single target, Saito.

Before Lyra and Reus could order them to stop. A black shadow blinked and a large wolf was right in front of Saito. Joergen released a huge amount of purple lightning from its horn and managed to hit all the wooden arrows which were going to hit Saito.

Saito didn't even move from his spot and soon enough, all the arrows which were supposed to hit Saito fell down from midair. The movement of Joergen was so fast that some of the elves weren't even able to see it properly.

After the dust cleared, they finally saw the wolf standing in front of Saito, acting as a shield for its master. Just those intimidating eyes of Joergen were enough for Theodas to step back in fear.

He pointed at Saito in anger, "You… You are a coward. Just hiding behind your beast. I never thought that prince Reus would be saved by a shameless human like you."

Saito though replied back immediately, "Then how come you are asking your soldiers to shoot for you. Why don't you fight me? You are just jealous that Joergen is thousands of times better than those soldiers."

Saito snorted with a foul mood, "You are ruining my mood just by standing there. I will tell you one last time, leave before I get angry."

Theodas though didn't seem to understand the situation in which he was in, "You lowly human have no right or authority to order me around."

Saito held his head and this time, he sounded really mad, "You know, I am sick of this lowly human blah blah blah. I am a lowly human huh!?"

Suddenly, he stepped forwards and used a lot of magic, the trees surrounding these elves started to move and change shape. They held each and every single of the elves, Saito whispered in a low tone, "Lowly human huh?"

Saito controlled the trees in such a way that they hit each other's heads. However, Saito was still not done as he once again said, "Lowly human huh?"

Their heads struck against each other once again, this continued until some of them started bleeding and lost consciousness. Theodas was still conscious and this time, he was frightened when he looked into Saito's eyes, "You…you can use Nature Magic!?"

He held back from saying lowly human or anything, he didn't want to be hit once again. Saito though answered back, "Wow… You noticed it rather quickly. I thought you would need a few more bumps before you were capable of that thought."

Lyra and Reus chuckled as they heard him say that. Saito said though slapped Theodas's face and said, "You called me lowly human multiple times. What should I refer to someone who has been beaten to a pulp by this lowly human? Trash seems like good enough, right?"

Theodas didn't even have the strength or morale to reply back to anything. He could only apologize, "Please forgive me, I had eyes but failed to see."

Saito held him by his blonde hair and said with a cold tone, "I am not a kind person. You all are only alive because you are from Lyra's empire."

Theodas was really shocked, it seemed as if this human didn't place the Elf kingdom in his eyes. However, he didn't have time to worry about this, right now, he had to get out of this situation.

Theodas continued to plead, "I apologize once again, it's just that queen has ordered us to bring back Princess Lyra. We can't defy her."

Saito pushed him and Theodas started to swing back and forth motion, "If you had said this before in a polite tone. I would have asked both of them to return back and meet up with their mother. But your tone ruined everything. If you want to blame anyone, blame yourself."

He turned around and released all the elves from the bindings of the trees, they fell down on the ground. He started to think 'Now that I have given him a lesson. I guess it's time to move towards the next destination.'

Saito ordered them both with a neutral tone, "Let's pack up. We are moving."

Lyra curiously asked Saito, "Where are we going, master Axel?" Saito answered her back, "To the Elf Kingdom. It doesn't look like the Elf Queen will stop sending soldiers to search for you. This will prevent me from tons of future trouble. Don't worry about anything, if the queen forces any of you two, I will intervene."

Lyra nodded her head as she agreed as well. Reus was a bit excited because he did want to meet his mother once again and tell her that he was all right.

They both had initially denied it because they thought that they would have to separate from Saito if they returned to the Elf Kingdom, which they were unwilling to do.

Thus, it caused a round of beating for Theodas before Saito thought that it would be a good idea to visit the Elf Kingdom.. It wasn't like he had anything to do here other than play and waste his time.

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