Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 159 - Traps

Right now, Saito was standing on one of the branches of the trees as he gazed around. He was trying to search for the Sea Dragon Clan… To check if there was anyone who was planning to scout ahead or not.

So far, he found no person coming up ahead for the purpose of scouting the way. It appears they all planned to walk together with all the way.

As he remained standing on the branch, he thought about Naomi's presence and a grim expression appeared on his face, "No… She shouldn't be with them now. For now, she should be trying to hold off the Demon Lords. Her power is much greater than before but she isn't at the level where she should be able to take on two demon lord level fighters at once."

With a small smile, he muttered, "Though I wonder how she will be planning to deal with my plan. If the Demons don't find the treasure at the marked location, they will surely walk around and try to search for it. With their speed, it shouldn't take them long before encountering the evacuating Sea Dragon Clan. After all, since they want to save the whole clan, their walking speed would be slow."

Saito had no idea that not only Naomi had thought of a way to deal with his plan but also planned to use it to make the two Demon Lords fight against each other.

He soon felt the presence of a person entering his sensing range. Just after a moment, another presence entered as well. The number kept on increasing and a cold smile appeared on Saito's face 'Good… Looks like they have finally arrived.'

Judging from the speed at which they were walking. It would take them around half an hour before they reach Saito's position.

To create some distance between himself and the Sea Dragon Clan. Saito turned around and started jumping from one branch to another. Even though he was very strong, it wouldn't be fun to fight against 2 Purple Dragon's Bloodline inheritors and almost 40-50 Golden Dragon's Bloodline inheritors.

This was the reason he had prepared for some traps. It was fortunate that the Sea Dragon Clan was in rush to return to their own territory where they could behave unrestrained which was why they seemed to ignore some precautions they should have taken.

As they walked forward unitedly. Many of the people had tiredness written on their faces. They couldn't understand just what was going on. How come their normal life of living in a village was interrupted so suddenly that none saw it coming.

Didn't that mean that all the things they created back at the village was useless now. As soon as the Clan Head and the Deputy Clan Head returned, they immediately ordered them all to leave everything and evacuate.

As for explanation, they only said that those who wish to live should come along. This line alone was enough for them to realize the gravity of the situation.

They knew well enough that the Clan was currently situated within a very dangerous location. They weren't even given the time to pack up the food. They simply picked up whatever edible food they could have and took it along with them.

What shocked the members of the Sea Dragon Clan, even more, was when they heard about the news of the absence of the Sea Dragons.

With the presence of the Sea Dragons, at least the Elite members of the Clan would have been able to return much quicker.

However, now that the Sea Dragons were missing. They had to march all the way back to their territory while severely lacking in food supplies.

The problem of the food supplies was something that truly worried the Clan Head. He couldn't do anything right now and not tell them to stop before covering up a certain distance and restock the supplies.

Even though Saito was far away from the location where he could see them. He guessed that these people shouldn't have had a lot of time to grab hold of the supplies before leaving.

Even though he could attack them now that some of them had entered his range. He waited… Waited until all of them were deep within his trap.

The Sea Dragon Clan was moving very fast. They had no idea that they were effectively walking in the trap of someone.

After they were deep within the forest, he had created with his Nature Magic. With a small grin on his face.

As the members of the Sea Dragon Clan were walking. Suddenly, they noticed a paper plane within the air. It seemed to be flying around before slowly lowering itself and striking the Clan Head.

The Clan Head was planning to ignore it but when he saw some characters written on it, he couldn't help but give it some attention.

All the people behind him stopped as they were curious about what was written on this paper as well. The Clan Head opened it up and frowned as he read a large "3" written on the paper.

He didn't understand what this was all about. He was about to tell his clan members to continue moving when he suddenly noticed two more paper planes in the air.

The two seemed to be moving in a circle before one of them fell near the feet of Clan Head. One of the members of the Sea Dragon Clan couldn't help his curiosity and picked up the paper, "What's this?"

He unfolded it as well and asked the Clan Head about what was written on the paper, "'2'? What does this '2' mean? Clan head, do you have any idea?"

After hearing the words of this child… The Clan Head shivered as he thought of the possibility that these numbers were perhaps a countdown.

He instantly raised his aura and tried to sense around. The thing that baffled him was that he couldn't sense any presence within a range of 20 miles. Just how did these three paper planes come here if they weren't thrown by someone.

Observing the two paper planes near him. His eyes widened in surprise when he noticed that these two paper planes were made of magic. Just when he was about to use his magic to disperse the two of them, the third paper plane landed on top of his right.

He unfolded it and was surprised to see the words on the paper. They were "1…. And start!" The Clan head blinked once after reading the paper. And when he opened his eyes once again, he suddenly found himself in a different place.

The surroundings were white due to the huge amount of fog. The fog was so thick that he couldn't see past a single step.

After around 2 seconds, he sneered and spoke, "Trying to hold me with this pitiful skill in illusion? Hmph…" After he said that, the illusion shattered into pieces and he instantly returned to the place where he initially was.

However, his face paled when he turned around to look at the members of the Sea Dragon Clan. They all had a hazy look in their eyes. Each one of them seemed like they were completely out of place.

For someone like the Clan Head, it didn't take much time before he realized what was going on and immediately thought with astonishment written on his face 'E-Each…Each one of the members is trapped within the illusion?'

He looked towards his side and his mouth almost fell when he saw that the Deputy Clan Head also happened to be one of them who couldn't get out of the illusion.

He immediately started thinking 'What's going on? This level of Illusion shouldn't be something that should really bother them so much… So why? Why can't even my deputy deal with it?'

He gnashed his teeth until they were grinding against each other and continued thinking 'Embarrassing… Beyond embarrassing. The thing that I find even more baffling is that I cannot find the reason behind this mystery…'

"Clan Head… It sure isn't fun to see this pathetic look on your face. I hope I don't see it the next time we meet." This voice ultimately widened the eyes of the Clan Head so much that his eyeballs were about to fall off.

He turned around and saw that same figure that he had seen back then. The figure was covered in pure black with emerald eyes gazing upon him.

Those eyes seemed to contain a great authority and power compared to the last time they had met even though it had only been a few hours ago. The sharp look was very intense. It was like he was gazing right through the Clan Head.

However, the Clan Head didn't back down and returned that sharp look with an intense show of his Purple Dragon's Aura.. A majestic aura emerged from his body as it enveloped everything within 500 m of radius.

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