Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 160 - Power Of Illusion

Raising his right eyebrow, the Clan head spoke with a calm voice, "Heh… Aren't you also very scared? To use illusion to appear before me. I guess you didn't want to come here yourself. I wonder why…. Do you fear me?"

An explosive power burst out of his body as if daring Saito to answer him. However, his eyes never faltered and he answered back with a calm and collected tone, "Fear you? Perhaps I do. However, isn't that the same for you too? Aren't you very scared of me right now?"

This question was something to which the Clan head was unable to answer at all. It was the same as acknowledging that he feared Saito.

"Yes… I am scared. I am truly scared of this terrifying potential you possess. I can't believe that you have remained hidden within the clan with such an amazing potential you possess."

The Clan Head asked with a sincere look in his eyes, "Tell me, how have you made them fall into the illusion? Why can't they get out of it? Now that I have used my Purple Dragon's Bloodline, I still can't seem to disperse the illusion. If it was in their surroundings, my majestic aura should have completely cleared off the illusion and suppressed it but it hasn't happened… Why!? With that level of illusion, it shouldn't be that hard for them to get through it."

If the mask was uncovered, a smirk could be seen on Saito's face as he asked, "Tell me Clan head…Do these Clan Members of yours know about how to get out of an illusion?"

With a sneer on his face, the Clan Head replied, "Obviously. Our education within the clan is very strict. All the members are naturally aware of how to get out of the illusion. We have even conducted simulations."

"Let me change my question. Does these members of yours even know how to detect when they have been trapped within an illusion?" As soon as Saito finished speaking, the Clan Head realized the reason why no one was able to break out of it.

"Just simulations? Let me guess… There isn't a real illusionist within the Sea Dragon Clan, isn't it? Do you know what is terrifying about the illusion? It's not the illusion itself but when you were caught in it." Saito was explaining it in a rather civil manner. The smirk under his mask could hardly be hidden as the Clan Head stared at those pair of confident emerald eyes.

"Don't tell me, you…" He looked around and widened his eyes as he stared at the forest. As Saito raised one of his hands, the Clan head saw a tree growing up from a sprout.

"You… You have Nature Magic? Impossible! I have never heard of a member of our clan mating with one of the renowned Elf Race. From the aura of Nature within that tree, I can feel it the content of Nature Magic shouldn't lose out to the Elf Queen. But… but… that should be impossible even if you were born as a hybrid." The Clan Head's thoughts were in complete chaos.

Just when he thought that this guy couldn't surprise him anymore. Another bomb was dropped off on him without a moment's notice.

With a victorious smirk on his face, Saito started speaking, "Not just this tree… Every forest within these 30 miles of radius is made from my nature magic. Though it would have been clear to you if you have paid attention to the ground…"

"The ground?" The Clan head turned his head down and observed it. It looked completely ordinary. He could understand just what was different about it when his eyes caught of some charred ground.

He understands what was going on and looked straight at Saito while clenching his fists and gritting his teeth 'This boy… He cleared this whole place with his Fire before he used his Nature Magic to grow out the trees from the roots that remained safe from his fire. It's to make this place completely natural so that nothing seems out of order when in fact, everything about it has completely changed.'

After noticing the surprise on the face of the Clan Head, Saito went off to speak, "Ahh… Though I was worried. What if Naomi had trained your members of the clan in illusion. My plan would have surely been useless so I gambled…"

"Gambled? With whom and what could even use as wagers?" The Clan Head was beyond astonished right now. At this time, he felt as if the great strength that he had accumulated over the few decades was completely useless in front of this brat who hadn't even lived for 2-3 decades.

"I gambled on the fact that the members of your Sea Dragon Clan won't be able to get out of my illusion. If I had lost that gamble, I guess I wouldn't have any other choice than to use a direct approach to stop you all." The Clan Head didn't sense any sort of falsehood in what he said. It seemed like he was planning to face him head on.

His eyes glittered as if he found something interesting. The Clan head spoke with a smile on his face, "Aren't you confident? To face off against this Sea Dragon Clan alone. Even I can't make up such a claim."

With the same confident and calm look in his eyes, Saito replied, "You can't doesn't mean I can't. Besides, it's not like I must beat up all of you. I must survive… Well, for me, that shouldn't be an issue."

"Then WHY!? WHY ARE YOU HOLING UP AND NOT COMING IN FRONT OF ME!? SAY IT WHEN YOU ARE IN FRONT OF ME, BRAT!" The loud shout truly startled Saito. He certainly wasn't expecting the Clan Head to say that.

But he shook his head sideways and let out a sigh before asking in a clear voice, "Why should I?"

This clear destroyed all the explosive aura that the Clan Head build up with his shout before. The situation suddenly became rather mysterious pursuing Saito's question.

The Clan Head's eyes, his hands, his legs trembled as he heard that question. He understood what Saito was trying to say!

"I do not fear you but why should I face you when I have the advantage? Isn't that foolish?" This was what Saito was thinking.

"The illusion… You never explained the thing about which I asked." The Clan Head asked as he calmed down from that earlier shock.

The illusionary Saito started to laugh after hearing what the Clan head said and replied, "Ah right… You did ask it. Tell me Clan Head, what would you do if haze slowly started to appear in front of you as you are travelling. Not too much but gradually increasing. What would you do?"

This question wasn't something that needed to be answered by the Clan head. Saito answered it with a strange sharp look in his eyes, "You will ignore it! You will think that this is merely a change of the different regions and their seasons especially when you are in an emergency like this. What would you do when suddenly the fog is too much for your eyes to see past a few steps, an empty place with no sound and no sense of touch? What would you do?"

"That's right, they would use their magic which made the situation even worse… They never understood that right after entering the forest, they were all within my illusion. All except for you… It was too risky to use the same illusion on you as well. So… I chose your Deputy to check what would have been the result if I used that illusion on someone of your level. The results truly please me to no ends." As soon as he finished speaking, the breathing of the Clan Head became heavy.

He couldn't believe that he was unable to notice the magic within the air. Right now, they were so deeply trapped within this forest that he would have to either destroy it completely or just use his magic to envelop each body of the member of the Sea Dragon Clan.

The first method would require him to use huge amount of magic which would surely alert the demons behind them. They would come and check if they sensed such a strong display of magic.

The second would slow them down. The Clan head understood what Saito was trying to do right now. He was trying to buy some time for that Prince and princess to escape while also making sure that the Sea Dragon Clan couldn't make any moves lethal to him or them.

This also made him understand why Saito was so confident right now.

Though it was far from what the Clan head thought. Right now, Saito felt like he had been standing on a narrow path. He could continue to move forward but he would have no choice to jump down in one of the two sides if Naomi appeared right now.

This time, he obviously had another plan if Naomi tried to interfere. However, what made him fear her was the fact that her abilities were rather wide.. She had a great speed and strength even without the enhancements from the magic while her proficiency over illusion was so great that Saito couldn't detect her even when she was using her Illusion to stay invisible when they had met at the Dragon Valley.

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