Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 17 - Human Blessed By Nature

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Saito stared into Lyra's eyes and quietly nodded. The Elf Queen stared at the both of them and asked, "What do you mean? What are you talking about? What way?"

Saito though asked her a simple question with an ice-cold voice, "Tell me Elf Queen, is this place precious to you?"

He said this as the Hell Flames started to light up in both his arms. Before the Elf Queen could speak another word, Saito raised his voice and said, "Let me tell you, these flames are not for show. You say anything that sounds bad to my ears, and I promise you that I will burn this entire Elf Forest."

He paused for some time before he continued in an ice-cold voice, "I know I probably can't fight you head on; you will beat me very easily. But you won't be able to stop me if I wanted to burn this entire Forest and run away."

After speaking all this, he finally calmed down a little and started to speak, "Now, listen Elf Queen. Let me explain to you how your son Reus has been healed, he has been healed because I absorbed the Extra Nature Magic from his body. In fact, the correct word would be extracted!"

Elf Queen didn't believe that at all and she replied back, "Impossible! You are lying!" Saito started to chuckle at her claim, "I am lying huh. I am lying!? Then please tell me what is this. This should be enough proof for you, right?"

He stopped using the Hell Flames in one of his hands and started to use the pure Nature Magic to form up a sphere. Saito continued to speak, "Is this enough or do I throw it and prove it to you?"

Elf Queen raised her hands and stopped him in his tracks, "No, don't throw it. I believe you. It seems you are the one!"

Saito furrowed his eyebrows as he asked her, "What are you talking about?" He internally thought 'Iris, any idea what she is talking about?'

[There is not enough information to access this situation.]

'So, basically, you are useless right now.' Saito internally sighed when he suddenly looked at Elf Queen with a neutral face.

The Elf Queen stared at her daughter Lyra and said, "Daughter, you should go and take some rest. I think the long journey must have tired you."

She spoke the same words that she had spoken to Reus. It seemed like she wanted to talk to Saito alone. Saito turned towards Lyra and whispered to her, "Go… Don't worry, I will handle it. Trust me."

Lyra left the hall and went inside her own bedroom even though she wanted to remain here. She knew that if her mother had made up her mind, it was impossible to change it.

After she left the hall, the Elf Queen asked him once again, "So, let me get this straight. You treated my son Reus by extracting his extra magic and fused with the Nature Magic, right?"

Saito nodded his head and said, "Correct. It was fortunate that I was blessed with the Nature element or else the body wouldn't have fused with it."

The Elf Queen nodded her head, she asked him the next question, "Tell me, are you sure that there is no one in your lineage who has been an Elf?"

Saito asked Iris in his head 'Scan the body and tell me if this body is even remotely related to an elf or not.'

[Negative! This body is not related to an elf at all.]

'Very well…' Now that Iris had told him that this body was not related to the elf, he replied back very confidently, "Yes, I am sure that I am not related to an elf at all."

The Elf Queen suddenly started to levitate in the air, she flew forwards towards the tree and started flying up in the sky. She whispered, "Fly" under her breath and Saito also started to fly up in the air.

Saito was astonished by this skill, he ordered Iris in his mind 'Quickly analyze this skill.'

[Analyzing skill. Requires Nature magic. Requirements met. Would master like to learn this skill?]

Saito immediately replied back 'Of course!' He heard another sound from Iris [Congratulations master for learning the skill Fly. Use it more often to decrease consumption.]

Even though he had learned the skill, he didn't dare use it right now since he wasn't proficient in the skill.

After they were sufficiently high in the air, the Elf Queen made Saito face the tree and ask him, "What can you see on this tree?"

Saito slowly started to speak one by one, "Congratulations! You have found the blessed one!"

He didn't understand what it meant but one look at the Elf Queen's face and he realized that it definitely meant something profound. She was smiling widely, at this time, she truly seemed to look like a fairy.

Saito was however tired of this mystery, he asked her, "Now tell me, what is this all about?" The Elf Queen seemed very excited when he spoke to her, she flew back and bowed, "As you wish your highness!"

Saito had question marks appearing on top of his face 'What the frick? Your highness? Is she high on drugs or weed? Hmm... There should be a lot of weed in the Elf Forest.'

He voiced out his question to her and asked calmly, "Your highness? What do you mean by that? What are you talking about?"

The Elf Queen started to speak in a happy tone, "Let me explain your highness. I am Tiriana Vajor! I am the 18th Elf Queen of this great Elven Kingdom. Our ancestor, the 9th Elf Queen, the strongest among all the Elf Queens had sealed a very strong demonic beast along with the Nature Vein which supplies the Nature Magic to the forest using her life force."

"The Nature Vein is very precious to the Elf Forest; it is the only thing capable of enhancing our Nature Power. It also adds balance to a male elf's body. I do not understand the details but it's something to do with the Yin and Yang. As for the demonic beast, you do not need to be worried at all, after so many years, it must have died by now."

"Since then, the power of Nature had slowly started to decrease. The Nature magic of elves had also started to decrease causing all sorts of anomalies to appear in the race. The male elves mysteriously grab diseases and die before they are able to reach the peak of their power."

"The Elf Queen had said that one day, a human blessed by mother nature would come and lift the seal for the elves. The human was Nature's Champion, someone who was going to let the elves rise again. I never thought that I would have the chance to meet the Nature's Champion from the prophecy."

Saito remained standing there motionless, he was thinking of her words 'heh… It surprisingly adds up all the things that Iris pointed out. So, this was what the title was for huh.'

Saito asked her not questioning whether what she said was true or not, "Where is the seal?"

The Elf Queen was surprised to hear him ask that, she question him, "You are going to believe me just like that? No further questions?"

Saito replied back with a nonchalant look, "I don't know if what you are speaking is the truth or not but since you are Lyra's mother, I am willing to take a chance."

Tiriana nodded her head and bowed once again, "Thank you for trusting me. You won't regret it." She finally talked about where the seal was, "I know the way to the seal but you shouldn't be so hasty right now. You can live here for a few days before you attempt to break the seal."

Saito didn't really have any problem with that, he himself wanted to take more time to let Iris analyze this seal if there even was one. He sensed her coming near to his body but he didn't move, "I apologize for the charm magic I used on you before. This is something I use to test the mind of outsiders who appear before me."

"And the way you resisted me was very good as well. It wouldn't be a good idea for the human blessed by Nature to be pushed around, even by an Elf Queen." She let out a smile as she said that.

"And when you showed that you could use Nature Magic, I was 70% sure that you were the champion that our ancestor was talking about. This last thing proved it. This is not a simple writing, other than the Elf Queen and the Champion, no one else can see it. However, what we see is completely different. What I see is wording written as "Elf Queen". Even my own children were not able to see what was written."


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