Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 18 - Nature's Champion

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Saito wondered with a curious face, "So, you are telling me that since I entered the 5th Floor. You had already started to test me a bit?"

The Elf Queen nodded her head. She backed away a bit and this time, she gave a bow, her cleavage was visible to Saito who had to turn his face to not ogle at her seductive body in such a posture.

He heard the Elf Queen saying, "And this is not as Elf Queen, this bow is from a mother. I am thankful that you saved my son Reus, and took care of both of my children. Please let the elves take care of you for these few days to show our hospitality."

Saito though stopped her right there, "You seemed to have got something wrong Elf Queen. I haven't agreed to help you out at all."

His words froze Elf Queen in the air, she never considered this possibility, "Can I ask for the reason why you are not willing to help us?"

Saito answered her back, "First of all, I do not trust you yet. I will be taking my time to analyze the matter about the seal. Second, the elves were being very arrogant with me. I found that attitude very unpleasant. And thirdly, I am a human, I am greedy. Tell me, what will I receive if I go through your request of unsealing the seal on the Nature Vein?"

The Elf Queen was intelligent, she knew that the first two problems could be easily dealt if he stayed with them for a few days. The main problem was the third one, she asked him straightforwardly, "What do you want in return for helping us?"

Saito immediately answered her, "The whole Elf Kingdom!" His quick answer surprised her and the Elf Queen didn't even think for a second before she said, "Okay, I agree."

Saito was shocked now, he never thought that the Elf Queen would agree so quickly. He started thinking quickly 'What is this Elf Queen planning? How can she so quickly agree to give the empire to a human? Is this similar to what the Lizardmen were planning'

For confirmation, Saito said again, "I meant the whole Elf Kingdom, it includes you as well, Tiriana." The Elf Queen didn't take a single moment to reply, "I agree. You can have this whole Elf kingdom including me."

After hearing this, Saito was silent for a few minutes. He asked her with a calm yet cold tone, "Tell me, why did you agree so easily? I can't think of any reason for you to agree so easily and quickly unless you have some plans of your own."

Tiriana had a bitter smile and answered him, "It's because if the seal is not broken the elves will die out because there won't be any males left alive. The nature magic would be too scant here and no elf would be able to reach a high level. They would be killed by the demon kings."

"And most of all, because you are Nature's champion. Since you are the person directly blessed by Nature and prophesized by our ancestors, you are the most suitable person to lead us all. You are a human, you don't understand that we elves respect and worship nature the most. Since, you are chosen by the Nature goddess, there must be something special about you. So, you are the one who can have the whole kingdom at your command including me."

Now that he came to know the reason, even though he wasn't entirely convinced, he planned on observing the elves for the next few days before making his decision.

"Very well then, I will make my decision after a few days." He said it as he asked her, "Let's move down now. I want to go meet up with my sweet Lyra."

He started thinking about the information that he had received now 'So basically if what she is saying is the truth. If I manage to unseal that Nature Vein, I would practically be the king of the Elf Kingdom.'

But he wasn't much interested in ruling over these innocent beings.

The Elf Queen nodded her head and smiled, she seemed delighted that he was willing to help her out and the elves. His co-operation would let them gain more power.

Both of them returned back to the Fifth Floor, Saito asked the Elf Queen, "So, where is Lyra's room?" The Elf Queen didn't even think for a moment before she pointed forwards and said, "Go straight. It's the second closest room from here."

"Very well!" Saito nodded his head and left the hall for Lyra's room leaving Elf Queen alone in the hall. The Elf Queen stared at the Great Tree and slowly whispered, "The champion is here ancestor. The Elves can rise once again…!"

Saito was inside Lyra's room and saw her sitting on the bed, thinking something. She was surprised to hear the sound of the door opening and looked at Saito.

Saito gave her a brilliant smile, "You look happy to see me." Lyra stepped forward and answered him with a kiss on his lips.

They learned more into the kiss, it was so much that Saito didn't even realize and used a bit more power, both of them fell down on the bed with Saito being on top and Lyra under him.

Lyra's seductive body squeezed against the manly body of Saito. After their lips parted, she though continued to kiss him on his cheeks.

Saito was really in a bind, he truly had to hold himself back and not let the wolf inside of him get the better of him.

Lyra was just too seductive and beautiful that it was always hard for him to control himself. Besides, he was still a virgin so this obviously affected his mentality and placed a great pressure on it.

After she was done kissing his face 8-9 times, she asked him with a curious face, "What did the mother talk to you about?"

Saito didn't intend to hide it at all, he answered her very coolly, "She asked me to fly with her and showed off something that was written on the tree. And then told me that how I am Nature's Champion and stuff."

Lyra's eyes opened wide when she heard him say that, "What!? Did mother call you Nature's Champion? Are you sure Big Brother Axel?"

Saito didn't really understand what was the big deal and he answered her, "Well, yes. She did. She was talking about a seal on the Nature Vein and stuff, said that I can break it."

Lyra stayed silent for a bit of time. Saito got up as he thought 'It seems to be a serious thing if Lyra is being like this. Atleast the matters about the Nature's Champion should be the truth and the seal part as well.'

Lyra stared at Saito with bright eyes and said, "Big Brother Axel, when you used the Nature magic for the first time, I did think that you were the Nature's Champion from the legend but I never placed that thought in my head. I knew that I couldn't be so lucky to find the Nature's Champion so easily."

Saito was in disbelief, "What are you talking about? I wasn't blessed by the nature. I acquired it through some different means, from your brother's body. I think he should be the Nature's Champion."

Lyra shook her head and said, "No, brother Saito, there has been a legend in elves, that a human blessed by the Nature shall appear and destroy all the troubles of Elves."

"If you weren't blessed by Nature, you would have never been able to use the element. I didn't place much thought into it before but now that even mother has told you about it. It must be the truth. I won't ask you to help us out if you don't want to-"

Suddenly, Saito closed her lips with his finger and said, "Stop, I never said I don't want to help the elves and all. It's just that I didn't like the attitude of the elves and then your mother.. Besides, I do not believe in legends or prophecies, give me some time to think about it."

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