Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 19 - Dinner

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She quietly nodded her head as Lyra seemed to be in some deep thought, Saito continued on, "If you want me to destroy that seal then I won't ask anything and destroy that seal right away. I don't care about being the Nature's Champion or whatever. If you want me to do it, I will."

Lyra brightly smiled at his words and even hugged him tightly, "Thank you E-Ed-Axel. You don't know how happy that made me. I would be lying to you if I said I didn't want you to do it. I grew up here and love the race, I don't want it to remain on the path of the destruction."

Saito pats her head and says, "Idiot. You don't need to explain yourself to me. I will just enjoy the hospitality of the elves and destroy that seal in a few days. How about that?"

Lyra nodded her head and said, "Okay. That's great. Let's have fun for the next few days." She jumped on top of him and started to kiss him all over.

Saito's hand traced her round curvy butt and pressed it making her squeal in delight. He turned her around and whispered, "Yups, let's have fun."

Of course, he didn't do the deed with her. He was stuck on his morals; he wasn't going to do the deed until she was 17 atleast.

Both of the played around and were intimate with each other until the night time. They were rather hungry so they left the room.

Lyra led him to the dining hall where he saw a large round dining table. The Elf Queen was sitting on the chair and greeted them both, "So, you finally feel the need to fill your stomach."

She took a look at Lyra and said, "I won't oppose to your relationship daughter. You have chosen a diamond for the race but keep in mind to not indulge in activities until you are a little older."

Lyra blushed beet red when she heard her mother talking about it, "Don't worry mother, we won't do it any time soon. I haven't even thought of doing it before I am of age."

She was lying, she was thinking of seducing Saito to bed and pleasuring him all the way she can. Of course, Saito couldn't read her thoughts but her mother had known her since she was a child, she shook her head and didn't comment anything.

Saito asked Iris in his head 'Iris, start a long-term analysis about this Nature's Champion status. Analyze any information related to it in the Elf Kingdom, in fact, increase the search range and search everything in the whole elf kingdom. I want to know if this legend exists or not.'

[Very well. The detailed analysis will take 3 days and will be working in background.]

'Great! Now, it's time to eat!' He held Lyra's hand and pulled her closer to the chairs. Both of them sat on the chairs adjacent to each other and smelled a delicious scent.

The Elf Queen was a bit dissatisfied seeing them take the seats away from her chair but she quickly had a smile on her face again. As they had started eating, the Elf Queen says, "Sir Axel, if you don't mind, I shall announce your identity in the whole elf kingdom. They would surely change their treatment of you."

Saito nodded his head but didn't say anything. He was eating after all; he had his mouths full because of the delicious food he was eating.

Reus entered the dining hall in a hurry, he was surprised to see Lyra and Saito seated there and pouted cutely, "Big brother Axel, Big sister, you didn't even call out for me to eat dinner with you and have already started eating. You are already forgetting about me."

Saito was speechless, he didn't know how to respond to this little brother. However, it seems like he didn't need to.

Reus sat next to them and also started to eat the dinner.

After the dinner, Saito questioned the Elf Queen, "Can you show me the place where I will stay?" If it was someone other than Saito who asked this question, the Elf Queen would have ordered a servant to show the room.

But since it was Saito, she answered, "Yes, Sir Axel. Follow me."

Saito nodded his head and followed her but not before giving a kiss on Lyra's cheek. He thought 'Since her mother is not opposed to the relationship. I don't need to hide it at all.'

He followed the elf queen out of the dining hall. He heard the Elf Queen start talking, "Sir Axel, please tell me, what do you plan to do in these days. I can make the arrangements for you."

Saito thought for a moment before he replied, "I don't have a preference, I was just thinking of roaming around here and see the whole Elf Forest. From this height, it seems rather beautiful. I don't need you to make any arrangements for that, I will be walking around with Lyra or maybe Reus as well."

The Elf Queen nodded her head. The Elf Forest indeed interested him enough that he was willing to take a walk around with Lyra.

After walking for 50 steps, the Elf Queen turned towards the room and pointed at it, "This is your room Sir Axel. If you need anything, please call out for me, my room is right beside this room."

Saito continued to stare at the door and thought 'Why is she giving me a room next to hers? What is her motive? Does she want to observe me for these days and see if I am a threat or not?'

Saito nodded his head and answered, "Very well. I thank you for showing me the way. May you have a good night."

He entered the room and jumped onto the bed while taking a deep breath. The bed was comfortable enough, he felt like he would fall asleep just after laying down for a few minutes.

He suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the room beside his own. Normally, nobody would be able to hear this sound but since his body had evolved after swallowing the Great Demon King's body, his senses were a lot enhanced.

Just as he closed his eyes, he heard the sound of the water falling onto the ground, the next second, the sound changed and an image of naked Elf Queen was inside his head.

Even though Saito had never seen her without her clothes, it wasn't hard to imagine with those tight-fitting clothes. He thought with a wry smile 'This is going to take some time getting used to.'

A sigh escaped his lips and he tried to sleep with all the water splashing around in the room next to his own.


The 3 days were over, in these three days, not a lot had happened. Saito explored the Elf Forest; it was indeed very beautiful. After he was announced as the Nature's Champion, the elves were very good to him.

Most of them wanted to form good relations with him, most of the times, Saito would politely decline and say that he wants to explore the forest more.

Reus was once again diagnosed by the Elf Doctor on the Elf Queen's request and he had said that he was in no danger.

After exploring the forest in the day, he would return back to his room to sleep and had nearly gotten used to the Elf Queen taking a bath. Even though his head still ran some fantasies about her body, he wasn't going to make any moves on her.

Suddenly as he woke up, he heard Iris speaking up [Master, the analysis of the whole area has been completed.]

Saito was delighted to hear that, he quickly asked Iris 'Great! Now, tell me about this legend of the Nature's Champion. Is it real according to your analysis?'


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