Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 21 - Breaking The Seal

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After he was finished analyzing the barrier, he looked around and saw a very bright green energy being released from a weak-looking stem that was going through the tree.

Saito looked around and wondered where the beast was, he couldn't see anything resembling a beast at all. There were no bones, nothing which said that there was a beast here.

Saito asked Iris immediately 'Iris, did you make a mistake? I cannot see any beast here.'

Iris answered with the same monotonous tone [Master, this beast seems to be very good at masking its appearance. It's definitely here, I can sense its life force from the seal but I cannot analyze the shape. The seal is restricting me from finding out its accurate location.]

Saito stared at the Elf Queen and says, "Elf Queen, I just want you to know, don't you find this place a little strange?"

Elf Queen wondered what he meant and asked him, "What do you mean by strange?"

Saito answered her as he pointed at the seal, "This seal is supposed to be holding a demonic beast but I do not see a beast here. Even if it's dead, it should have left behind the bones. So, why has this beast not left behind a bone?'

Elf Queen was shocked to hear this, she was stupefied and was at a loss of words when she did turn her head and found logic in his words, "This is indeed strange."

She tried to find the reason and said, "Maybe it was entirely finished because of Nature's Vein. The demonic beast probably tried to touch it and was extinguished completely."

Saito remained silent and started thinking 'It would have been great if that was the case but according to Iris that demonic beast is still living. She will not believe me if I tell it to her now and will conclude that I just don't want to break the seal. Just what should I do?'

The Elf Queen stared at him and seemed to want him to make his decision. Saito asked Iris 'Iris, what is the chance that I will win against this beast?'

[With the energy I have analyzed, master has a 50% chance of winning. There is no information on the abilities possessed by this beast so the chance of winning will be lower.]

Saito smiled when he heard Iris stating the possibility '50% chance? That's a good possibility. Let's see how it goes.'

Saito knew the danger possessed by unsealing this barrier and letting out that beast but he had already given his word to the queen. He wasn't going to back down unless there was a good reason.

If there was a 50% chance to win, he was going to bet his all on that possibility. Saito took a look at the Elf Queen and said, "Please stand back and be ready to use your magic at my command."

The Elf Queen was delighted when she heard him but Saito continued to speak, "Elf Queen, I have a good reason to believe that the demonic beast sealed inside is still alive there. Please be on your guard."

The Elf Queen was dumbfounded when she heard him, she started speaking as her body slightly trembled, "Sir Axel, if you are uncomfortable in unsealing the barrier then you can try another time."

Saito, however, shook his head, he knew that Elf Queen was just being polite, "No, if the demonic beast can survive for these many years in the seal then it may even survive for another 1000 years. But the problem is, the elves won't last that long. Isn't that right?"

The Elf Queen turned her head away, she knew of this as well. Saito continued to speak, "And the second problem is that we would not gain any knowledge of the situation remains as it is. There is no way for us to know any information about the beast. It's best that I unseal the barrier now, just be prepared to use your magic to fight."

The Elf Queen realized what he wanted to say and nodded her head, "As you say, Sir Axel." She called upon her magic, she looked absolutely ready now.

"Good! I will begin unsealing this barrier now. It shouldn't take that long." He stopped looking at her and turned his attention back on the barrier.

Before the attempt to unseal the barrier, he ordered Iris in his head 'Iris, as soon as the barrier is broken, release my magic in the area to let me sense everything.'

[Yes master!]

He closed his eyes and thought 'If I can't see you with my eyes then I shall see you with magic.'

He started off by releasing a huge amount of Hell Flames from his left hand and created multiple number of Nature Magic Spheres and hit the barriers at the same time.

The Nature Magic barrier shattered rather quickly with the combined attacks from both the Hell Flames and the Nature Magic Spheres.

This strong bombardment on the barrier surprised the Elf Queen, she didn't think that Saito was holding off so much power within him. It dawned on her that when he threatened to burn off the entire Elf Forest, he wasn't kidding about it. He could actually do that if he so wanted.

It took some time but the constant bombardment of the Hell Flames and the Spheres made from Nature Magic started to break the Demonic Barrier.

Suddenly, Saito noticed a strong demonic magic power from the corner of his eyes. He coldly smiled at the sight of that magic.

He reminded Iris once again 'Be ready Iris. The barrier is about to be broken!'

[Yes master!]

He received the same reply and sure enough, just as the seal shattered apart into pieces, thousands, no, hundreds of thousands of magic spheres made of Hell Flames and Black Lightning were spread into the seal evenly.

As soon as the barrier was broken apart, Saito sensed a very strong and abundant amount of Nature magic. He noticed that it was being released from that glowing stem.

Suddenly, he heard the sound he had been waiting to hear. The sound of the crackling, it was coming from the left corner, his magic spheres around that area suddenly exploded.

The Black Lightning crackled around his right hand as he shouted, "Get out beast! I know you are there. Or do I hit you with this that you will come out!"

The Elf Queen didn't understand what he was talking about, she looked in that direction and didn't seen anyone. She was however on her guard because of Saito's words.

She was very excited to feel the strong strength going through her body. Suddenly, her excitement turned to horror when she sensed a terrifying killing intent in the area.

The amount of killing intent which convinced her that she could do nothing other than run away. Saito was not so scared, he himself had acquired quite a bit of killing intent after killing all those lizardmen.

He loudly shouted out, "What's with you, beast? Can you only use cheap tricks? First the invisibility and now this pitiful killing intent? Have you been reduced to such a pitiful state that you don't dare to fight against me?"

Saito was internally thinking 'Let's see what type of beast you are. If you are a stupid beast or an intelligent one.'

Both of them heard a womanly sound with a very ancient, full of power and pride contained within it, "I was thinking of letting you two off right now since you have managed to unseal me. It's been around 13000 years since that wretched elf sealed me here."

Slowly, Saito and Elf Queen stared at the body which started to appear in front of them. It was that of a shape of Fox. More specifically, a seven-tailed fox.

"I am a Seven Sin Fox Monarch! You boy, you are right in the fact that my energy has degenerated over the years. But it's still enough to deal with a brat like you and this elf woman.." The crimson red-colored fox spoke, not at all scared of these two.

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