Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 22 - Seven Sin Fox Monarch

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Saito carefully observed the crimson red colored fox as it fearlessly exposed itself to the Elf Queen and Saito. She continued to stare at Saito and spoke once again, "It has been quite some time before I have seen another face."

Saito countered back while using all of his brain cells to observe this fox, "Quite some time is an understatement for a 10,000-year-old prisoner."

The fox showed no emotion other than her intention to kill. It replied back with that same neutral tone, "You were right in the fact that my energy has been depleted by the seal over the course of years. But there is one thing you do not know; I can recover back quite an amount of energy if I kill you or absorb your soul."

Saito suddenly had a curious question, he asked Iris in his head 'Iris, what will happen if she manages to absorb my soul?'

[If a person of her caliber tries to absorb master's soul, I can easily resist and absorb her soul for you before reconstructing a similar body as her for you.]

Saito was completely speechless and thought 'Damn! That's ruthless Iris, it looks like she should be scared of you.' He further thought 'No thanks, I guess. I put quite some time and effort into this body. So, I have no intention of changing the body.'

[As you wish master!]

However, the fox didn't stop speaking, "I can sense quite a number of souls above. It would be fun to devour them all, maybe I would even be able to recover back my power."

The Elf Queen shouted out in anger, "Stop right there you fox. I am going to put a stop to you right here."

The Fox continued to stare at her, and then mysteriously smiled, "Are you so sure Elf Queen? You seem rather weak in front of your ancestor, if she was here, I would have had some reason to be troubled. But just you here are not qualified."

The Elf Queen voiced out with great confidence, "I realize that I can't deal with you by myself. But I and Sir Axel sure can beat you if we work together."

The Fox started to laugh before its body started undergoing a change. Her body started to take on a humanoid shape as it flashed with fright red light.

After the shape was set, the black-colored clothes magically appeared on top of her. She had a very voluptuous body with dark red hair, the clothes did nothing to hide her large magnificent breasts.

Her beauty and figure were on the same level as that of the Elf Queen, she cracked her neck and said, "It's been quite sometime before I used my human form."

Suddenly, she jumped back as she dodged the Hell Flames that Saito threw at her. She spoke out with a flash of mischievousness in her eyes, "You sure don't hold back against even pretty ladies, or is it just against me?"

"Do you know, I don't want to kill a man like you? I can sense that you are a human and not an elf. You possess the terrifying Hell Flames and Nature Magic. You don't have to die. You can join me and kill this Elf Queen, and I will do whatever you want." She even winked coyishly at the end of the statement.

The Elf Queen didn't have a single emotion present on her face. She was watching Saito's reaction. Saito asked her just one question, "What do you plan to do after you kill the Elf Queen?"

Elf Queen's eyes widened a little, she didn't understand why he was asking this question. She was also a little scared that he may even join up with this Evil Fox in killing her and then the rest of the Elves.

The Fox replied back with no hesitation, "I will go up, destroy and kill every single elf here. They would be a good appetizer and would be able to help me recover back my lost strength."

Saito raised his face, his eyes stared right into her eyes. Their eyes were locked for a second before Saito started speaking in a bone-chilling cold voice, "You just sealed your fate bitch!"

The Fox apparently wasn't intimidated at all and made a pose, "Aww… You hurt me with those statements. Are you sure you want to harm a beauty like me? Someone who is willing to do anything for you?"

Saito released a frightening aura while speaking in a chilling voice, "Your beauty? After those words, you are just a large piece of flesh and bones for me."

The Fox's face changed, no longer was there a smile on her face but rather a very ruthless look, "You dare reject my good intentions!? My name is Naomi, make sure to remember it in your last moments of regret boy!"

The Black Lightning crackled around his body, Saito said in an authoritative voice, "Elf Queen, stay back. This is my fight!"

The Elf Queen didn't give a reply but she stepped back by two steps. At the same time, Saito vanished from his spot and suddenly re-appeared in front of an empty wall.

He hit the empty wall with a strong and quick punch, Naomi who was in front of the Elf Queen's eyes suddenly dispersed revealing it to be an illusion.

The same woman was on the ground right in front of Saito's body. She weakly groaned as she never expected Saito to know about the illusion and suddenly hit her real body at such a fast speed.

The years in this barrier had dulled her senses, she couldn't react like she used to because she hadn't fought for 10,000 years at all.

However, she used her special skill to quickly regenerate and recover from the wound. She suddenly disappeared from the spot and the same with Saito, he reappeared right next to her but this time, it seems like his punch missed as there were the walls of the tree had a huge crater formed there.

'I missed at such close range!? How?' These were the questions of Saito to himself. He was sure that he sensed her body reappear there, why was it wrong?

Naomi disappeared again and once again Saito threw out a punch only to find out that he missed just by an inch again. This time, he drew back and tried to analyze it properly.

'Impossible! The first time could be a fluke but the second time wasn't a fluke. She seemed to have very high agility along with speed. This reaction time is incredibly good, I can't do anything to her if this goes on. I need to do something else.'

The Black Lightning crackled in his palm as he released the lightning in the whole area. Countless streams of lightning were released from his palm as it attempted to hit everything in front of Saito.

Naomi appeared this time, her breasts jiggling and she countered it with her reddish-black magic. She countered all the small streams of lightning which were about to hit her body.

She commented on the surprise she experienced, "You are quite a surprising boy. Not only do you have Hell Flames and Nature Magic. You even wield the rare Black Lightning. You have the good luck of acquiring so many fortuitous encounters."

Saito didn't comment on those words; he was more concentrated on that magic of hers. Naomi was surrounded by that reddish-black layer of magic. She suddenly launched herself at Saito.

Saito readied himself for the incoming close combat fight but he noticed her eyes staring at the Elf Queen. His eyes widened when he remembered her thirst to kill the elves.

He was just a split second faster than her and saved the Elf Queen before Naomi's magic claw could touch her. He was carrying the Elf Queen princess style and his hand was on her very round butt.

He couldn't help but fondle it for 2-3 times before he realized what he was doing. He placed her back on the ground and this time stared at Naomi with fury evident in his eyes.

Saito suddenly remembered an important piece of information; he raised his hand and branches from the interior of the trees shot towards Naomi.

Naomi didn't think he would do this but she was quick enough to get away and dodge them. What she didn't expect was Saito getting to that location just a split second faster than her, he held her by the throat released the Black Lightning to electrocute her.

After the shock from Black Lightning, Saito thought that she must have at least felt some pain from this but he was surprised to see her well.

He released a huge amount of Hell Flames from his hands but it didn't seem like it was able to hurt Naomi.

Naomi coldly smiled, "You think you will be able to beat me that easily? Die now!"

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