Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 23 - Running Away

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She held a strong red-colored blast against Saito's body. He had no way to dodge it at all and the blast hit him at point-blank range. The huge explosion occurred in front of the Elf Queen; she had a determined face as she controlled the wood inside of the tree.

She unleashed all the wood at the spot where Naomi was standing. As the dust cleared, she saw the Wood magic being reduced to ashes by a wave of her hand, and Saito being held by her with a terrifying look in her eyes.

Saito's clothes tore apart at the area where the blast hit him, his well-shaped body came into view for the Elf Queen's eyes. Naomi held him by his head and was about to blast it open when she heard the Elf Queen speaking in a low voice, "Nature's Arrows!"

Multiple arrows made out of Nature's magic shot towards Naomi. Naomi snorted at the attack and said, "This level of attack isn't enough to hurt me at all."

She snapped her fingers and suddenly, the nature magic was dispersed without any problems. It was very strange how she did it.

However, she never expected to hear a cold string of words, "Then will this be good enough?" She looked around to see Saito's arm grabbing onto her own arm and sent a terrifying quantity of the Black Lightning in order to neutralize her.

But that wasn't all, on the other hand, he held the Hell Flames and released it onto her body. Her whole body was enveloped in the Black Flames from hell, Saito had a cold and neutral look as he stared at Naomi in front of his eyes.

He was sure that this was no illusion. He could feel sense magic power coursing through her body, there was no way she could fool him now.

After he was sure that he had burned her enough, he stopped using the Hell flames and once again used the Black Lightning to electrocute her and softly spoke, "Million volts lightning!"

After the attack, he kicked her straight in the gut and was thrown back against the wall. As her body crashed against the wall, Saito didn't waste any time confining her with the Nature magic, using the wood from the Great Tree.

He immediately turned around and stared at the Elf Queen, "Help me! She is very injured, tired, and weak. We need to kill her while we still can. I will keep on holding her with the Nature magic, use that magic attack once again."

"Nature's Arrow." The attack was once again charged but this time, its power was twice the amount as compared to before.

The attack was just about to hit Naomi when suddenly, she burst out of the confinement of Saito with a very powerful sphere of demonic magic formed around her.

Saito tried to calm down and realized it 'We can't kill her. She is too strong. And I can't use my strong explosive attacks in this space. It's too dangerous!'

He took a quick look at Naomi and noticed that she was taking deep breaths. It meant that this whole protective layer around her was consuming her magic very fast.

Saito picked up a rock, he channeled the power of lightning through that hand, and threw the rock quickly.

The rock was so fast that it managed to pass through the protective layer made by Naomi but she shifted from her position and dodged.

She looked at Saito's position again and saw that he had disappeared. She looked around and noticed that even the Elf Queen had disappeared.

The Elf Queen was in Saito's arms as he was flying at top speed to get out of the great tree, he had no intention of fighting this monster.

Saito was thinking on the way 'Fuck this, it's better she comes outside to fight. I can't fight here. She probably won't fight me when we get outside, she herself can't risk a fight against me since she isn't at her full strength. Though she will take revenge later, I will deal with it when the time comes.'

Saito was confident that he would be able to deal with her as long as he had enough time, with the rate at which he was getting stronger, he was sure that within 2-3 months, he could get stronger than her.

Naomi was at the bottom of the tree and let out a sigh as she released the demonic magic, "Just who is that frightening boy? How can he use nature and demonic magic at the same time? They didn't even look like they were restricting each other so how is this possible? I can't afford to have another fight with him."

She had also noticed that despite the huge magic reserves that Saito held, he never once used an ultimate attack, "He must have been worried that it would have damaged the great tree. Another fight with him won't kill me but it will make me even weaker. This damned seal absorbed more of my power than I thought. I need to regain it before coming back here and take the revenge."

She also started to fly up ahead, she wasn't in any rush. Soon enough, she reached the entrance to the great tree, her eyes widened in fury when she examined it closely.

It looked very normal and there wasn't anything strange to it if someone didn't examine it closely but Naomi had years of experience and she was the master of trickery. It was easy to see through it at once.

There was a net formed of a Dark web with Black Lightning and Hell Flames coursing through it. They were stacked on top of each other, if she wanted to pass through the entrance and get out, she needed to endure these two attacks.

They were masked using normal magic by erasing their presence for the eye. It was a simple trick and Naomi had also attempted this in the past against her opponents. She gritted her teeth as she thought 'This was covered up by that Elf Queen. I swear, I will kill you and all the elves.'

She continued to think of the situation 'If I pass through this, I won't be killed but those both will be alerted of my presence and must be outside, ready to use their strongest attacks. They want to do one last attempt to bury me here!'

A cold smile formed on her lips as she approached the entrance, she was a knowledgeable fox, how could she be trapped with this pesky thing here. She quickly moved her fingers and hit all the points to which this magic net was connected, as soon as it was disconnected, she flew out of there and disappeared.

Saito was inside the hall of Elf Queen as he let out a relieved sigh 'Good. Looks like she has gotten out of the net. Iris, scan her presence in the area. Check if she is still here.'

Iris immediately answered drawing a delighted smile from Saito [Master, the demonic fox is going farther and farther away from this place. She is just about to exit the Elf Forest…]

Saito fell down on the ground and thought 'Good. That's good. It seems that she doesn't want to have her revenge right now. She will bid her time and bring along her own allies to destroy the elves.'

Saito stared at the Elf Queen and said, "She is going further and further away from this area. Looks like we won't need to be worried about her returning back in a short time."

The Elf Queen nodded her head, she stared at his well-shaped figure, she was lost in her own thoughts when she was suddenly brought out of them from Saito's words.

She nodded her head and was relieved to hear it.

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