Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 24 - Celebration

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After they were both out of the hall, the Elf Queen used magic in her voice to let her voice resound in the whole Elf Forest, "Everyone, there is good news. Sir Axel has managed to unseal the Nature Vein, letting it flow through the Great Tree naturally once again. As the queen of elves, I confer upon him the title of the Hero of Elves. His words are to be given supreme importance even above mine. All of you shall obey his orders whatever it may be."

The whole elf race heard her voice, all of them cheered up very loudly that they could hear their voice from so far above.


"My husband won't die! My son can live a long life now!"

Suddenly, all of the elves started chanting, "Long live Sir Axel! Long live Hero Axel! Long live Sir Axel! Long live Hero Axel!"

It was unknown who started this chant but as Saito heard it, he found out that it was pleasing to the ears.

After the chant had gone long enough, the Elf Queen started to speak in a loud voice, "Today night, we shall have a huge celebration for this occasion and shall celebrate on this date once every year."

The Elf Queen wasn't finished speaking when she heard the Elves cheering once again. It seemed that they were happy with the news of the celebration.

After some time, she announced in a very loud and clear voice, "And the last news is, my daughter, princess Lyra shall be engaged to Sir Axel this weekend."

Now, this was news which quietened the area before the sound from their cheers and chorusing reached the sky. Lyra and Reus of course heard the announcements, they left their rooms to look for Saito and the Elf Queen.

Saito opened his arms for Lyra to jump into them, she hugged him tightly and excitedly said, "Thank you! Thank you!"

Saito nodded his head and whispered in her ears, "Anything for my future wife." He spoke those words very softly.

They continued to be lovey-dovey with each other as he started walking towards the rooms. He wasn't in the mood to stay here now that Lyra had come.


The whole elf kingdom was busy in preparations for the celebrations tonight. They even brought out their special wine which was prepared from the fruits of the Great Tree.

This wine was one of the best in the world. It was prepared by using a special method of extraction, keeping the content pure. There weren't many people who had the fortune to drink it but right now, it was being served to every elf once.

Of course, there was no restriction for the Elf Queen and Saito. They could drink whenever and however much they wanted.

It was also a pre-celebration for Saito and Lyra's engagement so Saito didn't hold himself back and drunk that delicious wine.

Even counting the experience from his previous life, he was sure he had never drunk such a delicious wine before. Its taste was on a whole new level.

Saito was seated on the seat adjacent to the Elf Queen. Lyra was sitting on his lap as his arms were around her waist.

He pulled her closer to his own body and said, "Are you enjoying it Lyra?" She nodded her head and answered him, "Of course. I am so happy that we are celebrating this occasion together."

He wasn't thinking about that Fox woman at all, for now, he was just enjoying himself here. After the celebrations, he returned back to his room.

He was pretty drunk at the moment and instantly started sleeping when he fell down on the bed.

The next morning, he wakes up with a strong headache, he asks Iris 'Clear this hangover Iris.'

[Yes, master!]

His headache was completely cleared and he finally started thinking 'Iris, what abilities have you analyzed from that Fox Demon?'

[Master, I was unable to finish my analysis but that woman was using illusions, demonic magic, and some spell to increase her strength and speed.]

'Interesting… and how much time should it take for her to regain her complete strength?' He was a bit curious about this.

[By my analysis, she should take around 6 months to be completely treated, both from the physical and spiritual injuries.]

He nods his head and goes out of his room; he goes past the Elf Queen's room and saw that it was open. She was sleeping in her room with her back facing the roof, staring at her ass for some time, he couldn't help but think 'She is really hot.'

What he didn't know was Lyra had come there to check up on him, she found him staring inside her mother's room with a hint of lust in his eyes.

She then saw him walk away from the room, she was a little happy and remembered that her father died around 10 years ago, making her mother lonely for the rest of her life.

Saito continued to walk and noticed Lyra standing in the hallway, he greeted her, "Hey wifey~ You want to go on a walk with me?"

She nods her head and they both go on a walk in the forest. Lyra grabs his hand and starts speaking, "Axel, do you know that my father died around 10 years ago. I was only 5 at the time but he died due to that disease which had been inhabiting in the race, killing men randomly."

"I am very thankful that you have unsealed the Nature Vein and now, no man will die due to unknown cause. It's just that I wanted to ask you for a favor." She looked into his eyes and asked him.

Saito flicks at her forehead and says, "You idiot, you don't need to ask me for a favor. Just tell me what you want me to do. We are going to be husband and wife in the upcoming future, of course I will try to make my wife happy."

Lyra was touched when she heard him, she gave him a hug and kiss on his cheeks before starting, "Axel, you know my mother has been alone for these 10 years, taking on the whole burden of the elf kingdom onto her. She has no one to comfort her for these years."

Saito places his hand under his chin and says, "Hmm… it will be difficult finding someone good enough to be the husband of Elf Queen. Well, you can leave that to me…!"

She still didn't let go of his hand and says, "No… Mother probably won't accept any person. Anyone other than you. You have received the direct blessings from Nature. You are the closest person in the world to nature. If you want her, I am sure she wouldn't deny."

Saito suddenly stops moving and stares into her eyes, "Lyra, I will be straightforward. If I comfort her right now, I will probably get into a relationship with your mother. Do you want that to happen?"

Lyra was a bit stunned when she heard him state it in such a blunt manner, she replied back, "hmm… I don't mind it at all. In the future, Axel will sure to have a harem, it doesn't matter if my mother is a part of it right? She is also not that old, she is just 40 years old which is very youthful age for an elf."

Saito was speechless, he was thinking 'Fuck! How come she has a harem in her mind when even I didn't? Is this how this world works? Is it really so common here?'

Saito asked her with a very serious expression, "Lyra, tell me, is the harem so common in the world?"

He knew that this world's cultures were different from his previous world's cultures. The mentality of the people was different and he wanted to confirm it. He felt like he would be able to make a better decision after this.

Lyra took a moment to respond because she didn't understand why he was asking this question, this was common knowledge after all, "Well yes, Axel. Many humans have harems, almost all the nobles, kings and the heroes summoned from another world mostly have harems."

Saito was speechless for some time before he asked her again, "Lyra, even though you aren't the idea of harems. I have never really thought much about it, besides, if I have a relationship with the Elf Queen, it's going to be weird and awkward between the both of you."

However, Lyra shook her head and says, "Don't worry Axel, I will talk to mother about it. It won't be awkward at all.. She will become your wife."

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