Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 25 - Storming The Camp

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Saito was instantly speechless. He didn't give her a definitive answer, "I will think about it later. I don't plan on doing anything for now. Besides, my own opinion doesn't matter, she has to love me as well."

Lyra rolled her eyes and says, "Axel, she definitely likes you, trust me on this. I have noticed her staring at you when she thinks no one is looking. Call it a woman's intuition."

She whispered under her breath, "I have also noticed you taking a look at her body." She didn't speak this out loud but Saito's enhanced senses allowed him to listen to what she had said.

He didn't comment on this but it certainly wasn't his fault, it was a normal reaction of a guy. He couldn't help that at all.

Saito coughed a little and said, "Alright, I will think of it later." Internally, he thought 'This is going to be annoying to deal with.'

Lyra was thinking in the meantime 'Talking to mother about this shouldn't be so hard. This will definitely make both of them happier.'


After returning back from the walk, both Saito and Lyra walked towards the Elf Queen to meet up with her. Both of them had different motives to meet with her.

Saito went first and said, "Elf Queen, I will be leaving the Elf Forest for a couple of days and return back with my mount Joergen and my other pets."

He wasn't asking permission or anything, he was just informing her of his decision. Meanwhile, Lyra spoke out to her, "Mother, I want to talk to you about something important later."

Saito left the Elf Kingdom without any further delay; he wanted his pets to be there at the Elf Kingdom on the day of his marriage.

Two days passed by and he was very close to the location where he left the pets. He wasn't in any sort of hurry so he was taking his time by walking there.

Saito noticed something peculiar, something which wasn't there when he was walking towards the Elf Kingdom 'Is this a camp made by the humans? Why did they make it here? Are they on their way to a mission?'

Saito shrugged his shoulders and continued to walk forward; he wasn't in any mood to have some contact with humans. Just as he took a step forward, he sensed an incoming attack and tilted his head.

He suddenly heard a shout, "Hey you! Who are you!? What are you doing in this area?" Saito was a little irritated by the owner of this shout 'The heck! I am just going my own way. Do I need to explain to them if I want to go from one place to another?'

Saito turned his head around, he saw two middle-aged men in very heavy steel armor, with helmets on their heads that didn't cover their faces at all.

They both looked decently strong for a human but for Saito, their strength could only be labeled as weak. He could sense their magic; it was very low as compared to their age.

Saito replied back to their question, "I am just passing through the area. What is it? You have an issue with that?"

One of them stared at him and said, "It depends on what you were doing. How come you are strolling around the area at such a time and why are you alone? Where is your group?"

Saito didn't have any idea what they were talking about. Saito stayed silent for some time and the other guy sneered at him, "Maybe this guy ran away from the empire. Let's capture him and present him to the leader, maybe we will be granted some great benefit for this deed."

Saito frowned a little and said, "Listen here, you are making a great mistake here. Just take a step back and we will go on our ways. Take a step forwards and I will drag you to your leader's feet.

Saito wasn't kidding when he said that. He was in a great mood but these guys have come here talking to him in an arrogant tone. He started thinking 'What is with the mentality in this world? The elves are arrogant and think that they are superior to humans. The humans are arrogant and think they are superior to other humans even when they don't know anything about them.'

Of course, Saito wasn't going to kill them. It wasn't that he couldn't. It was more like there was no need to kill them.

The two middle-aged guards didn't seem to realize the danger in which they were in. They took a step forwards and it was all over before it even began.

Saito was right in front of them, holding both their faces in each of his hands. He released both their heads at the same time and punched them on their gut at the same time as well.

They released some blood from their mouth and fell down while holding their stomach. The armor hadn't weakened his punch at all. Both their chest piece of the armor had shattered and the steel pieces were falling on the ground.

He had a cold look in his eyes as he grabbed their legs, he internally thought 'Now, I just need to find the human with the most magic here. He should be the leader for this mission.'

The men had their backs rubbed against the ground, though the armor prevented them from getting hurt this damaged their pride quite a bit.

Saito entered the camp, not hiding his aura at all. His aura was strong and had a noble intent within it. Every person who sensed his aura knew that the one who had entered the camp was an expert.

Many humans left their tents, even the leader did in order to greet this person. Saito didn't react to the presence of these humans; he dragged both of the guards around with such force that they were in front of his feet.

Saito started speaking with a very neutral tone, "Next time, ask your guards to behave. I don't mind being asked questions but that arrogant behavior?"

His eyes turned cold and he declared, "Use it in front of me again and I will not just be dragging them to your feet." This was a threat issued by Saito.

The young man who was the leader according to Saito had a calm face, he didn't seem surprised by Saito's appearance or the manner in which he entered the camp.

He instead nodded his head and says, "It has been an honor to see Hero Axel." As soon as he spoke the name, all the people in the camp were surprised and they took a step back.

Saito nodded his head and says, "I just came here to deliver these two idiots to you all. I need to go now."

However, the leader stared at him with surprise, "Please remain here for some time hero Axel. I am very good friends with Hero Jade, I heard from him that you left the empire in search of a Great Demon King."

"Since you are here, I imagine that the Great Demon king must have been annihilated by now?" He stared at Saito and seemed to analyze him very carefully.

Saito though shrugged at the moment and says, "Not really, that great demon king was smart enough to run away when it was about to die. What are you all doing here though?"

This was the real question he wanted to ask. The leader stared at Saito for a period of time before he replies, "The Emperor ordered us to go and investigate the cave around this region. It reportedly has many previous herbs and jewels."

Saito remained silent when he heard that they had come here to search for a cave. Suddenly, a man on a horse came with a piece of important information in his hand, "Sir, Hero Jade is about to reach the camp."

The leader who was talking to Saito suddenly turned his head towards that guard and have a smile, "That's a piece of great news. You can return back now."


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