Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 27 - A Heavy Beating

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Hero Jade snorts and completely looked down on him, "You say as if you can kill me. Listen here, Axel. We have fought before and we both know that you can't win against me. Just give up and come back. And what are those magic beasts behind you, this large beast seems especially rare, looks like I have hit a jackpot? If I take it back with me, it may have the magic core which would give me quite a bit of contribution points."

Saito stared at the group and his vision turned even colder, "Forget what I said about 30 seconds. You just want to court death right now!"

He released his killing intent along with his aura, the magic overflowing out of his body, "You are dead!" Those words were calmly spoken with no doubt in himself.

Hero Jade was however used to looking down on him, he ignored the obvious danger that he could feel and jumped down from his horse.

He didn't waste any more time talking and pointed at Saito with his right-hand index finger, suddenly, a large cube made out of crystal was formed on his index finger and he threw it towards Saito.

Saito dodged it just by side-stepping it. His speed surprised the other humans because they never saw someone dodging the attack of Hero Jade with such incredible speed. The speed of the attack was just so fast.

Jade frowned at the speed he witnessed Saito moving 'He is faster now. Looks like he had a fortuitous encounter. However, that's still not enough…'

But Jade wasn't finished. He continued to release those cubes as he pointed in Saito's direction. After continuing this for a minute or two, Jade spoke out, "If you can only dodge my attacks then this would be boring. I can do this all day long with my magic power. But can you dodge these all day long?"

Suddenly, at the next cube coming at him, Saito didn't dodge at all. Jade started thinking with a smirk on his face 'This idiot fell for my words!'

That smirk was seemingly crushed when he saw Saito deflect them easily with his hands, he didn't even look like he was trying.

Hero Jade started thinking with an ugly complexion 'Since when could he use magic to increase the strength of his physical capabilities? No matter.'

Saito cracked his neck and then said, "It was a good warm-up. You can be a pretty good partner during warm-up. But now you that warm-up is finished, you got to have someone with some real ability to step forwards and fight."

Those words targeted his ability, his pride which he held in his ability. It reminded him how a certain someone looks at him the same way and he was beyond anger at the revelation.

He pointed his palm at Saito and spoke out with an evil smirk, "Deflect this attack or beat it using your own power if you can."

Saito raised his eyebrows before his eyes widened a little when he noticed a huge beam of rainbow light being released from his hands.

Saito wanted to crush his pride to little bits so he raised his hand and released a horrifying amount of Hell Flames, intercepting the crystal beam and countering it.

The power released from the Hell Flames was greater than the crystal beam and slowly, the Hell Flames started to push back the crystal beam.

Realizing there was no point in continuing the attack, Jade stopped releasing the crystal beam and jumped back to dodge the incoming hell flames.

Just when Jade landed on the ground again, he was surprised to see Saito in front of his face staring at him with that same cold look. His two fingers pointing at him as he whispered, "Thunder!"

He never expected to hear the roaring of the thunder even in this clear sky. But he was sure that was what he heard; the roaring of the thunder being released from Saito's fingers.

Jade tried to make a shield of the crystal magic to stop the attack but it was weak, it couldn't stop the incoming black thunder at all and was hit.

Each strand in his body was on the verge of death. He never experienced such pain in his entire life and screamed, "Please stop! Stop!"

Saito though didn't really care about his screams. He took a look at Jade and says, "Now, will you tell me what I want to know or should I increase the intensity to twice what it is now?"

He stared at Joergen and says, "Take care of the other humans." Joergen seemed to be waiting for his command, he rushed at them with his Purple Lightning enhancing his body.

He beat one of the humans just by smashing his head at him and the rest of the humans ran away when they saw this scene. They couldn't hold a sword against Jade and their leader and now they just saw both of them being destroyed by another hero and his pet.

It was simply foolish to even fight against them. Running was a smarter choice for now. They could inform the about this scene to Union and may even receive some benefits.

There was simply no need to fight against these monsters. Saito didn't even glance at them, he knew that there was no way he could keep the news hidden for a long time, and he was in no mood to kill all of them.

He had a thought in his mind 'If you want to run then fine. But if any of you return back with reinforcements then there would be judgement!'

Besides, internally he was also curious 'Just what is the strength of this Union. If they had remained standing for so long despite so many Demon Lords then there must be some strong people behind it.'

Suddenly, Jade was in the midst of experiencing the Black Lightning coursing all over his body. He shouted out in terror, "Release me. I will tell you all that I know. Everything."

Suddenly, Saito stopped using the Black Lightning and grabbed him by his hairs, "Now, that wasn't so hard, was it? If only you were smart enough to do that before, you wouldn't have to feel the lightning in your body for so long. Though you should be thankful, with your crystal element enforcing your body, you didn't really feel that much pain."

The Hell Flames lit up on his palm, intimidating Jade as he took a look at it, "But it would be a different matter if I do the same with the Hell Flames. I assure you that all your organs would be converted into liquid."

Jade gulped down a mouthful of saliva, he knew that Saito wasn't kidding when he said this. The Hell Flames indeed had the power to turn all his internal organs into liquid if Saito so wanted to.

He wouldn't be able to protect himself even if he enforced his own body with the Crystal element that he was so proud of.

Jade asked him with fear evident from his eyes, "What do you want to know?"

Saito smirked when he saw him shaking and says, "Nothing much, just tell me why did you go into that cave and why did you want to capture me."

Jade remained quiet for a period of time; Saito punched him on his face that he fell down on the ground holding his right cheek.

Saito spoke out while raising his voice, "You have no time to be thinking about this. Just tell me already. Or should I make you understand the situation in which you are in?"

This did make him stop thinking so much, Jade started speaking, "We… We found a rare material in that cave. The Union was not sure of what it was made of so they sent me there to investigate it. It's a divine material that is an important material in the production of a Divine Weapon that the Union wants to make. This Divine Material was guarded by Hell Hounds, they are some of the strongest Fire Magic beasts."

He looked down and starts speaking, "With my Crystal Magic, it was easy to capture that beast long enough until we stole the material."

Saito did check whether he was telling the truth and it seemed that it was the truth but he said, "You think that will convince me. That shouldn't be the only reason why you were deployed for this… They could have sent a Hero with the ability to use Water Magic. So, why you?"


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