Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 28 - Death Of The Hero

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Jade raised his head and gulped down a mouthful of saliva when he saw Black Lightning crackling on top of his palm, "I requested to go on this mission. It's because if I am able to analyze its components and how it's been formed, I would be able to form it with my own magic."

Saito internally thought 'Heh… That's a strange and useful magic.' However, he saw Jade letting out a sigh, "But I wasn't able to find out anything about that material. It's very mysterious. It's not something I can do on my own."

Saito nods his head, "Alright, that's the answer to one of my questions. Tell me, why were you after me? What is it that you want from me?"

Jade looked even more hesitant talking about this, Saito let out a sigh before he kicked him on his chest. Jade fell down on the ground but Saito didn't have any intention to stop, he continued to kick the crap out of him.

Before long, Jade started to shout, "Okay… Okay! I will talk! Please stop!" Saito nods his head before kicking him one last time, "Now, that wasn't so hard. Was it? You shouldn't have hesitated so much."

Jade spat out some blood from his mouth, his internal injuries were making it difficult for him to even move around though Saito didn't give a crap about his internal injuries. He simply wanted answers now.

Jade started speaking, "After you forced the Great Demon King to run away. You were sighted by humans on their mission, instead of assisting them. You asked them to return back, this angered the Union. Chloe had used all her influence in the Union to make sure that they don't place you in your hit-list."

"The Union agreed on the condition if you would turn yourself in by the end of the week and give proper explanations regarding why you interfered in the mission and also did not report your own mission."

"Time passed and they soon left the matter as it was. After I found out about you meeting those people in the camp, I thought of capturing you and turning you in Union for a reward. I also wanted to impress Chloe who seems to have a favourable impression of a weakling like you."

Saito let out a sigh as he heard him, "So basically, you wanted to turn me in so that you could get yourself a reward. Since, Chloe seems to have a favourable impression of me, you wanted to use this opportunity make me seem like a bad person and you would have a greater chance with her. Isn't that right?"

Jade remained quiet for a period of time before he nodded, "Yes, that's a blunt way to put it." He coughed out some more blood and took quick breaths.

Saito let out a sigh after hearing him out, "You know, if this was the reason, I don't blame you completely. The part where I think you were in the wrong was capturing me and putting me in prison just for getting high chances with a girl. As for the Union, I will be sure to send them a reward."

Saito smirked at the end of his statement. He looked down at thought that Jade looked too pitiful, "You took quite a beating just for these two pitiful reasons. I don't have any interest in either of those."

Saito let out a tired sigh and said, "Listen, I know this beating makes you hate me or anything but think about it. If you hate me, Chloe wouldn't just start liking you. You should have approached me in a civil manner, I could have helped you out with your relationship with her you know. After all, there is a good chance that she would listen to my words."

Jade was dumbfounded when he heard Saito, he was thinking 'The fuck. What is he spouting out? They are always together in the city. Both of them displayed the perfect love they had for each other since they had been summoned to this world and he is telling me that he would have helped me out if I talked to him. Is he all right? Is his mind working properly or has he gone completely crazy?'

This couldn't be blamed on Saito though; he had no idea about the relationship that Axel had with Chloe. He was simply speaking what he felt that made the most sense.

Saito stared at the ring in Jade's hand and said, "You know what, I guess I will visit the kingdom after this week. And I will be taking that ring now."

He pointed at the ring which was worn in the middle finger of Jade's right hand. He unconsciously clenched his fist in order to prevent him from taking his ring.

Saito had a smile on his face as he made a blade out of Hell Flames, "We can do this the easy way or hard way. Easy way would be to give me the ring yourself and the hard way would be that I would cut off your finger and take the ring from you. I wonder, which option do you prefer?"

Now, the smile on his face, the aura being released from his body, they all indicated that he was completely serious about what he said.

He wasn't kidding about cutting off his finger and Jade slowly opened his palm, pulling out the ring from his hand.

Saito gave a smile to him and stretched his hand to grab the ring from Jade. Jade handed him the ring and suddenly smirked while whispering, "Forbidden Technique: Frozen Crystals!"

Suddenly, crystals started to form on Saito's hand and started extending. This move was trying to trap his entire body into a crystal but Saito calmly speaks, "Futile attack… Black Lightning!"

The Lightning started to light up in his hand which was trapped by a crystal, soon the crystal started to crack up and was internally broken. Only its outer shell attached to Saito's hand was left.

Saito didn't show any mercy this time, he punched Jade on top of his head very strongly. His head split open, splashing blood everywhere.

Saito stared at the blood which was splashed onto his clothes and thought 'Looks like I need some new clothes. This idiot's blood sure ruined my awesome clothes.'

He looked towards Joergen and sweat dropped as he found Joergen sending that camp leader from one side to another, appearing to the other side with his speed and hitting him back to the other side.

It was like he was trying to play catch with himself which actually made Saito pity that Leader. Saito held the body of Jade; he closed his eyes for a few seconds and was soon done infusing his magic in his body.

It was unknown what he did but it change the look of his corpse. Saito ordered Joergen, "Stop Joergen! That's enough. I still need him to do something for me."

Joergen did as he was ordered and stopped, "Very well master."

Saito stared at the leader and said, "Listen, I will give you a chance to run away. Return back to the Union with this Hero's Corpse, tell them that I was the one who did it. I am waiting for their revenge. Also, do mention to not try to analyze this corpse with magic, they wouldn't like the result."

The leader fearfully nodded, he tried to stand up but Joergen had accidently broken his legs and the bones in his chest. It was standing there staring at Emma and the other wolves playing it cool.

Saito used his technique, "Healing Aura." He injected quite an amount of magic in his body and the leader felt his body being treated rapidly.

After healing him, Saito kicked him on his gut and threw him towards Jade's body, he said, "Go and do as I have asked you to or else, I will find you and I will break those bones again."

The man nodded and quickly ran towards the corpse, carried it on his back and ran back towards the capital, fearful of Saito suddenly coming after him and doing as he said.

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