Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 31 - Leave The Elf Kingdom

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It has been a week since Saito's wedding. He was sitting in their new room with a large king-sized bed, Lyra's head rested onto his laps as Saito's hands played with her golden locks.

A small sigh escaped his lips before he says, "Lyra, I am thinking of leaving the Elf Kingdom. With the way I am now, I cannot protect the Elf Kingdom from that mysterious Fox named Naomi at her full power."

Lyra's head didn't move, she spoke out, "When will you be back Axel? I will miss you."

Saito shakes his head with a small smile, "I will miss you as well which is why I was thinking of asking you to come along with me."

This time, Lyra raised her head from top of his lap, she hugged him strongly while saying, "Need you ask me? I will go anywhere in the world with you besides me."

Saito holds her hand and places it on his cheek, "Thank you, you have no idea how happy that made me. Don't worry, we will return soon."

Lyra softly caressed her hand over his cheeks and says, "Do you have any place where we should go love?"

Saito thought for a few moments and nodded, "Yes, I think it would be good if we go to the human kingdom. I have a skill which can hide your Elf Aura and ears, you can pass off as a Human so there should be no complications."

Iris had used these days to analyze the Illusion magic of the Fox. Even though the Illusion wasn't as wonderful as the Fox, to change the ears and hide Lyra's aura wasn't a big deal.

Lyra had a thoughtful look on her face, "Are we going to the Human kingdom to gather information?"

Saito gave a firm nod, "Yes, it's because now that the Mysterious Fox has been unsealed in the world. She must have raised some ruckus, unlike the elves, the humans constantly fight against the demons and the beasts, some humans must have come in contact with the Fox."

Saito had a grim look over his face, "They should have some information about her whereabouts and what she did in these days since she had been unsealed."

Lyra nodded her head; it was indeed true. The dwarves and the Elves didn't really like conflicts, unlike the secretive Elves, the dwarves had no problem with any race.

The Elves rarely involved themselves in conflict related to the demons, beasts, or the Humans. Within the Elf Forest, The Elf Queen was strong enough to go against a Demon Lord and come out on top.

The humans or the demons didn't think it would benefit them by turning elves into their enemies. Against the Fox, she hadn't been able to display her full power because the Fox was just too strong, she wasn't able to gather her whole power in a short time.

The only reason Saito was able to overwhelm the fox was due to his Black Lightning element where his speed was fast enough to content against the fox and prove to be an appropriate contender.

From the quantity of his magic, Saito still wasn't at the Demon Lords level. It was unknown how powerful they were but Saito had read from some books here in the Elf Kingdom that they were capable of destroying a mountain with a flick.

Though he knew that it was obviously very exaggerated, he couldn't help but feel a little excited at the prospect of fighting against someone this strong.

The Dragon he had fought during the Lizardman raid seemed to be a Flood Dragon. The True Dragon was capable of giving a challenge to the Demon Lord and even have the strength to come out on top.

Saito didn't understand if the highest level for the Demons was the Demon Lord or if there was someone higher as well or not. If there was, that demon should surely be the monarch, someone who would be able to throw the world into chaos on a whim.

This was why Saito came onto his decision to go to the Human Kingdom. He also wanted to understand more about the humans, if the Demons and the Beasts had such a strong strength behind them then how come the human kingdom still existed.

If the heroes were only at the level of Hero Jade and this Hero Axel then how are the humans going against the demons.

Saito was thinking with a serious look 'Looks like the humans have their own experts in hiding. Even I would need to be careful in the kingdom. This Union, why do I feel that I would receive my answers at that place?'

He says to Lyra, "Alright, I will go and talk to the Elf Queen about this. Stay here and wait for me. We will take along Emma and Joergen, the rest of the wolves can stay here and protect the Elves."

Lyra gave a nod before she saw Saito leave the room. Saito walked towards the hall where the Elf Queen was seated.

She was seemingly thinking about something, Saito knocked onto the open door to catch her attention, "Elf Queen, I have something to talk about with you."

The Elf Queen raised her head to take a look at Saito. With a curious look she asked him, "What is it Sir Axel?"

There was a pause before he spoke, "I and thinking of going to the human kingdom together with Lyra and our pets. I wanted to inform you of this decision, Elf Queen."

The Elf Queen visibly shook before she asked him, "What made you take such a decision Sir Axel? Is the Elf Kingdom not to your liking? Do you not feel at home here?"

Saito shook his head, "No, that is not the issue. I want to travel around the world, the human kingdom is the start."

The Elf Queen bit her lips before she voiced out, "I believe you have already made up your mind. Is there anything that you would like me to do for you?"

Saito once again shook his head, "No, I shall be gone for quite some time. I will be leaving behind three of my Shadow Lightning Beasts to protect the Elf Race. If the Elf Kingdom ever encounters an issue, I shall come back as quickly as possible to resolve it."

The Elf Queen remained silent, she went forwards, swaying her hips from one side to another. His breasts shaking with each step she took towards him. After seeing her every day, Saito was nearly used to watching her seductive body.

She touched his face one last time because she knew that he wasn't going to be here after today, "Take care Sir Axel. I shall wait for your return."

She said those words with a light blush, Saito thought nothing of this gesture. He didn't have those sorts of feelings towards the Elf Queen, he knew that she was giving him hints that she liked him but he didn't have any sorts of romantic feelings for her since she was Lyra's mother.

Even though Lyra didn't mind it, Saito certainly didn't want to have intimate relationship with her mother. It was just weird to think inside his head. He was already happy enough with Lyra.

Saito nodded his head and starts speaking, "As you say Elf Queen. Then I shall take my leave along with Lyra."

He turned around and proceeded to leave the hall when suddenly he heard the Elf Queen calling out for him, "Wait!"

He stopped himself in the middle of walking out and glanced at her. The Elf Queen started speaking, "I…" Seeing her stumbling with the words, Saito asked her, "Yes?"

The Elf Queen was blushing madly and didn't speak anything, she quickly closed the distance between them and kissed him on his lips.

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