Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 32 - The Elf Queen's Feelings

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This was the only way she could tell him her feelings without feeling too embarrassed. After the kiss ended, the Elf Queen stood there close to Saito with a flushed expression.

Saito thought of ending this awkward atmosphere by saying, "Elf Queen, I understand your feelings for me. But…"

The Elf Queen's face reddened even more when she heard him say that he understood her feelings. She thought he was going to accept her feelings however this "but" shattered that illusion.

"… my feelings towards you are not that of love. Elf Queen, you are the mother of my love, you should not hold such feelings for your son-in-law." Saito finished speaking with a clear conscience.

The Elf Queen bit her lips lightly before her calm façade ultimately collapsed, "Why!? Why am I not allowed to hold those feelings for you! My daughter simply met you before me… I was the one who fought alongside you against that fox. You held me in your arms as you brought me out of the Great Tree. Are you telling me those meant nothing to you?"

"I have been living my life for the Elf Race, am I not entitled to love someone? Is it because I am very old? Or is it because I am not pure? I can assure you that I have undergone a ritual to make my body pure once again." She whispered the last few words as some tears leaked out of her eyes.

Saito however shook his head, "No, Elf Queen. You are obviously very beautiful. Your age, your pureness is not the matter, your feelings for me are obviously real but it just doesn't feel right to me. Please try to understand. I come from a world where relations like these are frowned upon, even though this world is very open regarding these relations, I simply can't accept them so easily right now."

The Elf Queen whimpered a little before she turned around, "Please go then. I won't be able to take it seeing you leave right before my eyes."

Saito didn't understand why but he felt a strange guilt welling up inside his heart. He consoled himself 'What I did was definitely right however what is this strange feeling of guilt.'

As he walked towards Lyra's room, he questioned himself multiple times 'Did I do the right thing?'

Iris replied him back each time [I do not know the answer.]

Saito returned back to his room; his spirits were lifted when he saw Lyra seemingly ready for their trip. She had packed her clothes in a bag that she intended to take along with her.

He spoke in a light-hearted tone, "Looks like someone is ready for a trip." Lyra replied back with a smile, "Of course, I am ready. I am so excited now. How did the talk with mother go?"

Saito remembered how the Elf Queen had confessed her feelings, he faked a smile and said, "It went well. She just wants us to return back soon."

Lyra nodded her head and says, "Yay! Let's go and meet up with Reus and mother one last time before we head out for the Human Kingdom."

Saito did wonder how he should face the Elf Queen the next time he would face her but he nodded to her request. He wanted her to meet her brother and mother one last time before they left.

They both met up with Reus who started crying because he didn't want them to leave but at the end convinced himself with the reason that it was necessary.

Saito gave him a pendant; a ruby was embedded within that pendant. There was very strong magic within that pendant and also, it was linked to Saito's magic.

He said to Reus with a serious look, "This pendant contains very strong magic. It will help you get stronger very quickly… Your training speed will be enhanced by around 10's of times. And pour your magic within it to inform me if you are ever in a problem. I will try to reach that location as quickly as possible no matter where I am."

Reus nodded his head like a good boy and hugged Saito one last time, "Thank you Big Brother. I will miss you."

"I shall miss you as well Little brother. Train hard, maybe I will ask for your help someday." He flicked Reus's forehead after saying that before he got up.

Reus nodded his head with a look of determination. Saito was sure that if he trained hard, in about 2-3 years, Reus would be around the level of Elf Queen if she didn't advance in these years.

This was the disparity between their talents. With Nature's Vein restored, all the elves were definitely going to get much stronger now. The male elves wouldn't die as they get stronger, the elves were going to be on the rise now.

After the meeting with Reus. Saito walked together with Lyra, holding her hand tightly. They soon met up with the Elf Queen.

As Saito observed closely, on her expressionless face, there were some stains because of her tears. His guilt further increased, he never wished for her to cry so much. This wasn't his intention at all.

The Elf Queen hugged her daughter and said, "Take care of yourself daughter. Make sure to not become a burden to Sir Axel."

"Mhm~ yes mother. You also take care of yourself here." She nodded her head to all the things that her mother instructed her to do.

They talked together for some time before the Elf Queen says to Lyra, "Alright daughter, go down. I have to talk about something important with Sir Axel."

Lyra was very happy right now. She didn't notice anything strange in the atmosphere. She obeyed her mother's words and went down using the elevator.

Saito thought for some time before saying, "Elf Queen, please do not think about it so much and make yourself miserable. I had no intention to say all that to make you sad."

The Elf Queen bitterly laughed, "Sir Axel, my feelings for you just keep on increasing as I see you desperately trying to be loyal to my daughter. If I could, I would have stopped those thoughts but unfortunately, these are not in my control."

Saito wanted to speak something but found himself with a loss of words. There was nothing he could say to the Elf Queen. She was right at her own place and he didn't want to be unnecessarily rude to her.

The Elf Queen though continued speaking and said in a whisper, "Do you know, I don't mind if you keep me as your mistress? Forever hiding the truth from Lyra. I will be willing to do that. I just want to be loved by you as you love Lyra."

Saito gulped a mouthful of saliva as he stared at the Elf Queen standing in front of him. She was incredibly beautiful with a seductive body; her busty figure could drive the man to craziness.

This offer was incredibly attractive to him. He was even more shocked that she was willing to go so far just to be loved by him.

Saito let out a dry laugh, "I really do not understand why you have such feelings for me Elf Queen. I cannot give you a definite answer right now, the next time I come back here, I will make sure to give you a definite answer regarding this."

When he said that, a strange hope lit within the eyes of Elf Queen. She was in high spirits as she said, "Thank you for telling me this before leaving."

The tears within her eyes threatened to leave once again, Saito appeared in front of her and said while wiping the tears which leaked from her eyes, "Don't cry now. I don't like a weak-willed woman."

"Mhm~ I won't cry. I definitely won't cry then. Can I get a hug before you leave? It's my last request.." The Elf Queen requested him while giving him a pleading look.

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