Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 34 - Entering The City Of Zleka

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With the Ring that Lyra had received from Saito on their engagement. He didn't even need to remain close to her to maintain the illusion. He had already ordered Iris to send an even amount of magic at all times through the ring to support the illusion.

With the speed of the regeneration of his magic power, he didn't even feel the consumption of his magic at all.

After riding on their beasts for 10 minutes or so, they finally reached the entrance of the city. There were two guards stationed at the gate.

Both of them had bulky bodies and were covered in an Iron Armor. Their complexion changed when they noticed two people coming on top of different Beasts.

The number of people who could take their beasts inside of the city of Zleka were extremely small in number. Either they were the high-ranking individuals from the Kingdom or they were the high-ranking individuals from the Union.

The guards though recognized one of them. The whole city of Zleka was talking this individual for this week, after all, they received the information that Hero Axel had killed Hero Jade.

The leader of the camp was left alive to deliver back this information. However, that wasn't all. When the Hero Jade's corpse was presented in the hall, one of them tried to analyze the corpse by sending his magic within it.

It seemed to trigger another magic within the corpse and it suddenly exploded. The explosion was strong enough to injure many of the high-ranking advisors of the Union.

The Union had placed a huge bounty on top of the head of Hero Axel. They had issued the order to bring him back, dead, or alive. With 10,000,000 Gold Coins as the reward.

The guards were instantly on guard when they stared at Saito. Saito did remember the matter of what he did with Hero Jade and laughed out, "Now… I am sure you know of me. I should be pretty famous in this city of yours. We can do this the easy way by going inside of the city with you not being a hindrance. And the hard way…"

He finished speaking this with a light hearted tone, his expression slowly turned cold and calmly continued, "…would be to destroy this whole gate and get in. Which one do you prefer?"

The guards gulped as they started to sweat intensely under this strong pressure. They felt like they would fall unconscious if they released their concentration even for a moment.

The choice was simple for them. The gave a signal by raising their hands, Saito heard the rumbling on the sound within the gate. He felt the mechanism behind the opening of the door and suppressed the strong pressure he was releasing.

He gave them eye smiles and said, "Good decision. I don't like to fight unnecessarily after all."

As the door finally opened, he was left a little surprised and awe-struck when he noticed the interior of the city. It was incredibly beautiful which put shame to the stories of the cities of the kingdom which he had heard.

He could see the broad main road going straight towards the gates of the castle on a high ground. There was a round over and a fountain on this straight path which further split into two more directions, towards the left and Right.

Saito noticed that the building coming the earliest were the shops for weapons before he saw the shops for other important things like food. Lyra looked around as well, she kept staring at the shops of accessories and clothes.

Saito notices it and thinks 'I guess I will bring her to these shops later.' They attracted a lot of attention from the people who were walking on the ground.

First of all, their beasts. Just one look was enough to tell them that they were incredibly rare, especially Joergen. Another was both Saito and Lyra were looking incredibly attractive. Some girls cast a glance at Saito before they turned their head and madly blushed while the males stared at Lyra with an expression of pure lust and desire.

Saito tried to ignore these stares. As they continued to move on their beasts within the city, soon enough, the information about him entering the city spread in the whole area.

Many people joined a team before they finally approached Saito. It was a team of around 20 men, a teenager fully dressed in Red colored armor stepped forward and says, "Yo, Axel, long time no see."

Saito let out a long sigh before he voiced out, "You all took 15 minutes just to approach me in your own city. It really makes me wonder how cowards like you managed to survive for so long."

The teenager was taken aback by his words, "What are you talking about?" Saito shook his head and says, "Forget it. I guess you must be here to take me to the Union that loathes me right now."

The teenager was a little surprised to see Saito so calm about this. He gave a nod and said, "If you come without resistance, I am sure that the council would hear you out once before they sentence you to a punishment."

Saito though didn't plan on getting a punishment, he knew that if such a Union had existed for so long, there were other ways with which they could resolve the situation.

The teenager however thought of Saito's silence due to his nervousness, he tried to calm him down by saying, "Don't worry Axel. If I feel that you are not guilty, I, Harijima Arayoshi give you my word as your classmate that I shall ask the Union to lower your punishment."

Saito narrowed his eyes at the word classmate. He didn't expect this guy to be the Real Axel's Classmate. This Arayoshi guy was also from the other world.

He asked Saito with a surprised look, "And who is this young woman? Is she with you?" Saito answered without hesitation, "She is my fiancé."

Arayoshi frowns a little when he hears this, he however quickly smiles and asks him about the beasts, "And what about these beasts?"

Joergen replied back with a look of pride etched on its face, "We are master's pets." Saito though preferred to call Joergen as his partner but he stopped himself.

Arayoshi frowned a little before he said to Saito with a low tone, "Axel, let's move towards the Union. I will explain to you about the things that you have to take care of so would you be kind enough to get down from your beast and walk towards the Union."

Saito could nearly guess what he wanted to say, he shared a look together with Lyra before he gave her a small nod. They both got down from their beasts, the beasts suddenly disappeared within their respective shadows because that's what was instructed by Saito before entering the in city.

He had ordered them to enter their shadow the moment they dismounted them. The presence of the beasts suddenly disappeared without a trace and Arayoshi wasn't able to sense them at all.

He guessed that the beasts must possess teleportation magic and they could return to Saito through teleportation any time he wanted to.

As they were walking towards the Union. Arayoshi slowly approached Saito, he starts speaking in a low voice, "Axel, I can make sure that your punishment for violating the rules of the Union can be light. However, you need to pay a certain price for that."

Saito starts thinking 'So this means, my crime can still be pardoned. Looks like my plan may work after all.'

Arayoshi took his silence as if he said yes and starts whispering, "You should give away those beasts to the Union as compensation and as for this woman, break off the engagement and give her away to some high-ranking official in the Union. You already have Chloe from our class, I assure you that you will live happily."

Saito stopped for a moment suddenly, his mind went blank as soon as he heard this Arayoshi guy finished speaking.. He stared at Arayoshi while releasing such pressure that it made him take several steps back.

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