Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 35 - Hall Of The Union

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Saito spoke out with a cold tone, "Suggest something like that again and believe me, I will break your leg and push it up your ass so strongly that it will come out of your mouth. Do you dare to believe me if I try it out on you or not?"

With the threatening aura that he was releasing, Saito didn't look like he was joking at all. It seemed like another word and Saito would release down all his fury on him consequences be damned.

To even suggest him to give up his partner Joergen and even have the gall to say that he should sell his own wife. He was really glutton for punishment.

Those threats did make Arayoshi back down but he speaks up, "If you think that there is any chance that you came here and surrendered yourself, and the higher ups to forgive you. Then remove that thought from your head. The crimes you have committed until now, you shall pay for them all."

Saito snorted at those words and said, "Just shut up. You are annoying." Those cold words targeted Arayoshi and threatened him to speak any further.

Lyra was surprised, she didn't think Saito was going to be in such a problem. She stared at him worriedly and noticed that he wasn't tense about this at all.

Saito noticed her looking at him with a fearful look for him, his hand reached out for her cheeks and said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to me. Just believe me. All right?"

Lyra gave a firm nod and says, "Mhm~ I believe hubby. You can resolve it easily." She was being real adorable right now and Saito wanted to give her a kiss for being so adorable.

However, they soon reached the building of the Union. It was quite a large building as Saito let out a whistle while internally saying 'Interesting…'

He stares at Lyra and gives her a signal "Another time~~" Lyra adorably tried to hide her flushed expression and Saito felt as if he was doing the impossible and falling in love with her more.

They entered the Union which seemed a lot like a guild to Saito. He had read about the guilds back there at the Elf Kingdom. There were many guilds in the empire, seemingly every town or village had a guild or a branch of a large guild. What astounded him was that the Elves didn't have much information about the Union.

Now that he was inside the Union, he kept on walking in the hallway until they reached a large door. Arayoshi stopped for a second before he gave a look to Lyra and said, "I apologize but she cannot enter the hall. She has to remain here."

Saito didn't speak for a bit before he turns around to Lyra and whispers in her ears, "Lyra… When I am inside, someone will surely come to talk to you about how I am going to be punished and that you can do something about it. Do not walk off anywhere until I return, flare your magic if he tries to use force."

As they were together, their shadows touched and Saito ordered Joergen in a low voice, "Joergen, protect her when she flares her magic. I don't mind if you kill anyone, just make sure that Lyra remains safe."

Joergen replied using the telepathy, "Yes master! I understand."

Saito nodded his head and said, "Good. I am relieved now." He then gave a look to Lyra one last time before he was about to walk off into the chamber, "Believe in me, Lyra. Do not believe some stranger ever."

Lyra gave him a nod and said, "Okie hubby~ Come back soon~ I will wait for you outside~~"

Arayoshi opened the gate of the chamber with his own strength, Saito stared at the seats arranged on both sides of his hands before he noticed a seat placed significantly higher than the others.

He noticed that many people seated on those seats. Some of them were especially young, about his own age while there were other experienced members who were seated close to the seat which was raised by the stairs.

Saito noticed the look that those of his age were giving him, some were staring at him with an astonished expression while one or two of them were worried for him.

He ignored almost all of them and walked towards until he was at the center of the hall. Arayoshi left the hall and the door behind him slowly closed as the meeting within the hall commenced.

A man having the aura of righteousness surrounding him took a look at Saito and started speaking, "Hero Axel, you were called from the other world to help the humans to fight against the demon lords. There are proofs that you have acted against the Humans. You shall be judged according to the crimes you have committed."

Saito stared at the man; he was nearly around 30 years of age. He looked quite a bit experienced about the matters of the world. His righteous aura seemed to make people want to follow him and submit to him.

Before Saito was able to speak out, a young woman stood up and spoke for him, "Sir Hudson, I think we should hear him out before making quick judgement. I am sure he must have his reasons to do those things."

The man named Hudson stared at the young woman and started speaking, "Miss Chloe, you have done some distinguished deeds for the Union. You are a respected member of the council of this Union so I shall respect you and hear out Hero Axel."

Chloe turned her head towards Saito and she thought in her head 'Axel, make a good reason right now, tell them that they were being controlled by someone and the only way to release them from this was to kill them. I will be able to protect you then.'

Saito finally started to speak up, "Sir Hudson, I shall ask a few questions from you. I hope you are able to reply to them truthfully and righteously."

Hudson of course nodded his head and says, "Very well. Ask me any questions that I can answer."

A faint smile appeared on Saito's lips as he opened his mouth, "You said that you summoned us from the other world. Did you ask for our permission to be pulled into this world and help you out against the demons?"

Hudson was speechless when Saito asked him this question, he tried to answer while maintaining a majestic pose, "Hero Axel, we were forced to summon you through a forbidden magic…"

Saito sneered as he heard him and says, "So basically, you did summon us without our permission to fight against the demons and the beasts. Tell me then, why did I have to go alone to defeat the Great Demon King. There is no way you didn't know about the strength of the Great Demon King with the countless years you have survived."

"Why did you let me go alone!?" He coldly questioned them as if he was the one who was ordered to kill the Great Demon King.

Hudson was shocked to hear these words, he started thinking 'Wasn't this council set up to make sure that Axel is shown badly and is punished thoroughly? Why does it seem like we are the ones who are targeted right now?'

Saito though wasn't finished and kept on speaking, "After that, I met up with my partner Joergen, I simply stopped the humans from killing his last kin left.. I was already merciful letting them all live to tell the tale."

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