Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 48 - Lyra Becomes An Adventurer

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About Chloe, Saito wouldn't have said much, but Arayoshi made a blunder by mentioning Lyra. It didn't need the genius to understand what he was talking about and Saito coldly replied, "It looks like you still don't understand, do you? Last time it was Joergen who beat the shit out of someone you know. However, he showed mercy and let him live. I won't show mercy no matter who it is."

Arayoshi didn't think much of those words and says, "He just caught my master off-guard. Call out for your beast next time, he will be beaten like a rag doll."

Saito lightly replies, "I wouldn't want a kid like you to wet his pants. It would be very embarrassing for someone of your age."

At around this time, one of the classmates noticed that Chloe was back. He pulled the sleeves of Daishi and muttered something in his ears.

All of them left at the same time in that group, this time, they approached Chloe. Daishi spoke to her while lowering his head, "Chloe, Axel is very arrogant. He says that we should stop talking to you or else he would burn our tongues."

Now… Daishi expected Chloe to get mad at Saito for saying this. It would have been a normal situation if it was Saito madly pursuing Chloe. The opposite occurred, for Saito who had not shown interest in her, she was astonished to know that he threatened them to stop talking to her.

There was a red tint on her cheeks as she thought 'Even though he doesn't show it, does Axel get jealous when I talk to these guys? Awwww, Axel… I wouldn't talk to them if you didn't want me to. You don't have to be jelly-belly.'

She quickly thinks of a reply and says, "That's sad. I don't want Axel to burn your tongue, that would be too much." Thinking that she was going to be furious about it, Daishi gives her a smile and says, "I know right. We are still classmates, after all."

He wanted to use the classmates' cards to make it seem like they were all of equal standing in terms of relationships. However, Chloe's next words completely dumbfound them, "I guess I shouldn't talk to you guys now. If he sees that I am talking to you, he will really burn your tongue."

After saying that, Chloe left them all while running towards Saito with a slice of bread in her hand. She happily gives him the food and looks at him while he started eating it. All her other classmates remained standing there in shock and then in a fury.

3 of them surrounded Tanjiro Daishi as they spoke with very furious expressions, "You! Who told you to move your mouth so much?"

Another one spoke, "Now we can't even talk to her! Just because of what you said. She will just say that she doesn't want Axel to burn our tongues if we try to talk to her now."

Daishi raised his hands and slowly tried to explain himself, "Wait… Releasing your anger on me won't solve anything. We should release our anger of Axel by thinking up a clever scheme."

At this time, Arayoshi snorts and says, "I don't like you, but I understand what you are talking about. It certainly wouldn't help if we fight against each other… We should release our anger on Axel."

One of them asked them, "What should we do then? With the way, it is now… Those two will just keep on getting closer."

Daishi suddenly speaks with an excited look, "I have a plan to split them up! Let's inform Renya through the long-distance transmission. I am sure he would be interested in dealing with Axel."

Everyone was silent at his idea. It was a good idea, but they weren't able to anticipate what would Renya do in the end. However, it was better than doing nothing at all.

Saito was standing near the counter. He saw Chloe approaching him with a flushed expression and wondered what was up with her.

Not speaking up of anything that Daishi had said to her. She stayed next to Saito as they waited for Lyra. Soon enough, Lyra appeared with a thrilling look over her face, "Axel, I am an adventurer now!"

Saito pats her head and praises her, "Great. That's really good." After he pats her head, his hand reaches out for her hand and holds it.

Noticing his classmates band together while making plans, he heard them speaking "Let's inform this to Renya through the long-distance transmission. I am sure he would be interested in dealing with Axel."

Saito internally thought 'Heh… So, they will complain about me to this Renya guy. Let's see how good a True Hero really is. I hope we can meet each other soon.'

After that, he walked out of the Union. He asked Chloe with a confused look, "Chloe… Was it this Union that summoned us? Why are the Kingdom's knights within this Union? I can't understand that."

Chloe starts to explain to him, "We were summoned by the sacrifice using the mage's forbidden magic. I think it was the Kingdom's mages who summoned us. Even though it was the king who summoned us, he can't control an entire group of heroes and take away their freedom. The knights here must mean that someone from the Kingdom has come to ask for co-operation from the Union."

Saito gave a nod that he understood her, "I see… And what about any other organization similar to this Union?"

Chloe thought for a moment before she answered him, "There are two more organizations within the city which are trying to contend with the Union. One of them is the Radiant Church, they believe in the Radiant God and go along with his teachings."

Saito directly rejected to go to this Organization in his entire life, he definitely wasn't going to follow some gods' teaching. It's better to do what you want to do while keeping a clear conscience. This was what he believed in.

Chloe continued to speak about the other organization, "The other organization is the Phantom Brotherhood. They use strange skills, and their number of members are the lowest, but each of them is especially strong as per the elders of the Union."

"All of them are ready to back any one of their members, no matter the problem. It was said that around a year ago, a noble killed a member of the Phantom Brotherhood. The Organization was in a fury, for half a year, they didn't take any missions and continued to hunt every single person involved with the death of their comrade while killing the Nobleman as well. After that, the leader of the Organization declared that all the people within his organization were his family. Touch them and burn in hell."

It was surprising to hear that such an organization existed. Saito had a faint smile over his face, "Heh… This organization sounds interesting. I will be sure to visit it someday."

There was confusion on Chloe's face, "Where are we going right now, Axel?" She was just curious about their destination.

Saito gave her a smile and said, "I noticed a mission poster on the board, I am thinking of doing this mission. We are going to a nobleman's house. I think it's just around here."

Chloe was a little surprised, she didn't think that he would remember the details so clearly. She followed behind him and soon enough, they reached the mansion.

There were guards stationed outside the mansion, and they stopped them, "Stop! Who are you!? Why do you want to enter the mansion?"

Taking a quick look at the guards, Saito answered them, "We came here for the mission that your master wants us to do."

The guards relaxed a little and asked them, "Are you three from the Union?" Chloe stepped forwards and showed her proof of identification while saying, "I am Chloe Morgan, a Blue Colored Adventurer of the Union."

Although the guards were surprised to see such a young Blue Colored Adventurer, it wasn't the first time they saw a Blue Colored Adventurer.. They had seen many people of this rank coming into the mansion these days.

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