Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 49 - Joergen's Roar

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The guards gave the nod and said, "Okay. You three can go inside." The three of them nodded and entered the house, they were surprised to see the large mansion.

From the inside, it was even more amazing. Saito was amazed to see rare existence like the Demi-Humans here. They were working as servants.

He noticed a good-looking maid with the ears and the eyes of a dog, a maid with a great charm and fox ears, there were also some strange markings on her face.

Saito felt a bit weird as he saw these fox ears, he was strangely reminded of Naomi. In his head, he thought 'That Fox… I really need to kill it fast. Maybe this mission will bring me one step closer to that task.'

Soon enough, a man followed by two very busty women appeared. He sat in front of Saito, Chloe, and Lyra while both the women sat right beside him, hugging each one of his hands and placing them in their cleavage.

Thinking nothing of it since he thought this was how a nobleman lived in this world, he asked the man, "Sir, your mission stated that we need to travel to Ubbin Falls to save someone. I would like to ask for more details for the mission."

"Very well. I am Carl Warren. The thing is, as I was returning from a town named Cirrane after completing a successful business deal. I was together with my wife and my child, there was a lot of money in the carriage. Suddenly, near Ubbin Falls, some demons attacked us. I was able to escape alone, but they have my wife and child. I want you to go and bring them back." The nobleman finished speaking.

Even though the nobleman wanted him to rescue his wife for this mission, he was intently staring at both Chloe and Lyra with a covetous look. He noticed a ring on Lyra's finger as well as Saito's finger. He stopped staring at Lyra, and his vision was wholly focused on the single Chloe.

Chloe did notice the gaze at which the nobleman was looking at her. She wasn't scared, though; she was used to these kinds of gazes when she had to visit the Kingdom or the nobleman for the mission.

Suddenly, Saito started to speak up, "Very well… We will leave immediately for the mission. If I remember, the reward is 1000 Gold Coins. Keep them ready."

With that, Saito grabbed Lyra's hand and walked out of the Mansion. Chloe closely followed them behind. Lyra asked him a bit curiously, "Why did you choose this mission, Axel?"

Since it was Lyra who asked him, Saito caresses her hair gently and says, "It's because I want to go to the Dwarf Kingdom."

The Dwarf Kingdom? Why would Axel want to go there? These questions roamed within her mind, and she opened her mouth before she closed it without speaking anything.

Saito, though, explains to her, "I have a rare material with me. It's powerful and it can take on the power of all my elements if I want to channel them through it at the same time. I think it would be a perfect weapon for me."

It delighted her to know that her husband found a weapon for himself. While he was in the Elf Kingdom, her mother had asked Saito to choose any weapon he liked within the Elf Kingdom.

There wasn't a single weapon which seemed to suit him because of the power of his elements was too potent. Other than the Nature Magic, those weapons wouldn't channel any other type of magic through them.

He also had the plan to gain an edge over the Demonic Fox, which must have grown even more potent at this time. The presence of a weapon that would be capable of letting him use his real power, though it would definitely throw the fox off guard.

The source of this was the crystal that Hero Jade had found. It seems that the Union didn't ask the leader of the camp anything regarding the crystal since they didn't know that it was very mysterious.

They didn't place too much importance in it, and neither did the leader of the camp did. So, it worked in Saito's favor that the Union was oblivious to such a mysterious and robust crystal within Saito's possession.

He had some other rare materials which, if melted together, would be able to combine and form an excellent weapon for his use.

He was also planning to make a couple of more weapons for those important to him along with good armor for Joergen, Emma, Nexus, and those two wolves he left at the Elf Kingdom.

As he was musing in his own thoughts, his eyes widened a little because he heard a faint roar. Even though it was tranquil, he was able to quickly discern that it was Joergen.

His facial expression tightened because he knew that there was no way Joergen would let out a roar for help unless it was something very urgent. It seemed like a very desperate call for help.

It wasn't just him who heard that Roar, even Lyra heard it, and she worriedly stared at Saito, "Axel… That's Joergen, I think!"

Saito's face was neutral, but internally he was raging, he voiced out, "I know! Let me go and help him out."

Chloe suddenly spoke out, "Wait… Take us along with you. We will surely be of help to you, and if it's someone from the kingdom, I can convince them to not attack your partner."

Not thinking for long about her words, Saito felt that she could indeed be of some help. Since he was planning to bring her along, he also decided to bring along Lyra.

His hands slid across their waists. Usually, this would be quite a pose for a man to take with two women in his arms. And Chloe would have customarily been a blushing mess right now, but now wasn't the time.

Even though Saito's fingers touched her soft skin on her navel, she didn't react at all. Saito thought for a second 'Flight! Plus, the Black Lightning Boost!'

Both these skills were simultaneously applied to his body as the three of them flew with high speed, leaving behind an afterimage.

It took them nearly dozens of seconds to get to Joergen's position. Anger started building up inside of him as he saw Emma lying down injured on the ground, Joergen was standing in front of her, hurt and breathing heavily as he glared at his enemies with a significant amount of Killer Intent.

The enemies were wearing Royal Clothes with the inscription of the Black Elephant on them. It was precisely Prince Rai whom Saito had met yesterday.

Prince Rai seemed to be holding a strange sword that was shining with a reddish light. High killing intent was bubbling up within Saito as he stared at Prince Rai charging forwards to slash Joergen.

A cold look was on his face as Saito moved his fingers, suddenly, the roots appeared from within the ground and held the prince's feet. It caused him to fall down on the ground. His face smashed on the ground, even though it didn't injure his face, the dirt stuck onto his face making him look ugly.

Yet that wasn't where it ended, Saito moved his fingers to another direction, and the root suddenly extended and threw him away.

He crashed into many trees as he felt pain in the bones on his back. The followers of Prince Rai couldn't believe what had just happened.

In the next second, Saito was standing in front of Joergen. He gave a command to Joergen, "Fall back!"

Joergen tried to say, "But master, I can still fight-…" Saito glared at him and ordered again, "I said, fall back!"

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