Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 57 - Saito's Promise

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Contrary to what she expected, there was a cold look in Saito's eyes. She thought he would accept her in a blink of an eye. She knew how many people looked at her with lewd eyes.

Even though she wasn't a pure woman, she was sure that no man would be able to resist the charm she still held. She was sure of her beauty, yet here Saito grasped her throat and asked her with the ruthless intent, "Do you find it easy to say those words? Do you even know what you have just said?"

She had some difficulty in speaking, and she coughed out, Saito let her down as he felt a sudden shockwave from one side of the Wooden Dome. She took the opportunity to take a deep breath and started speaking tearfully, "What can I do in this situation? I am just a slave of that man… I can't pay you back through Gold Coins. This is the only way I know!"

"Listen, woman! It is not that you can't. It is just that you haven't even thought about it. Couldn't you have just given me a mission to kill Carl Warren and all his wives? The remaining property left would have been yours. Do with it as you wish! Can't you think for yourself at all? Did you want to leave your son behind?" He gave a surprising suggestion.

Sure enough, even though on paper, she was legally his wife. If he and all his wives died, the whole property would be inherited by her alone.

"I-I didn't know if you would accept this or not. Those women are also innocent. I do not wish to have them killed just so I could pay the reward that should be given by me alone." She stared into his eyes and spoke out with a strong sense of morality.

"I see… So, you do not wish to kill that man's other wives, huh. Very well… I will accept your mission. As you said, you will be my slave after I complete this mission. I hope you do not regret it." Saito said to her while she looked straight into his eyes.

"If this saves the life of my son, I shall never regret it and serve you for eternity." She didn't look like she was going to back down from those words.

Alferd was careful enough to not speak right now, he was scared. He didn't think that so much was going on… He knew that his mother was unhappy with his new father, but he never expected this to be the case.

Hearing that his mother was going to become a slave for his sake caused him to start crying. He couldn't stop himself and begins to sob, "Sorry mother… Because of me, you were threatened. Sorry… Sorry…"

"Idiot son… You don't need to be sorry." She embraced him a little tightly to comfort him. Her robe was drenched by the tears of her son.

Saito approached him very slowly and bends down. He gently starts to pat on the top of his head, "Don't worry… I will surely save you."

It was unknown, but slowly, Alferd started to calm down. The reason why Saito had actually accepted her as his servant was very different from what Sophie was expecting.

Sophie thought that he wanted her to satisfy him sexually. She was even willing to do that if this meant that her son could be saved.

There were two reasons, first was because she didn't have any way to repay him back. And if he wasn't compensated again, there was a high chance that he wouldn't even accept this mission.

If she was captured by that man once again after the death of her son, she would be devasted and would be violated by that man or perhaps get sold to some other man.

Saito was very handsome with a fair complexion, even though he was young. He had the look of a man who drew her close to him, if she had to do the sexual service for the men anyways, she would instead do it with a handsome man like him.

Furthermore, from the shockwaves, she could feel. She understood a great deal, the wooden dome was solid. The shockwaves were strong enough to vibrate through the wooden dome and the earth for them to feel, but the force-generating it still wasn't able to break it.

This made her sure of Saito's power. Sophie felt that she and her own son would be safe as long as they were under Saito's care.

However, what caused Saito to accept her as his slave was because he wanted Sophia to do the household work. He couldn't really remain in Chloe's house for very long, he was planning to buy his own home in the Vermillion kingdom where he could live.

Without a servant, it would be hard to take care of the whole house. Besides, her son reminded him a little about Reus, he was thinking of teaching him some magic when they start living together.

He even tries to cheer Alferd by saying, "Now-now, don't cry. When we return back, I will teach you an awesome spell."

It gradually worked as Alferd slowly turned his head upwards and blinked innocently, it was merely the cutest moment, "C-Can I learn the magic spell?"

Just when Sophie was about to interject, Saito silenced her by placing a finger over her lips, "Shh…" He whispered softly.

He even answered Alferd's question, "Yup! It's a promise, okay?" Giving him a gentle smile, he rubs his head lovingly.

"Thank you, big brother!" Alferd spoke out as he hugged Saito, Sophie remained standing there with a dumb look, she couldn't believe that such a young man was willing to teach her son magic.

It was simply unbelievable for her to imagine this. She couldn't understand what made Saito come to this conclusion.

Alferd released him from the hug and spoke, "I have to ask mother as well. Mother, can I learn the magic spell from Big Brother?"

Sophie was about to speak that he shouldn't trouble Saito. She took a look at Saito's eyes, and he seemed to be signaling her to say yes.

With no other choice at present, she gave her son a charming smile, "Of course you can learn. Make sure to not be annoying to Sir Axel."

"mm hmm~ I won't!" Giving the nod, Alferd cheered up. Around this time, the three of them experienced a powerful shockwave from Joergen's direction.

Sophie fell down on the ground, her plump butt crashed onto the ground as her whole body shook. Saito lost his balance as his head fell down onto two soft objects. He rested his head over these soft and firm peaks.

He rubbed his head a bit before he took a deep breath of her womanly scent. His nostrils were filled with her bewitching scent as Sophie sealed her mouth and held her moan inside her mouth.

She couldn't believe that she was about to moan just as he rubbed his head against her breasts and took a deep breath. This was simply unbelievable. She felt that she was a lot more attracted to him than she initially thought.

Saito soon realized where his head was resting and immediately pulled himself together. He was a bit embarrassed and thought 'Damn shockwave!'

He looked at Sophie's face and saw a heavy blush there as she had shut her eyes tightly. He looked at Alferd whose head rested on Sophie's stomach.

Sophie slowly opened her eyes and thought that Saito would now be unable to hold back and would be staring at her with a lecherous look that all men possessed when they gaze at her.

What she saw surprised her a bit, he had a straight look on his face with a very light blush on his cheeks. Since she was in the presence of her son, she didn't comment on this at all.

Saito tilted his head towards Joergen's direction and frowned.. He felt the Great Demon King's power was nearly at the same level as that of Joergen's power.

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