Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 58 - Great Demon King’s Death

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Alfred tightly grasped onto Sophie's body, and his eyes were closed entirely. Sophie slowly sat and dragged her buttocks towards Saito. She moved her body forwards and bend a little as her breasts started to touch his arm, and her lips came in contact with the left side of his cheek.

It was electrifying because Saito was focused entirely on Joergen's battle right now. He was using the Magic Sense from Iris to observe that battle, his sense of touch was incredibly heightened, and as soon as he felt those massive boobs press against his arm, he felt a tingly feeling inside of his heart.

Soon enough, her lips released his cheeks as she looked at him with a bashful appearance. Saito got up and chose not to comment on this as he said, "Get ready. We are going to leave this place. I have to help out Joergen in beating this Great Demon King. It would hard to do that while protecting the two of you."

The two of them stared at him with a surprised look. Saito felt that the demons which were on Lyra's side have all been destroyed. He opened up a hole from the top of the Wooden Dome and said, "Come closer. Hold onto me very tightly."

The two of them obeyed him. He bent down to pick up Alferd in his arms while Sophie stood up and stood close to him.

Saito's hand reached for the cheeks of her butt and pulled her closer to himself. Sophie wrapped her arms around his body to make sure they were stuck tightly.

This time, her breasts were felt by one side of his body. Saito used his skill 'Flight…' Alferd and Sophie were startled as Saito started to fly.

Her breasts rubbed against his body as she moved a bit. To stop her from moving, he gripped her buttocks very tightly and glared at her.

It did stop her from moving around, but there was a bashful look on her face. She didn't know why, but she was feeling hot as she felt the cheeks of her butt being grabbed in such a forceful manner.

Her erect nipples were rubbing against the side of his chest as they started to fly. Saito got them out of them Wood Dome and continued to move towards Lyra's direction.

It took him around 5 minutes to reach their position. Saito stared at the debris due to the collapse of the cavern. He was surprised by the number of corpses of demons.

As he turned around to observe, he saw a Demon was stuck onto the Wooden Dome with his blood splashed all over one side of the Dome.

He sucked a breath of cold air and thought 'Damn… Looks like Lyra has grown pretty strong.' He had a smile on his face as he noticed the two of them standing near the end of where debris was.

He slowly let the two of them down and spoke out, "Stay with the two of them. I will go and deal with that Great Demon King."

Rotating his head towards Lyra, he praised her, "Good work by killing the remaining demons." Chloe bitterly smiled but chose not to say anything.

Though Lyra turned towards Chloe and says, "Thank her for the most. If she hadn't protected me at that time, I would have been dead!"

Saito was somewhat surprised because he didn't think that was what happened. He saw the look on Lyra's face, and it didn't seem like she was lying.

"Thank you for saving her Chloe… I am forever in your debt." He speaks out with a stern look on his face.

Chloe moved her body a little bashfully as she heard him praise her, "It's nothing. I definitely wouldn't let Lyra get hurt."

She received a wink from Lyra, which seemed to say "Don't be shy." Suddenly, they felt another strong shockwave, this time, they even heard a loud scream, "AAAAHHHHHHH…."

Saito was a little worried now, he used his Flight magic and immediately rushed towards Joergen's location. At this time, Joergen had just used a powerful attack named Thunder Blast!

Meanwhile, the Great Demon King had used an attack named Giga Blast, his whole body was covered in the thick demonic aura as he rushed to attack Joergen.

The Thunder Blast was obviously a powerful attack, and it managed to make the Great Demon King scream due to pain, but it didn't stop him.

Since he had used such a strong attack, Joergen was in no shape to react. He could only take that attack head-on and be crashed into the rubble behind him.

Joergen didn't scream, but he did vomit some blood due to internal injuries. This demon was much more robust than what he initially expected to be.

The Great Demon King stood on top of Joergen's body with a ferocious grin and spoke, "You fought well for a beast! However, I can see that you haven't experienced a lot of battles, your moves are strong but inexperienced. You show a lot of openings, you are done now!"

Just when he struck his fist down at Joergen. Joergen disappeared with a black flash. It astounded the Great Demon King as he looked around to find where he was.

"The great power has never been my forte. Do you know what my forte is? Concealing my presence and striking when the enemy least expects it." The Great Demon King shivered as he heard that voice behind his back.

The Great Demon King's widened as he thought 'No way… This beast let me strike himself to draw me close after using that attack. I am still in the recoil due to that attack and can't use magic for some moments. He trapped me!'

As he rotated his head, he nearly felt like giving up since Joergen's horn was charged with a significant amount of Purple Lightning while he was charging up a strong Water Attack in his mouth.

Joergen suddenly jumped back and unleashed an unreal amount of water from his mouth. This was his move named Whirlpool! The move caused the Great Demon King to be trapped in the flow of strong whirlpool, and then, Joergen released the Thunder Blast he had been charging.

As soon as the Thunder Blast hit the whirlpool. The Great Demon King couldn't do anything but scream in agony, he never expected the tables to turn against him in such a matter.

As the whirlpool slowly dispersed. Saito was just a few meters away from that attack. He didn't think Joergen had such an attack under his sleeve.

He looked around and noticed Joergen had fallen down due to exhaustion. Saito immediately rushed towards Joergen and placed his hand over his body.

As the attack dispersed, the Great Demon King fell down on the ground with a loud -Thud-. There was still a breath left in his body, he was gazing at the vast skeleton statue as he whispered in broken words, "I… I have failed…. God…. Take… my body and… soul as… compensation…"

The eyes of the statue shone with a bright red light. Saito turned towards the body of the Great Demon King and noticed that his hand seemed to be pointing in a specific direction. The shape of the Great Demon King slowly started to disperse, which much surprised him.

He turned around to check up where the Great Demon King was pointing and saw the Skeleton Statue. It was surprising how it managed to remain standing even after the cavern collapsed.

It seemed as if the Great Demon King had made sure that this statue wasn't disturbed at all. Noticing the Red colored eyes and how the power of this Skeleton seemed to be rising after every second.

Saito gave a grim look and thought 'This… it seems like a ceremony of some sort.. I need to destroy this whole thing before whatever that thing is revived.'

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