Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 66 - Rita Vermillion

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Saito shot his web out of his wrists and stuck onto the walls. He once again said, "Hey! Why are you attacking us!? We aren't your enemies!?"

One of them coldly replied, "Shut up! For a damn illusion, you sure learned to talk."  Saito's eyes widened slightly when he was being referred to as an illusion.

He had to jump away using his Web one more time to dodge an incoming Water Whip. Joergen was flying in the air and dodging their attacks since he hasn't received the order from Saito to counter-attack yet.

Saito continued to jump from one wall to another before he soon got tired of this. He spoke out, "I apologize, but it seems to be necessary."

He pointed his hands at the five of them and released a massive amount of Web. He wrapped the dark-colored web around their bodies tightly.

He noticed them struggling within the web and losing strength, "It's of no use. You can't break this net with your current strength."

He sat on the rock in front of them and asked them, "Now… Let me ask you. Why were you attacking Joergen and me? What did you mean by illusions?"

They continued to resist within the web and tried to get out. Before long, these women realized that it was useless. One of them answered his question, "You… You speak as if you are not an illusion."

Even though her words were confusing, Saito understood what was happening here. If he had to guess, Naomi had staged different traps onto different floors.

The reason Shun didn't sense any beast on the floor above was that it was cleared out by this party before him. But even these people couldn't beat the trap on this floor which has turned out to be an illusion.

Knowing her immense skill in illusion, setting up a trap like this should be easy for her. Shun let out a sigh and spoke out, "How can I prove that I am not an illusion? You must have some method to know by which you can be sure that your comrades are not an illusion, right?"

Looking at each other before making a decision, "Blood. The Illusions don't bleed when they are cut, they disappear."

"I see… All right." He pulled out his sword from his scabbard and cuts off his hand. Fresh blood gushed out of his hand as they saw him looking at them with a grim expression.

"This should be enough proof for you then." He finished speaking as they nodded their heads. He released them from their bundle of webs.

"We apologize, but we had no other choice, after all, it is hard to trust anything on this floor." The woman said before she looked at her comrades to check upon them.

"Who are you, people?" Saito curiously asked them while sheathing his sword.

They gave no answer. It seemed as though these women didn't wish to speak at all, which further interested Saito.

Saito then asked them, "Do you have a leader here?" He knew that there was no way a group would be able to function without the presence of a leader.

"Yes… Lady Rita is the one who is our leader here. Follow us…" They started to walk towards their leader on this floor.

Joergen started to follow Saito, the girls kept their eyes on the beast. They could feel a threatening aura being released from its body.

Saito was a lot more cautious. He didn't release his aura at all. He was checking their reactions, just what were they going to do about the release of Joergen's atmosphere.

Will they attack him? Will they ask him to stop it?

However, his questions were answered with a calm nothingness. It seemed as though they were trying to ignore it.

As Saito moved, he thought 'This is strange. Even though Joergen isn't releasing a lot of aurae. It should be enough to give them some discomfort. How can they ignore it so easily?'

His questions were soon answered when he felt like he entered the territory of someone a lot stronger than himself. His eyes widened in surprise because just from the amount of aura, he could guess that the person was around 10's of times more potent than himself.

Even Iris voiced out the warning [Warning: Master the woman releasing this aura is around 10's of times stronger than you. And she also possesses a weapon. You are recommended to not fight against her.]

Saito didn't even need to counter-question to ask why. This threatening aura made it very clear that she would destroy him if he tried to fight against her.

He needed to gather information regarding her power. That was the only way he could combat her.

He sat down on the ground, one of the girls set up a table in front of him at a quick speed. They went out of Saito's vision and returned back with a teapot and some glasses.

Soon enough, an incredibly beautiful woman joined them up for Tea. It was none other than Rita Vermillion, the 1st Princess of the Kingdom. Obviously, Saito didn't know this. From her dress, she seemed like the noble lady of some wealthy clan.

She was also compelling. Right as Shun was staring at her face, he could feel a powerful suppressing aura on top of his body.

Rita joined Saito for tea. She started to speak up, "Hero Axel… Tell me, why did you come here alone?"

As she sipped the tea very calmly, Saito felt the pressure on him ease up a little.

All the people seemed to be working without paying any attention to both of them. However, that was just on the surface. He could see how they were taking glances at him within short moments and were ready to strike as soon as they were given the orders.

He started to speak, "I came here to defeat the Demon within this Dungeon. I do not know if you have encountered it or not, but if you have, then your assistance shall be appreciated." He said to her in a calm tone.

Rita thought for some moments before she asked him, "Why did you appear here alone with this beast? If you came to kill a demon, then it would have been more appropriate to form a party of adventurers and come with them to deal with the demon."

Saito let out a sigh and starts speaking, "Looks like I can't pass it off. Alright, I will tell you about my true reason."

His words drew interest from Rita as she stared at him. Saito starts speaking, "The reason I came here with Joergen is that I did not want there to be any casualties while fighting that demon."

Raising her eyebrow in response, "You speak as if you know the Demon. What is the connection between the two of you?"

At this time, Saito could feel the tension within the air had just increased. He thought that if he said a wrong thing now, all the people surrounding him and Rita would attack him.

"That is correct. I fought with against that Demonic Fox before but regretfully, I was unable to finish her off. She is a Demon Fox. I heard from one of the reports that a woman with a similar appearance was sighted here, which is why I came here alone." He explained with a calm and collected gaze.

His answer seemed to be found acceptable as the people around him relaxed. Rita stared at him for some time before she spoke out, "I see… So, you thought it was a good idea to go down by breaking through the ground."

Shrugging in response, "I thought it would be faster, and I would waste less time. From what your subordinates have informed me, it seemed as though there are some strong illusions formed on this floor, right?"

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