Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 67 - Demon Within The Dungeon

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Rita nodded her head and replied, "Correct. Even though I can break apart most of the illusions. I can't take my subordinates along with me."

Saito nodded his head and said, "I see… How do you plan to go ahead from this floor? Do you know the way?"

Rita nodded her head and said, "Follow me." Saito followed her closely behind along with Joergen.

As he kept walking, he could feel the illusionary aura getting stronger. They finally entered an alley where the illusion aura was at its peak.

Rita pointed at the path and said, "This is the path to the next floor. However, a step forward and you would be caught in a dangerous illusion. It would be hard to break you out of it. I already lost two of my subordinates in this illusion."

Thinking for some time before walking towards the large gate. Saito felt the restraints of the illusion; however, he released his own aura and continued to walk off as if he was not affected.

Rita and her other subordinates were shocked to see this guy walking so casually in this place. Even Rita would use most of her power to walk around here.

After walking 20 steps, he was quite close to the gate. Saito touched the gate and softly whispered, "Disperse…"

Suddenly, they felt a weird sensation going around the floor as all the illusions started to break apart. Rita was surprised that this would happen if someone had managed to touch the gate.

She was even more curious about how Saito knew this would shatter the illusions on the floor. Of course, he wouldn't tell her about the existence of Iris.

He looked back at them and said, "Are you going to remain standing there? Come… We need to kill that demon as fast as possible."

They returned back to reality after hearing Saito's words and closely followed behind him. Saito stepped down the stairs, and he could now feel a bright Demonic Aura from the floor down.

He knew that whatever the thing was on the next floor. It was the thing which they had to face. However, as he was walking, he sensed that this power wasn't Naomi's Magic Signature, it seemed as though it was another demon.

Rita wasn't anxious about the aura, she felt as though she would be able to deal with this demon.

Since she wasn't worried at all, Saito was going to let her deal with the demon. It would allow him to hide his own power and also reveal her own abilities. If she ever tried to fight against him, at the very least, he won't be completely helpless against her.

As they reached the lower floor, Saito slowly reduced the speed at which he was walking off. He was walking next to the five pretty ladies who had initially fought against him and Joergen.

Joergen had turned into Saito's shadow and was following him behind very closely. Saito turns towards Rita and looks from top to bottom, she looked incredibly pretty.

He started thinking 'She should have a similar reputation as Chloe within the city. I wonder if her identity is too noble that no guy dares to irritate her?'

Suddenly, as soon as they stepped foot on the floor. They were attacked by the large boulders.

Rita pulled out her Blue Colored Sword and sliced the boulder. From the brief observation, Saito was sure that she coated the water to make her sword sharper and increase the reach.

Suddenly, they all started to hear an evil laugh, "Kukukuku… Lady Naomi was right… Humans would definitely come here… Kukuku,,, Just pretty ladies… It looks like today is a treat for me…"

This was a human-shaped beast just like that Naomi. Saito's eyes widened a little as he heard that guy speak up the name of Demon Fox.

Rita Vermillion stared at the demon and said with a cold look, "So you are the demon inhabiting this place. I shall destroy you today!"

After releasing all her aura, she managed to surprise the demon and charged at him with the sword in her hand. She was fast, it didn't seem like the devil was able to react to her attack at all.

As soon as Saito blinked, he saw Rita standing on the other side while the demon had just lost his hand. The devil started to scream in pain, "Ahhhhhh…  My hand….. You bitch… I will kill you!"

Rita didn't seem to be worried due to his declarations. It seemed as though she had gotten used to hearing these declarations.

Saito's eyes narrowed as he noticed the severed hand twitching a little. He saw it move a little towards Rita's direction. He wasn't sure if that was just his delusion or if it really happened or not.

He decided to observe more of the fight. The Demon regenerated his entire arm and brazenly stared at Rita, "I will get you out of those clothes. Kuku…"

He seemed to be fine now and was once again commenting brazenly at Rita. Saito still couldn't feel any strong aura from this demon, from the way it seemed like, Rita would easily beat up this demon.

Rita once again moved, and this time, she didn't stop at just his arm. She took out his arm as well as the two of his legs. He fell down on the ground with a broad grin on his face.

Rita stared at the demon and said, "Have you gone crazy that even after losing a hand and both your legs, you are still smiling so widely?"

Suddenly, he completely regenerated a second later, "You don't need to be worried about that. After the end of this fight, your only task would be to take good care of my body, beauty."

Rita clicked her tongue and said, "Tsk." Just when she was about to charge at him once again, she suddenly felt something grabbing her legs.

She saw that it was the two hands that she had severed earlier. They were tightly holding her feet and suddenly threw her towards the wall. The demon slowly stood up and said, "You shouldn't let down your guard, beauty."

Saito carefully observed the guy and noticed that the Demon was not making any unnatural movements. This meant that this guy could control those hands with his mind.

Rita stood up, some parts of her clothes had received small tears and cuts, but she stood without a worry on her face.

She stared at the demon and suddenly disappeared, she sliced using her sword, but this time, instead of his hands being cut, he intercepted her sword and managed to push her back.

It seemed as though he was getting stronger. Saito knew that now was no time to let her fight this demon alone, he stepped forwards and spoke out, "Where is Naomi?"

Suddenly, as if he was enraged over the fact that Saito took her name. The Demon turned towards Saito and glared at him with full of hatred, "You… how dare you to speak the name of your highness from your ugly tongue."

Before he could step towards Saito, Rita came in between and parried his blow. This time, it was filled with demonic energy, so Rita had no choice but to use more of her power without even having the time to charge it up.

She was immobile due to using more of her power without charging. She noticed an intense beam of Demonic Energy coming at her and closed her eyes to brace for the impact.

Saito let out a sigh and said, "Looks like I need to fight now…" He disappeared after saying that and reappeared in front of Rita.

"…Thunder God's Hammer!" He raised his sword and suddenly released an unreal amount of Thunder from his body.. It canceled out the Demonic Attack from the Demon.

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