Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 69 - Noami Escapes

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The dust slowly settled down, and Naomi with not a single injury on her body.

Rita jumped out from the dungeon and stared at the demon Naomi. She stared at the Fox Demon and spat out with intense hatred, "So you are the woman who was responsible for killing the humans who had come here."

"Killing them? You make it sound so bad. I was just hungry and had my meal after so many years…Besides, you shouldn't point fingers at other people. It's a bad habit." Even though she was attacked with so many lightning attacks, it didn't seem to affect her.

She charged towards Rita without showing any signs of exhaustion. Rita closed her eyes for a second before opening them. She started to fight against the demon Naomi. It seemed as though she was holding back a lot of strength while battling against that demon in the dungeon.

She was able to hold off Naomi by herself. However, Naomi seemed to be getting stronger after every parry and every slash.

Saito finally stood up and stared at her. Joergen stood next to him before they both rushed at her with their top speed.

Saito whispered in a low voice, "Dance of Fire God: Fire Chariot!" The Black Hell Flames stuck with the sword, and he was fighting against Naomi as an equal.

Joergen also appeared on top of her and shot his lightning attack once again. She gave them a smile and applied a bit of force to move along with Saito.

Just as they were done moving to dodge the attack from Joergen, Rita attacked the two of them with an attack, "Water magic: Shark Formation!"

Multiple Sharks made their way towards Naomi. Saito didn't need to be told to get out of the way and jumped away. Rita had a faint smile on her face as she said, "Explode!"

Suddenly, the entire area was destroyed due to the explosion from Rita Vermillion. The dust started to fly around, and it was difficult to see anything.

Saito felt Naomi's aura and quickly ran towards Rita since she was her target. He picked her up in his arms and carried her while placing his hand on her butt.

He continued to run at high speed. After he had created some distance, he stopped and looked back. He saw that Naomi was coming towards them with her full speed.

Saito looked towards Rita, who had a reddened face, "Get away from here, Rita." He pushed her butt while urging her to get away. He obviously didn't realize where he had just hit her during such an emergency time.

He started to charge up his own attack to defeat the incoming Naomi. Taking a deep breath, he stared at the incoming Naomi and released, "Fire Storm!"

He suddenly created a massive storm between Noami and himself. Naomi clicked her tongue as she felt threatened by this significant tornado.

However, this didn't complete his move. Saito raised his hand and brought it down while saying, "Thunder Descent!"

The clouds roared and released jet-black lightning at the Fire Tornado. This time, Saito was sure that it was going to hurt Naomi.

This attack consumed a lot of his magic. He opened his eyes and noticed Rita looking at him with an astonished expression.

She probably never thought that he was capable of such a large and robust spell. Within the dungeon, he never once showed them such power.

As he fell down on the ground, tired of using so much power. Rita placed her hand over his head and said, "I believe it has ended now, Hero Axel. You can rest now."

Suddenly, her eyes widened a great deal as she heard the chuckling sound, "Ended? What do you mean by the end? The fight has just started…"

The Fire Storm dispersed into nothing. Naomi appeared from within the storm with a delighted look on her face, "Ahh… This man's power never ceases to entertain me. Now give him to me."

She extended her hand towards Rita. It seemed as though she was giving her a choice whether to fight or not. If she handed over Saito, then she wouldn't fight against her, but if not, she was thinking of snatching him over.

Rita asked her with a curious tone, "Why do you want him? Other than being a little more skillful in elements, he shouldn't have any other qualities for you to demand him."

Naomi places her hand on her chest and says, "Little girl, you do not understand anything. A little skillful in elements? This man in your arms can control 4 different types of strong elements perfectly. Three of them are the top-grade elements for demons. There is none other suitable to be my mate than this man."

Rita had a bright blush on her face, "M-Mate? You want him so that you can make him your mate?"

Naomi nodded her head, "That is correct, only he is good enough to be my mate. He is strong for his race and age. He also has a good number of strong elements under his control. His genes would make my children the strongest in the world."

Saito coughed a little and slowly got up, "Sorry… But I have no choice of being together with a bitch. Now… Joergen attack!"

Joergen who seemed to have disappeared for all this time suddenly showed himself. He manipulated the shadows to make sure that she wouldn't move. He rushed towards her with his full speed and covered himself in Water.

While he was moving, he also used the Lightning along with the water making his water lighten up. Naomi dealt with the shadows, but before she could do anything else, Joergen crashed into her and this time, hit her on her stomach.

She had no choice but to take on the attack at point-blank range. Saito suddenly rushed towards her with his sword in his hands, he closed his eyes and chose the appropriate attack at this time, "Setting Sun!"

He went for the full swing to cut off her throat, but she managed to dodge it at the last second. However, it wasn't without a price. One of her seven tails got cut in the process, and she screamed in pain, "AHHHHHH…"

It seemed as though losing one of her tails was a lot more agonizing than he thought. The Fox hatefully glared at Saito for the first time since their reunion and said, "You… You won today. I shall definitely capture you the next time we meet."

The next minute, she disappeared. Saito tried hard to sense her, but it was useless. He couldn't believe he lost her even after severely injuring her.

He fell down on the ground after sheathing his sword. He was beyond tired right now. Rita saw his condition and stared at her, subordinates, "Go set up the camp for Hero Axel and me."

Her subordinates continued to stare at Axel for some time before leaving him in Rita's care. They started to set up the camp, it had been quite some time for them to reside outside the dungeon. Around 1 week approximately.


Saito opened his eyes after taking half a day's worth of rest. He was surprised to find out that he was sleeping on such a comfortable bed.

He looked around and noticed that Rita was sleeping while sitting on the chair. She looked incredibly beautiful right now. With each breath, she took, her breasts would rise and descend.

With the gap from above, he could easily see her raw breasts if he raised his body. He was sure that her pink nipple would also be visible if he really wanted to view it.

Obviously, he didn't attempt to see her tits. He called out for her, "Lady Rita… Lady Rita. Wake up…"

Rita rubbed her eyes and slowly opened her eyes. She took a deep breath in and looked towards her bed, she saw that Saito had already been seated on the bed and was no longer laying.

Saito stared at her and asked her in a severe tone, "How long have I been asleep?" He did wonder about this.

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