Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 70 - Implanting The Seed

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Rita thought for some time before replying back to him, "Around half a day. It's regrettable, but that Demon Fox managed to run away. She said that she would be back for you."

Saito clenched his fists and said, "I will definitely deal with her the next time." Rita smiled at him and spoke out, "I have no doubt you would be able to deal with her the next time, Hero Axel."

Saito then bowed and said, "Thank you for all your help. I guess my mission here turned out to be a failure. I shall take my leave now, Lady Rita."

Rita held her hand in the air as she spoke out, "No… wait. I mean we did defeat the demon within the Dungeon, so it definitely wasn't a complete failure. I will ask my father to reward you for your hard work."

Saito had a question mark on top of his head, "Your father? Why would a noble want to reward me for my work?"

Rita coughed a few times before she answered him, "Noble? Who said he was a noble. He is the king of Vermillion Kingdom."

Saito had a blank expression for a few seconds before he staggered and pointed at her, "Y-You… You are a princess!?"

Rita had a bitter look on her face as she saw how shocked Saito was. She nodded her head and said, "Please don't mind my identity. I would really like if you treated me the same as a normal woman."

Saito though shook his head, resolutely, "How can that be? I shouldn't be disrespectful to the princess at all. I realize I am very rude to the princess by sleeping on the bed and making princess sleep on the chair. I shall take my leave now."

As she saw him get up from the bed, she moved her body and gave him a tight hug, "No… Please wait. Don't go…"

She asked him in a requesting tone. Saito stared back at her and started to speak, "If you say so, princess…"

Princess Rita nodded her head and then said, "Stay together with me. I promise to reward you for your help on this mission."

She said that while her arms intervened with Saito's arms making sure to let him know what he meant to her. Saito stayed silent for some time before speaking to her, "How about Princess Rita returns back to the empire first? I still need to collect the Blood Crystals before I can return back to the empire."

Princess Rita thought for some time before responding back, "Alright, I will ask my subordinates to help you out in collecting the Blood Crystal. I am sure that with everyone's help, it would be a lot faster."

Shaking his head with an honest expression, he placed his finger on her soft lips, "That's not an option Rita. I promise to return back as soon as collecting those Blood Crystals. Just return back home before me."

Before she could say anything else, Saito moved his head, and his lips made contact with her cheeks. Princess Rita's eyes widened as she suddenly hugged him tightly.

This kiss was definitely out of expectations for her. She never imagined Saito to kiss her at this point. After the kiss, Saito looked into her eyes and instructed her, "Now… Be a good girl and return back. I will come back after collecting the Blood Crystals."

Nodding her head at him. She didn't know why, but she was rather docile after the kiss. She spoke out, "Alright. Be sure to come to the Palace. I will ask my father to reward you."

"Alright. I will come to the palace to receive my reward. Now, my dear princess, you should leave." He winked towards her and saw as the woman was reluctant to leave him.

After some time, she did leave but would glance back with a hopeful look. Saito didn't understand why she seemed so smitten with himself, but he had noticed the signs within the dungeon when she was stealing glances at him.

Even though she was trying hard to not make it visible, she was stealing glances at him. Saito wondered if this was due to the max charm or if there was some sort of history behind the two of them.

Saito turned towards Joergen and gave him a smile, "Let's move towards that cave. We need to get the two of them and return back to the Kingdom."

Joergen gave out an excited howl. It seemed like it was happy to meet up with Lyra and Chloe. Saito started to move towards that cave, the illusion entrance was still on place, he and Joergen passed through the gate.

Saito looked towards the direction in which he had made that symbol and noticed that it was still on place.

He thought within his head 'Looks like the place doesn't change after a specific period. I was a little worried if that turned out to be the case, but it looks like it would be a simple task of retrieving them and returning back together.'

He went inside to find them. He was releasing his magic so that he could see them quickly. If they entered his field, he would be alerted, and he would know in which direction he should move in.

As he had expected, it didn't take long to find them by using his own magic. The two of them seemed to have fought with some beasts, but it wasn't something they couldn't handle.

Saito started his return trip together with them. He didn't tell them about his encounter with the Demon Fox. He clenched his fists hard because he now had multiple troubles to deal with.

Previously, the only trouble he immediately wanted to deal with was the Demon Fox. But now that Naomi had slipped out of his hands once again, he had no choice but to return to the Vermillion kingdom.

There he had another strong opponent waiting for him. The crown prince, Dante Vermillion. He was sure that Dante Vermillion and planned extensively for his return.

He was going to charge at him ruthlessly. However, he wasn't the only one who had prepared for that. Saito had also sown the seed within the heart of Rita Vermillion.

He was going to make use of her to counter her brother. From the looks of what he saw today, it didn't seem like Dante had informed her that Saito was her brother's killer.

Saito was planning to use this information. There was a lot to be explored right now. He needed to find out the secrets behind the Union. Just what was keeping it so secure as an organization?

The rest of the classmates? Where have they gone by? When were they planning to return? What is the power of this Renya guy, and why is he so revered by the other classmates?

The reason they weren't flying back was that it would be too weird if he returned back before Rita. There would be multiple complications if he returned back before her.

Besides, a walk back towards the Empire wasn't so bad. It let him get the chance to train his sword skills along the way while spending time with Lyra and Chloe.

He did ask them what else happened in the cave, and they proceeded to inform him how they defeated the numerous monsters who came after them. They had already filled their bags with the Blood Crystals.

Saito didn't tell them about how his relationship with Rita had suddenly progressed and how he planned to make sure of her feelings.

Saito was convinced that they wouldn't approve of such a thing, but this was the only way. The only way to remain in the kingdom while keeping the two of them safe from the Empire.

Saito had a determined look on his face as he thought this 'I will do anything… Manipulate anyone to make sure that the two of you can stay safe. Dante Vermillion, I am sure that you have laid down a bunch of traps for me… But I wonder, will you survive my counter-attack?'


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