Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 76 - His Meal With His Loved Ones

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He had a serious look as he continued to think 'He probably didn't use any great spells since he was worried about doing damage to the city. What makes me really curious is why did he come here today?'

'It was just today that I was accused of attacking civilians and he coincidently makes a trip to this house. Is it okay to think of it as a coincidence? No, the timing is too convenient. It's safe to assume that the Crown Prince is pulling the strings.'

He had a disappointed look on his face as he thought 'If that's all it was then I admit, I am a little disappointed Crown prince. I thought you would be better than this.'



Right around this time. Renya let out a groan as his body suddenly started to fly in the air. His laugh echoed in the area, "HAHAHAHA…"

From the way he was laughing, it appeared as though he has turned crazy. Soon enough, he started to speak in a low voice, "It's the first time I have experienced a loss. And it was at the hands of Axel. I never thought that my first loss would be so great. Hahahaha…"

He had a feral grin on his face as he spoke out, "Those beauties. I can't believe that those two beauties are together with you and actually so attached to you. Looks like it will be worth it to kill you and gain their feelings."

It was confusing why he was talking like this. Gaining the feelings after killing their beloved? That was something that didn't make sense at all.

He continued to speak, "The skill which I received from the Goddess of Love. Every time I kill someone, every person who holds a favorable impression towards him or her would hold that same feeling towards me. If she loved the guy whom I killed then she would love me even more."

"Axel… I just need to kill you and those two beauties would be mine. Kukukuku… Though it's surprising how strong you have gotten, you still aren't on the same level as me."

After this, he flew towards the city at top speed. He was using the Wind Magic so his speed was comparatively faster than Saito's normal flying speed.

"It will be so interesting to have those beauties around me. They are certainly a level above the women I have around me right now. Well, now that I have done what the crown prince asked me to… He should have my reward ready for me." With those words, he continued to fly off towards his own mansion.


A groan escaped his mouth as Saito realized the situation in which he was right now. He sighed and spoke in a tired tone, "At least let me eat in peace before coming to disturb me."

A man dressed in a green formal dress entered the house. He carried a strict look on his face, "I certainly wouldn't have disturbed Sir Axel if it was a normal matter however the charges against you are quite serious."

He looked straight into the eyes of Saito and spoke, "It would be appreciated if you would come in without the use of violence."

An amused sigh escaped Saito's mouth as he stared at the man, "That's an interesting proposal. Do you mean to say that you can capture me if you use violence?"

The man didn't budge from his position and continued to speak, "No, with your power. It shall be easy to defeat us all. However, you would be making the whole kingdom as your enemy. I do not think even you can live through that."

There was an amused expression on his face as he stared at the guy, "True. I guess it would be troublesome if I turn the whole kingdom as my enemy."

"Very well… I will come along with you." His eyes suddenly sharpened as he pulled out his sword and placed it on the table, "But only after having this meal. If you do not agree then step forward. I will show no mercy even if it means having the whole kingdom as my enemy."

He stared at all of the soldiers who had arrived with a sharp glint in his eyes. One of the soldiers spoke out loud, "General… We do not need to go along with his words. He obviously doesn't dare to go against the kingdom. Let's take him."

The general looked at him with a very disgusted look, "Fool. Do you want to throw your life away with the rest of all the men in this room? Since Sir Axel has said that he would come with us after this meal then there is no room for discussion."

He once again stared at Saito and spoke out his decision, "Sir Axel, please follow through with your words. We will be outside waiting for you to finish your meal."

Saito gave him a nod before he started to eat once again. Now, Chloe and Lyra were curious about why the kingdom wanted Saito.

They eagerly asked him for the reason and Saito had no intention to hide it from them. He spoke the truth about how he was framed by someone. He didn't mention the name of the Crown Prince since there was no need to involve them in this matter.

It was better to let them remain oblivious to the interference of the crown prince. Lyra was a little angered and expressed it, "I am not surprised with how these despicable humans are trying to frame you, Axel. How do you want to deal with it, hubby?"

Saito stared at her and held her hand. He slowly caressed her soft hand to calm her down and spoke out, "There is no need to worry for me. They won't be able to do anything to me. Don't you have faith in me?"

Shaking her head in denial, Lyra responded with her eyes fixed at the door, "I have my complete faith in you but I don't trust those humans to do something underhand once again."

"Awww… Is my little wifey angry? I haven't ever seen you this angry. It makes me want to kiss you." As he finished saying that, he kissed her on her lips.

Meanwhile, Chloe was blushing because she saw the two of them kissing each other. After the kiss, Lyra was certainly a lot calmer than before.

Saito licked his lips as he turned his head around and saw Chloe with a red face. He asked her in a teasing voice, "Aww… Is Chloe mad that only Lyra received the kiss?"

Chloe puffed her cheeks as she heard his teasing voice. She wasn't going to let him have the satisfaction of teasing her, "Nopes. I-I am definitely not mad."

"Heh… I guess I will believe you then. But you know, I thought I should calm down your anger with a kiss. It looks like you don't need it." He said with a laugh as he saw her raising her head as fast as she could.

She suddenly started to speak, "I am mad! I am definitely mad! Calm me down!"

Saito let out a hearty laugh as he saw the change in attitude in Chloe. He jumped towards Chloe and pushed her down against the ground. Before she could say anything, he sealed her lips with his own.

Both of them started to enjoy their own little world. Saito certainly didn't rest his hands and proceeded to touch her navel.

Her soft milky navel was touched and caressed by his hand. He stopped soon after the kiss ended and gave her a gentle look, "Wait for me… Alright?"

"Mm~hmm." replied Chloe as she couldn't speak anything after that amazing kiss. Her body was still in an excited state because of his touch.

Saito then turned towards Lyra, "You both don't need to worry about me. Just wait for me…"

Lyra gave a gentle nod to him but she still didn't seem satisfied. Saito hugged her tightly and whispered in her ears, "Don't do anything reckless while I am gone."

"I won't make any promises.." It didn't seem like she would budge from her words and Saito let out a sigh before he smiled towards her.

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