Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 77 - Saito Moves Away

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Chloe stood up on her feet while Saito was hugging Lyra. He turned towards her and pulled her close to his body. Chloe felt a gentle feeling enveloping her 'Axel is so warm.'

"I love you two. Stay well while I am gone." Saito finished speaking while hugging the two of them tightly. He added a kiss on each of their cheeks. This time Chloe wasn't embarrassed at all. She just felt sadness enveloping her. She wanted to stay together with him.

She didn't want him to leave. But unfortunately, fate had other plans. Picking up his sword and sheathing it in its scabbard.

As Saito turned around, he hardened his gaze and proceeded to move out without turning back. Chloe and Lyra continued to stare at his back as he left the house with the door left open.

Saito spoke to the general who had come to take him towards the kingdom, "Let's go." The general seemed a little delighted that Saito was coming along without a resistance, "Move towards the palace. Sir Axel will be moving at the back along with me. The rest of you move towards the front."

As the soldiers obeyed him. The General kept walking together with Saito while keeping a close watch on him. Saito noticed something peculiar and spoke in a low tone, "Speak… What do you want to talk with me?"

Caught by surprise, the general stared at him, "W-what? What do you mean Sir Axel?"

"I have noticed that you seem to walking somewhat slower than your soldiers. Probably to put some distance between us and the soldiers walking in front. Not large enough for it to be considered abnormal but just enough for us to talk without the fear of being eavesdropped. Isn't that right, General?" Finishing with a smirk on his face.

The general his smile with a helpless smile of his own, "Sir Axel… I indeed wanted to talk with you. Would you be truthful with me and tell me if you did kill the civilians and destroyed the houses as you are accused off?"

Saito casually shrugged and answered him, "What is the use of asking me? I am sure that you have been told about the incident. Nothing I say would change your mind."

The general shook his head and spoke, "No, at this point I would rather have your word than the word from the Royal Family."

As he remembered the crown prince, Saito smirked and said, "Interesting… The truth is that I didn't use my power to destroy anything. There seems to be someone framing me."

"As I thought." Spoke the general as he continued to walk forwards together with Saito. The other soldiers couldn't hear their conversations because they were careful to speak in a tone in which they could hear each other.

"Heh… So, you suspected this to be the truth?" Saito asked him in a curious tone. Depending on his answer, he would decide whether to include him in his scheme or not.

The general had a helpless smile on his face, "You must not remember me but you saved me and my team on the northern border while we were facing the demons. You never reported it or asked for the reward for saving the general on the battlefield. The moment I heard that you attacked the civilians in the southern part of the city, I knew something was wrong. There was no way Sir Axel whom I know would have attacked any innocent civilian."

Saito gave him a gentle stare, "Well, I am thankful for your trust. I guess saving you and your men that day turned out to be rewarding for me."

The general gave him a nod indicating that he understood. His face turned serious as he once again stared ahead and started to speak, "Sir Axel, I suspect that someone from the Royal Family is pulling the strings. If you have a suspect in mind then I can start an investigation secretly with my trusted men."

Saito though had other plans, "No, I do not have any suspect in my mind. And also, there is no need for you to investigate. It won't be long before the charges against me are dropped. I have some other tasks for you. I will inform you about them later."

After that, Saito turned silent as he had finished speaking. The general once again spoke in low tone, "As you wish Sir Axel. I will make sure that my trusted men are assigned near you. If you ever wish for anything, tell them and they will be in direct contact with me."

"Very well. General Willard, I will use the contact if I need it. I guess we should stop talking. That guy walking in the front is giving us strange looks." Saito speaks with a serious look in his eyes.

The general didn't find that odd, he knew about that guy. Captain Akazawa, he was the vice head of the team which had been sent to capture Saito.

This guy was also the one who had suggested to use violence against Saito. General Willard was suspicious of him to be acting on the orders of someone from the Royal Family.

The rest of the trip remained quiet. Saito and General Willard picked up pace and were right behind the soldiers from the kingdom.


After walking for around an hour, they finally reached the Palace which was at the end of the City of Zleka. Saito was dumbfounded as he stared at the palace. The Elven kingdom seemed nothing as he stared at the palace in front of his eyes.

It gave off the Noble Aura, the aura which placed it at the top of the humans. Just staring at the palace, Saito could feel a strong pressure on his mind forcing him obey.

He looked in front of him and noticed that it didn't seem to affect the soldiers in any way. He smiled with excitement 'It seems I was right. It would indeed be worth it to step over the ones with the Royal Blood. I don't understand why but it makes my heart fill with such strong excitement.'

Right as he was about to enter the palace. He was being stared at by a Reddish-Brown haired guy. It was precisely Crown Prince Dante. Even though Saito was standing so far away, it seemed as though his entire focus was on Saito.

He thought with a faint smile 'So interesting… I thought that right after having a fight with Renya, you would be somewhat shaken up and give in to your emotions. From the looks of the soldiers, it doesn't seem like you resisted. It seems like Renya wasn't able to shake him up at all.'

With a serious look, he thought ahead 'He isn't the guy with whom I should have fun with. I need to employ my plan B.'

He turned towards the door and spoke out, "Hugh, start the Operation B that I mentioned to you in the morning."

"As you wish my lord." The man named Hugh gave a half bow before leaving Dante alone in his own thoughts.


As soon as Saito entered the palace. He was struck with the sheer artistic beauty of the palace. In the modern world, devoid of magic but filled with technology, it was still impossible to see such artistic talent.

Even though he had never studied arts, just from the way the door was made he could understand that the guy who made this door must have a talent reaching the heavens.

His talent was worthy of praise. The interior was designed even better, he honestly couldn't believe that it was even larger from the inside.

Saito also let out a helpless sigh as he thought 'It would be troublesome to find her in such a large place.'

Just as he was about to walk towards the council where he was supposed to be judged. They were approached by an unfamiliar man, "All of you besides Captain Akazawa is to return back towards your posts.. Captain Akazawa is to take Sir Axel to the court where he shall be judged for his crimes."

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