Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 78 - Putting His Plan Into Motion

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With an amused laugh, Saito commented, "The word does travel fast, doesn't it?"

"I have no idea what you mean Sir Saito. Please proceed towards the Council." He said in an emotionless tone, seemingly not giving away anything.

The soldiers left with the general glancing back at Saito with an apologetic look. He didn't seem to expect this chain of events. Saito though didn't look worried and chose not to look back at the general.

He continued to follow Akazawa towards the council. After they were far away, Saito confirmed through Iris' existence that there was no one eavesdropping on them right now.

He quietly spoke out to the man, "So, how much did the Crown Prince spend to buy you?"

"What do you mean?" Akazawa asked with a nervous laugh. Saito though let out an amused laugh, "Now-now, there is no need to keep it within yourself. We both know who is behind this situation and what is going to happen in the council."

Akazawa though continued to deny, "I certainly don't know what you are talking about Sir Saito."

Saito lightly smiled before speaking, "Do you know, you made a huge mistake by making contact with that Hugh guy. It was easy to know that you were in contact with the crown prince or someone who worked under the crown prince because of your contact with that Hugh guy."

Akazawa suddenly stopped as his expression turned pale, "Y-you… know… about… that."

Saito suddenly spoke in a serious yet cold tone, "Don't stop so suddenly. It's unnatural."

With that, Akazawa started to walk normally once again. As he started to walk normally, Saito's face changed to that of a cheerful expression as he spoke, "Let's say, you weren't the only ones scheming for the whole week. Why do you think I never made a move in this week? It's because I was investigating you all myself."

Akazawa though tried to fake his calmness, "It doesn't matter if you know or investigated at all. You can't do anything now."

Saito let out a chuckle at his words, "You are quite funny Akazawa. During my investigation, I noticed that you like spending quite a lot of time with your wife and your daughter."

Not speaking anything in return. So, Saito continued to speak, "Your wife has quite a mature charm around her. Even though she isn't that great of beauty, I am sure that it would be hard for any man to not have the idea to sleep with her."

"As for your precious daughter. I heard that she recently turned 18 years old. And what a supple body she has with just the right amount of curve. She is certainly big in places where I like them big and small where I like it small. It would be a pity if such a girl was to be found in a brothel with her mother. I heard that doing together with both mother and daughter is quite a popular fantasy within this city." Saito grinned as he stared at Akazawa.

Akazawa was beyond terrified as he heard him. He couldn't believe that Saito had actually investigated him. What surprised him was that there was no hesitation in his words. It was like he wouldn't mind throwing two innocent women in a brothel.

Saito struck one more time, "Do you think that everything would be alright if I reached the court? The crown prince would certainly protect your family after I am dealt with? Is that the hope you are holding onto?"

Suddenly, Akazawa started to sweat like no tomorrow. He truly was holding onto these hopes. He spoke out, "Since you already know then there is no need for you to speak any further. Crown Prince is someone against whom you can't do anything."

Saito unexpectedly nodded to his words, "Certainly, I won't be able to do something to the crown prince. But dealing with the family of a Captain in the army, that's a small matter. I have already informed my men if the sentence from the Council is the same as what I have predicted then your family will disappear from the face of this world for the rest of your life."

"And do believe me when I say that I am not bluffing. Not even crown prince would be able to reach them to protect the two of them if he wants to." He struck one last time before the man finally turned his head around.

He had a pleading look on his face and it brought a smile on Saito's face, "Good… Looks like you finally understand your situation. I assure you that it's the best decision because even after having delivered me to the council and said what the crown prince had told you to say, you would be assassinated the moment you reach your house."

"You shouldn't lie about this. What would the crown prince gain by killing a pawn like me?" At this point, Akazawa realized there was no point in hiding it. Since Saito knew almost everything, there was no need for him to hold back anything.

Saito stared at him with a serious gaze before he burst out in laughter, "Seriously… You don't think that the crown prince would kill you? It's to cut off all the loose ends and make sure nothing turns up even if someone investigated with all their might. After all, dead men speak no tales."

These words forced Akazawa to stay silent and go into deep thought. Saito was certainly right. With the personality of the crown prince it certainly wouldn't matter much if he could kill a pawn to cut off all the loose ends.

"Do you know why I could reach the same conclusion as the crown prince? It's because I would have done the same." He said in a cold bone-chilling tone.

These words did terrify Captain Akazawa to no end. He realized that Saito was a lot different from how the rumours stated. He was a lot more devious and ruthless than he was given credit for.

As they continued to walk onwards, Saito suddenly said, "If you help me, you don't need to worry about the crown prince finding you out. I just want you to take me around the palace before going towards the council as the crown prince wants me to and say what he told you to say without a single change."

At his words, Akazawa's ears perked up. He thought to himself that there was no harm in going along with Saito's idea.

If this was all he was supposed to do then even the Crown prince wouldn't be able to find fault with him. It was Saito who moved in front, he continued to ask Iris for direction towards Rota Vermillion's room.

By sensing her aura, he knew that she was present in the palace right now. She was within her room together with 12 other presence. Unlike her aura, these auras were rather faint which made him think that perhaps these auras were of her bodyguards who were supposed to protect her.

He continued to walk towards her room calmly. He wasn't in rush nor was he nervous. He knew that about the affection she held for himself.

There was no guilty feeling in his heart for what he was going to do. He was able to convince himself easily 'I am not going to harm her. I will also make her happy.' These two lines were easily able to convince him that he wasn't doing the wrong thing. He also knew that it wasn't absolutely right but there was no other choice.

After walking for not a long time, he finally reached in front of princess Rita's room. It seemed as though the door to the room was slightly open.

Just after a glance from that slight opening, he was able to observe Rita laying down on her bed while reading a book.

Though he wasn't able to see what the book was about, he let out a sigh of relief when he saw Rita being awake. He thought in his head 'Looks like the gamble paid off. The only thing I wasn't sure about was if Rita would be awake or would be sleeping. Since she is awake, time to put my plan into motion.'


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