Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 89 - Tour Around The Palace

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Saito neared her and she expected him to hug her and start consoling her but Saito flicked at her forehead with that mischievous face, "Don't get mad about such a small thing. Now… Aren't you going to show me the palace?"

Rita was about to deny him with a groan but suddenly she remembered something from the book and thought 'Wait… Wouldn't it be like a date if I show him around the palace? Both of us alone enjoying while walking around in the palace. Eating the best dishes within the dining hall. Yes! It's a date!'

"Hmm… Since you are requesting me. I guess I have no choice." She said as if she was doing a great favour as she was going to show him the palace.

"Hai-hai! I am thankful for Princess Rita's pity on this poor lad." Saito mockingly calls himself a poor lad even though he was anything but poor.

Rita opened one of her eyes and said, "Since you are going to be my husband. You definitely aren't going to be poor. Everything that I own is also yours…" She blushed hard after she finished speaking.

There was an amused smile on Saito's face as he saw Rita acting like this 'You weren't this shy when we were spending the night together and now you are acting like a normal woman. I will never completely understand women.'

After this conversation, they started their date about which Princess Rita was internally very excited. She showed him almost all the palace but made sure to not take him near the residence of the Princes.

There were 10 princes including the Crown Prince. While there were 7 princess including Rita. Rita was their eldest sister. There were small gaps between the age of the sisters. The youngest sister and the eldest sister had the age gap of 4 years.

While there was a huge age gap among the princes. The youngest was 11 years old and the eldest was 21 years old.

The Crown Prince was the third youngest prince but his ability was accepted by everyone within the Royal Family. They knew that he had the ability to be the Crown Prince even though he wasn't the eldest within the family. Prince Rai, he was the Crown Prince's Blood Brother. Prince Rai was the son from the same concubine as the Crown Prince. Which was why, he was rather affectionate of his little brother.

The King had already declared his support for Dante and would continue to support him as long as he doesn't do anything too bad.

However, it was also widely known that he held the most affection for Rita within the family. Rita had no interest in the throne or the political matters or the sibling rivalry otherwise he would have just declared her to be the next queen after his death.

It was unknown why the King seemed to be so biased towards her. Her mother was just one of the many concubines of the King. There was obviously a deep history that the normal people didn't know even within the Royal Family.

Even Rita Vermillion remained oblivious to the reason why the King favoured her so much. Though she didn't mind the fatherly love she received from him.

She did try take advantage of him many times, even though he knew, the King never said anything and would simply smile.

Saito had one word for this palace after taking a tour with Rita. It was breath-taking. The way the jewels were imbedded within the ceiling. The way light entered the palace. The designs, the way every shape of the room was created and designed by keeping in mind about the position of the sun.

It was simply breath-taking. If this palace was in his old world, then he dared to say that it would have been the 8th Wonder above all other wonders in the world.

What shocked him even more was that, so many people were living in this wonder yet there was no signs of wear and tear. From what Rita had told him, this palace had been created around 2000 years ago.

To actually create such a wonder and make it stand for 2000 years while there was no depreciation which was visible through human eyes. It was nothing short of amazing.

From Rita, he came to know that other than the Royal Family. The Dukes were given a choice to stay within the Palace or have their own mansion outside the city. The Royal Titles granted to the people who did a great deed for the Kingdom were Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount and lastly Baron.

The Baron was the lowest title needed to be declared a nobility while the Duke was the highest. Many of the elders whom Saito had saw in the Council of Elders were dukes. They were assigned their own territories within the kingdom.

While there was a short number of the elders who were Marquess. The territories and the income they held weren't even one fifth in front of a duke.

This was the reason why some elders remained quiet no matter the direction in which the council was going. Elder Gaton was a duke, his family had contributed greatly to the Kingdom and thus was incredibly confident that his word would be heard by the King.

Well, Saito's intervention did cause him to lose face in front of all others. It was unknown how he was planning to take his revenge.

However, Saito wasn't worried about the revenge from the duke. He had already strongly offended the Crown Prince, what was a duke. He didn't even place the Duke Gaton in his eyes.

It was going to be strange if a man like him was able to do anything to Saito when even Crown Prince's tactics had been countered effectively.

It was around night time until they saw the whole Palace except for the residences of the princes and other princesses. They returned back to the room to eat the dinner.

Unlike the previous day. It was Saito who was feeding Princess Rita right now. It was a way for him to apologise to her since he wasn't there with her in the morning.

Even though he had no need to do this and apologise. He knew that it was better to do this while making sure that her affections for himself stayed strong.

After the dinner, they both jumped on the bed. Today, Saito wasn't feeling like doing it with Rita even though she was strangely pushing him.

Saito caressed her soft and silky hair while saying, "Not today. I just want to spend the time cuddling together with you."

His words caused her to feel incredibly sweet in her heart. She gently nodded and spent the whole night with her head on his chest. While his arms were resting on her back, caressing her very gently.


The next day, Captain Akazawa's family received the news about the death of Captain Akazawa. It was said that there was a hunter nearby who had seen multiple wolves eating his charred body.

His death was confirmed by the Kingdom. The Wife and his daughter were devastated. They felt as if their whole life had been turned upside down.

They simply couldn't believe that the family's pillar, Captain Akazawa was really dead. There was no way they were going to be able to pay up the living expenses and the debt they had taken.

Kailyn Akazawa, wife of Captain Akazawa would have to find some work to do if she was going to have to support herself and her daughter.

(A/N: Captain Akazawa's Full name is Mason Akazawa. Though I will continue to mention him as Captain Akazawa or by his new name Evan Barret)

Since they were in debt, so each time his salary would come, he would go and pay his debt in order to reduce the amount. With his rank in the military, nobody dared to mess around with his wife and daughter.

The merchant who had loaned him money didn't dare to be arrogant in front of Captain Akazawa. He seemed in no rush to get back the money as long as Captain Akazawa was around.

The news of Captain Akazawa's death spread around and nearly everyone in the area knew that he had died leaving behind his wife and daughter.

With his death, the merchant's attitude towards the Akazawa family changed.. On the very same day that he came to know about his death, he sent two large men to their house and ask them to return the money.

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