Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 90 - Requesting Help In Military Office

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With no savings, there was just no way for Kailyn to give him the money. The two large men however didn't stop. They picked up anything valuable from the house. Unfortunately for the two men, there just wasn't enough valuable things in the house.

So, in turn, the two men destroyed quite a lot of furniture within the house. The interior of the house was in shambles and Kailyn couldn't do anything to stop them.

She had cried and requested them from more time but there seemed to be no stopping these two men. After nearly destroying the whole interior of the house, one of the two men clicked his tongue, "Poor people. Why take up loan when you can't even pay it?"

He turned towards his partner and said, "Partner, looks like there isn't anything valuable. We have already taken her chains and rings. Though they are of little value, it can't be helped since this family is too poor."

The other guy nodded his head but chose not to say anything. Right now, Gloria Akazawa, daughter of Captain Akazawa wasn't anywhere near the house or else it would have been unknown what would have happened.

Right now, she was within the academy which taught business. She had no idea such a misfortune had befallen at her house.

She was already sad enough at the news about the death of her father. However, she had held back her tears since her father had already informed his family that military life was closely related with death.

Since she had been taught by her father from a young age, she had grown up to be a strong woman. She kept control of her emotions and studied wholeheartedly.

She knew that she would have to step up to earn money and have a stable life. She had thought that the debt collectors would be sympathetic to their situation since her father had just died.

There was no way for her to know that her house was already wrecked by the debt collectors. There was a young man who appeared next to her, "Gloria… How about you have dinner with me?"

Gloria Akazawa shook her head in denial, "No, I am busy. I am afraid I would have to return back home quickly to help out my mother."

The youth seemed to be disappointed but he didn't push around too much. The information still hadn't been spread around in the school about the death of her father.

Nobody wanted to anger the daughter of a Captain within the military. The number of men under her father were enough to bury them and their families before they could even launch a complaint.

Gloria was shaken up when she returned back to her home. She couldn't believe that her house had actually been wrecked so badly.

Except the bed, everything was wrecked badly. There wasn't even a neat place to sit. She saw her mother crying in the kitchen and asked her in a concerned voice, "Mother… Mother… What happened here? Why is our house in such a bad condition?"

Kailyn replied while wiping away her tears, "The… Debt… collectors came… And wrecked… our house…"

Even though her words sounded broken because she was sobbing badly. Her daughter Gloria heard those words clearly. She was enraged and completely shaking due to the anger within her.

She couldn't believe that these people were behaving so despicably. Just because her father was dead, they had even started to bully them. However, she didn't plan on giving up here, and said, "Mother… don't be worried. I will go to the military office where father used to work and request for help. I am sure that some friend of his is going to help us out."

This was something even her mother had not thought of. A small fire of hope started to burn within her heart. She had met up with many of her husband's subordinates. They seemed decent men to her.

The very next day, Gloria had gotten ready along with her mother and left the house to meet up with some friends of Captain Akazawa. It was fortunate that the two men hadn't taken their clothes or else they would have to meet with them in their casual clothes.

They were granted entry rather easily after Kailyn mentioned that she was the wife of the deceased Captain Akazawa.

They asked for directions towards his military office where he used to work. Even though it had only been 3 days since his death, a new captain had already been appointed. His name was Kaiden Franks.

The man was rather young to be the captain. He was only around 26 years old. It was quite an achievement for him to become a captain before the age of 30 years old.

He heard the attendant come inside his office, "Sir, there are two women outside who want to meet with you. They are claiming to be wife and daughter of the deceased Captain Akazawa."

When Kaiden heard that the two of them were wife and daughter of the deceased Captain Akazawa. He waved his hands and said, "Tell them to come back later. I am rather busy today."

"Yes, Sir!" The attendant left after giving a salute to Kaiden Franks. Kaiden rubbed his temple as he remembered the conversation with the Crown Prince and the reason, he was able to become a captain at such a young age.

The Crown Prince had given him a single order. To not meet up with the family of the deceased Captain Akazawa's family. The comrades from his group were already given orders to leave for the fort in the north.

It would take some time before they could catch the news about his death. The Crown Prince seemed intent on bring his family in complete despair.

He obviously had his own reasons for this.

~~ (Flashback to right after the supposed death of Captain Akazawa) ~~

Crown Prince seemed to be drinking a red colored wine. He had an unreadable expression as he listened to the words of the mercenary, "I witnessed Captain Akazawa going alone to fight against the pack of Storm Wolves. He was hit by the Blue Lightning of a storm wolf and his body was completely charred. I stayed long enough to see his body being eaten by the Wolves."

There was a confident look on the face of the mercenary as he spoke the short version of what happened there at the Northern Wastelands.

Crown Prince didn't seem pleased with the way he had spoken the information, "Was there anything strange that you noticed? Tell me if there was anything strange that you saw or felt."

The mercenary shook his head and replied, "No, there was nothing strange at all." Crown Prince remained silent and quietly tapped on the table two times.

Hugh appeared from the shadows and handed over a large bag with great number of gold coins in it. After the mercenary left them. Hugh closed the door and stared at the Crown Prince who had a frown on his face.

Hugh remained confused to the reason why he would still have a frown, "What happened Prince Dante? Why do you seem unhappy with the news? It all went according to your plan after all."

Prince Dante stared at him with a fierce look, "My plan? Everything went according to my plan? That's the very thing bugging me."

Now, it was Hugh who was completely speechless, "What do you mean Prince Dante? Please explain a bit more for this servant to understand."

Prince Dante took a sip of his wine and started to explain, "Hugh, let me ask you a question. What would you do if you were asked to go into a trap and die?"

For Hugh, there was no relation to this question and to the situation about which the Crown Prince was worried about. He replied with a sincere tone, "If it is the order of the Crown Prince then I would gladly go into the trap and die."

There was a loud smack in the room. It was Prince Dante who had facepalmed himself.. In his worry, he had clearly forgotten about the great loyalty held by Hugh.

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