Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 91 - The Prince’s Worries And Plan

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There was not a doubt in Prince Dante's mind that this man would actually do it. He probably would be smiling before springing the trap.

Prince Dante knew that this wouldn't work and decided to change the question, "What would a normal man do if he was asked to go into a trap and die?"

Hugh thought for some time before giving his answer, "He would look for an opportunity and try to escape before the other party is able to deal with him and force him into the trap."

"Correct. Yet what did Captain Akazawa do?" This time, his question directly tackled the situation at hand.

"He went into the trap and died." Hugh replied and finally started to think from the perspective at which Crown prince was looking at.

Prince Dante took another sip of his wine and continued to stay silent. After some time, Hugh asked him again, "But couldn't it also be because he knew that he couldn't get away from you?"

Prince Dante was in no mood of repeatedly answering his questions and thought that it would be better to explain everything in one go, "Hugh… I gave him a great chance to escape when he was in the residence of General Willard. He could have run away from there with a horse. It would have taken atleast half a day for us to even start pursuing him. With no leads on his whereabouts, it would have taken us atleast half a month to find him."

"Half a month is a long time. It's unknown where he could end up in that frame of time. The Half a month is the minimum time frame required to catch him. Any person would have escaped at that time."

Before he could finish all his thoughts, Hugh unconsciously interrupted him, "I heard that he has a wife and daughter. Maybe he didn't want to leave them behind. It has been known that he is quite affectionate of his family."

He received a glare from Crown Prince who continued speaking in a calm tone, "I have already thought about that. Do remember Hugh, he was at the residence of General Willard. Before leaving, he could have asked General Willard or any of his friends to take care of his family. However, he didn't do that. He went towards the trap and even died."

He paused to completely drink that red colored wine as he continued to speak ahead, "There are only three reasons why a human would go into a trap which would lead to his death. The first is great loyalty. The second is that there was no other alternative. The other alternatives were even more dangerous than the trap. And lastly the third, he had a 50% or greater chance of survival."

The Crown prince now started to explain to Hugh in detail, "We can neglect the first point in his case since he didn't have great loyalty towards me. He was only obeying me because of the death threat and greed for money. Now, to the second point. It can also be neglected because I did give him a way out. He could have run away as I explained before but he didn't. So, it can only be the third reason. He had more than a 50% chance of survival. However, the thing that I cannot understand is how can he survive? According to the mercenary, nothing unexpected happened and he saw his body being hit by the Lightning before it was eaten by the Wolves. I cannot understand how he can survive that."

The room was completely silent after the reasoning by the Crown Prince. Hugh suddenly had a thought and said, "Prince Dante, maybe whatever his plan was. It failed and he is dead."

Crown Prince really had the urge to smack Hugh's head, "Hugh… I have come to an understanding that if I was as optimistic as you then I wouldn't be a crown prince."

As he heard that, Hugh was a little embarrassed since the Crown Prince did embarrass him. Some shadows in the wall snickered as they heard the Crown Prince making fun of Hugh.

A vein popped out of Hugh's head as he stared at the shadows, "You bastards. You dare to laugh at me while all of you are just hiding in the shadows. Do you dare to fight me head on?"

Before their bickering turned into loud banter, Crown Prince raised his hands, "Stop your bickering."

Hugh and all the people in the shadows stopped their bickering which could have turned into an argument.

The Crown Prince poured his wine into the glass. He started drinking it and calmly spoke, "Hugh… You are also correct. There is a 50% chance that you may be right and Captain Akazawa is truly dead. But what I am more curious is about his plan with which he was confident enough to have such a great chance to survive."

As Crown Prince said that he may be right, Hugh puffed his chest and had a smug look on his face. He looked at the shadows through the corner of his eyes as if saying 'Say something! Now say something, you motherfuckers.'

The Crown Prince ignored Hugh's thoughts and continued on, "There is also a 50% chance that he has survived."

He thought for two minutes before staring at Hugh with a serious expression, "Hugh, you have a contact with a Lieutenant, right? Tell him that he was a chance to become a captain."

Hugh had a puzzled look, "Yes, I do know Lieutenant Kaiden Franks. I believe he would be willing to become the captain. What are you planning to do?"

The Crown Prince spoke with a faint smile, "Just a probe. We are going to make that family lonely and give them utter despair. If that man is alive then he wouldn't be able to hold himself back and reveal his presence to his family."

~~ (Presently) ~~

The two of them returned back home after a disappointed experience at the Military Office of Captain Akazawa. This time, both the mother and the daughter had lost all hope. They didn't know what to do anymore.

They didn't mind any friend of Captain Akazawa nor anyone willing to help the family of the deceased Captain. It made them feel very disappointed and lost all hope of continuing a stable life ahead.

Both the mother and the daughter went to their own rooms respectively. Kailyn started to sob which placing her face against the bed. The house was still wrecked which made her remember about the scene that had occurred.

She knew that Captain Akazawa had a younger brother but from the brief conversation she had with him. She knew that there was a strong hostility between the two brothers. He was also a rich merchant unlike Captain Akazawa.

However, the thing about him that Kailyn despised was that he was a perverted man. Every time, she had met him, his eyes would be fixed upon her chest.

He had also made moves upon her by trying to touch her ass. Captain Akazawa had stopped him before he could be successful earning the ire of his younger brother.

If she went to ask for help from him then it might be possible that he would use this chance to molest her or maybe push himself upon her if she went to his residence to request for help.

There was just no way she would be able to oppose him. It was better for her to not meet up with him.

She was a little relieved that she had some food left for herself and her daughter Gloria, "We can only survive for this week. There is no use in thinking about the future. I should try to concentrate on surviving for as long as I can."

The days passed rather slowly for the family. The news about the death of Gloria's father spread around in school. The number of guys asking her our tremendously increased. They started to stalk her around in school and when she returned back home.

Though they didn't do anything more than that. Gloria was disgusted by these guys. She couldn't believe the nerve of these guys asking her out. They never even dared to look at her when her father was still alive but now that he was dead, these guys were suddenly overflowing with courage.

As the week came to a close. It was the night time when the Akazawa family was visited by Stanley Akazawa. He didn't have a robust build as his big brother.. He was rather thin as compared to Captain Akazawa.

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