Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 92 - Caught In A Difficult Situation

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There was a glint of lust within his eyes as he stared at the house of his deceased big brother. He entered the house without even knocking.

As the door closed with a creak. Kailyn asked in a loud voice, "Who is it?"

Stanley Akazawa spoke in a hurt voice, "I am hurt sister-in-law. You didn't even come out to greet me, your brother-in-law."

Her eyes widened in horror as what she feared had now come to give them a visit. It was Stanley Akazawa. The man who had dirty intentions regarding her.

Kailyn got out of her room in a nightgown and said to him in a cold tone, "You aren't welcomed in this house. Leave right away Stanley."

The man didn't seem to be affected by her tone and replied her, "That simply won't do sister-in-law. Just by the condition of the house, I can say that you are living in very bad conditions. Big Brother would surely scold me from heavens if I don't help you out right now."

There was no change on Kailyn's face, "I am the head of this house right now. I said get out!"

The man though didn't give up, "I know that you are the head of this house." He slowly moved closer to her as he stared at her breasts moving up and down with each breath.

"I know that you and my niece is under a debt. It would be hard to live a life without paying the debt. I can pay that debt for you. You should know what I want my precious sister-in-law." Right now, he held her hands and pushed her against the wall.

He was showing the ways of the rogue instead of a merchant. Kailyn struggled before him but it was useless.

Around the same time, Gloria came out of her room while rubbing her eyes. She was in her night suit. The upper two buttons of her shirt seemed to be open which revealed her cleavage. She spoke in a sleepy voice, "What is it mother? Who is he?"

While at the same time, Stanley took the time to observe Gloria. She was definitely a first-rate beauty. He couldn't help but swallow down a mouthful of saliva as he stared at her body with a lecherous gaze.

Stanley spoke out without even hiding his intentions towards Gloria, "I can give you an alternative Kailyn. Let me spend the night with Gloria, I will pay all your debts."

Kailyn was angered when she saw this man looking at her daughter with such a gaze. However, when she heard his demand, her rage manifested within her. She immediately freed her hand and slapped him strongly without holding back at all.

This Stanley was a merchant. He didn't have the strong physique as his brother. His face crashed onto the floor as Kailyn didn't stop her assault.

She hit his chest with her kick continuously. She held his hair pulled them strongly and raised his face, "You dare to look at my daughter with such a gaze? You dare to even think of spending the night with her? You are just a bastard!"

She kicked him once again on his chest before moving towards her daughter and covered her body with her own. She turned towards him with a ruthless look in her eyes, "Get out now!"

Stanley stared at her for a brief period of time. There was a lot of hatred within his eyes along with desire.

It seemed as though he didn't bring along any men with him. He hatefully spat out some blood from his mouth, "You will regret this! I will make you regret this."

He slowly got up and started to move out of the house. Kailyn hugged her daughter even closer now. She didn't want him to lay his dirty eyes on her.

Stanley sat in the carriage while making plans to make her bed under his crotch. He was going to bed the two of them and then let his men enjoy their bodies.

This woman actually dared to hit him. It hurt his pride and he was forced out. This humiliation couldn't be endured by him. He was going to strike the two of them tomorrow as quickly as he could.

As Kailyn pats the back of her daughter's head. She ordered her, "Go to sleep quickly. Don't wander off in the night."

Even though Gloria was in sleep when she got out of the room. The scene she had witnessed really shook her awake. She couldn't imagine that her uncle had actually suggested that to her mother in front of her.

She was an adult. She knew about the matters between man and woman. However, she also knew that matter was to be done with her lover. Her Uncle just wanted her mother to sell her to him.

The tears she had held on for three days burst out of her eyes. They seemed to be leaking without stopping at all. She was worried about her mother now. From the tone her uncle used, it seemed that the future wouldn't be pretty for them.

Kailyn herself was extremely worried as she sat on the bed. She was thinking of any alternative to run away. This was the only way she could save herself and her daughter's life from hell.

Right as she was thinking. A paper-plane entered her room through the open window. It landed close to the bed so she bent down and picked it up to throw it away.

Before throwing it away though, she noticed something written with black coloron this piece of paper. She opened it up and saw that there was something written with a clean handwriting on the paper plane.

On the paper plane, it was written, "Miss Kailyn, I know you are reading this right now. I want to tell you that your husband, Captain Mason Akazawa is still alive. The reason he cannot appear before you even in your difficulties is because of the interference of the Crown prince. If he interfered, then he would have likely died along with the two of you. This was why I helped him fake his death. I am sure you have a lot more questions. After half an hour, I want you both to reach the address written on the back of this page. It is your choice whether to trust me or not since I cannot appear before the two of you.

P.S: You beat your brother-in-law pretty good. I pity that guy."

The letter was finished and Kailyn was in deep thought whether to trust this guy who wrote this or not. Most of the information on this letter revealed a lot of this to Kailyn. If the Crown Prince was involved then that explained why her husband seemed to be worried for a few days before his supposed death.

It seemed that he was part of someone's scheme. She read the letter again in case she missed anything. When she read the post script, her eyes widened in surprise as she thought 'It hasn't even been half an hour since this incident happened. There is no way he could know about it from Stanley's mouth and then come here to deliver this letter. No… This guy was present here when it happened. Since he says that he can't appear before us, then it must be very important otherwise he would have intervened.'

She gritted her teeth as she turned around the piece of paper. Her eyes widened when she read the address. It was written that she would have to come near the Western Wall of the Zleka City.

The walls surrounding the city were very tall. However, there was an advantage in being near the walls. If a civilian screamed out loud enough, he/ she would be able to catch the attention of the guards around that place.

If this was where this mysterious person wanted to meet then they could be safe if he had other intentions towards them. She understood that this was probably one of the reasons why this guy chose this location.. It was to give them a way out.

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