Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 93 - Dealing With Crown Prince’s Men

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Even though it could still be a trap. With the situation at hand, she could do nothing but try it out anyways. Suddenly, the paper in her hands turned into dust and she could do nothing but witness it happen. It was a magical thing for her since she didn't do anything other than holding it in her hands.

She thought quickly 'He probably wanted to remove any traces. This means that the man behind it is powerful. This isn't something that Stanley or his goons can do.' This strangely comforted her.

She went towards her daughter's room and knocked on it. Gloria thought her mother had come to check up on her and acted as if she was still asleep. Kailyn didn't realize that her daughter was acting and knocked again, this time a little strongly, "Gloria… get up. We have to move now!"

Gloria opened her eyes and opened the door. She sounded a little shocked, "What do you mean mother?"

Kailyn shook her head and said, "I don't have time to explain. Come with me. We have to move fast."

Gloria was a smart woman, she asked Kailyn, "Mother… Are we running away? Wait some time… let me pack up some clothes."

Kailyn held her daughter's arm and said, "No! There isn't enough time. We have to move now. You can buy new clothes."

Gloria frowned at the words of her mother, "How mother!? We don't even have enough money to return our debt. How can we buy new clothes for ourselves?"

Kailyn thought that this would be a good time to tell her daughter, "I just received news. Your father isn't dead. He is still alive. I do not know the whole story but we have to move so that we can hear about it."

This time, Gloria was dumbfounded. She couldn't believe that the father whom she thought was dead, he was actually alive. She spoke out, "Okay mother. I will follow you."

She was quick in closing the buttons of her shirt and followed her mother. There were two men in the shadows following the two of them closely.

One of them was thinking 'This is interesting… Both the mother and daughter are moving? It looks like they are running away due to their situation. Prince Dante would surely be interested in this information.'

The other guy was thinking 'Did Captain Akazawa contact them? But how? I saw nothing suspicious with which he could have contacted them. Their conversations with every single person were normal and there was no hint to any underlaying message within their words. And just where are they going?'

They followed the mother and daughter to the Western Wall of Zleka. The two of them were on top of the houses and were around 10 metres apart.

After they reached the Western Wall, both Gloria and Kailyn took long breaths since they were tired right now.

Gloria was confused why her mother brought her here. They had rushed here on foot but there was nothing particular that caught her attention.

Kailyn looked around and noticed a paper-plane. She ran towards it and picked it up. There was a small message written on it, "Great job in trusting me. For that, you shall be rewarded."

While the guys in the shadows had bewildered expressions. One of them was confused as he saw Kailyn rushing towards the paper plane and picking it up.

While the other guy's eyes widened as he thought 'So, that's how the two of them were contacted.'

Suddenly, he had another thought 'Wait… From the way the paper-plane was flying. It was recently thrown away by the person. This means that this paper-plane guy is still here. I need to alert hi-'

He heard a faint whisper near his ears, "Searching for me? Too late for that…" Before his mind could even register his words. He was died in a black web which completely trapped his arms and legs. He struggled hard to get out, even using his magic at its full force but it was to no avail. He couldn't get out of this dark web. Before he could scream and get the attention of his partner, his mouth was sealed.

He was lightly flicked on his forehead and started to free fall towards the ground from the rooftop.

The other guy had no idea that his partner had been taken out. Before his partner's body could even hit the ground. The guy just took a casual look but he came face to face with bright Emerald colored eyes that had an electrifying aura.

Those eyes were brightly shining within this darkness as he took a step back in fear. There was a smile on the face as he said, "Game over!"

His mouth was sealed by the dark web so that he couldn't scream and gather any attention. The next, his arms and his legs were sealed before he was able to make any movements to get away.

There was a loud thud as the first guy's body crashed against the ground. Saito pulled the other guy closer to him and picked him up while flying towards the Kailyn and Gloria.

The two of them were startled when they saw a body had fallen down on the ground. The person was completely tied by black web around his body. Since his head crashed against the ground, it was also bleeding heavily. He most likely suffered a heavy injury with that fall.

Before the two of them could get close to him. They heard a calm voice, "Don't get close to him! Stay away."

The two of them turned towards the direction from which they heard the voice. They saw a pain standing on the rooftop with a calm and collected look.

His chocolate black hair blended well within the darkness while his emerald eyes had a shiny glow. He was carrying the body of the other guy and jumped down near them.

Kailyn was a little cautious of him and stood in front of her daughter as if shielding her from Saito. Saito took note of her behaviour but didn't comment anything.

He knew the way to make him trust her and said, "Good job in trusting me. For that, you shall be rewarded."

After he said that, Kailyn understood that he was the paper-plane guy. She let go of her guard and asked him, "Who are these guys? Who are you? Is my husband still alive?"

The guy whom Saito was carrying started to move around and struggle. Saito got a little irritated and said to him, "Stay quiet, will you? Do you want me to crush your head to make you quiet?"

After he said that, the guy strangely stopped moving. It seemed as though he had calmed down now.

Saito turned his vision towards Kailyn and started speaking, "Answering your questions in order. These guys are Crown Prince's men and were monitoring you this whole week. I am pretty sure you have heard of me. My name is Axel. Though civilians generally call me Hero Axel. And yes, your husband is still alive most probably. Well, I did save him. If he was stupid enough to go and get himself killed, it's not my fault."

Gloria had heard about Axel from the talks with her friends in the academy. She stared at him with stars in her eyes, "Are you really Hero Axel!? The same one as my friends talk about in the class?"

Saito raised his brow at her question, "I don't know about which Hero Axel your friends talk about. But as far as I know, I am the only one known as Hero Axel. These guys should confirm it for me."

He threw the body on the floor and looked into the eyes of the guy with a threatening expression. There was no need to do this though since Gloria already believed him. She felt as if she was on top of the world after meeting with him.

She had heard a lot about him. He could easily defeat and kill Great Demon Kings. He saved a lot of people whenever he could. And much more…

Kailyn though stared at him and calmly asked him, "Why are the Crown Prince's men monitoring us? We aren't some noble family.. In the eyes of the Crown Prince, we are just a small family of an army official."

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