Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 97 - Information

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Saito was brought out of his thoughts as he stared at the village below his eyes. He closed his eyes to sense the magic signature of Captain Akazawa.

He was somewhat worried that the idiot might have got himself killed. But it seemed as though he was still alive. His magic signature was stronger than before, it seemed as though Captain Akazawa had gotten stronger after the week.

Saito looked at the two women sitting behind him. They were troubled as they saw Saito turn around. They couldn't get the image of him brutally killing those two men out of their heads.

Not caring about their thoughts about himself. Saito informed the two of them, "Your luck is good. Captain Akazawa still seems to be alive."

He looked down towards Joergen, "Joergen, take them within the forest, and stay around 2 miles away from the Village. It may take some time before I return. Ask Emma to hunt some food for the two of them."

Giving a nod to Saito. Saito jumped down from the great altitude, he wasn't worried at all since he had could fly using the Nature Magic.

As Saito flew down. He sensed the life force of everyone within the village. The numbers given by Sophie seemed to be fairly accurate. He was however disappointed to see such bad physique of the people as he laid his eyes upon them.

It just meant more work for him since he would have to train them to get strong enough. Even their mentality would be a huge problem.

The bandits seemed ordinary men who couldn't use magic effectively at all. Saito wouldn't need a minute to defeat all the bandits in the village.

There were around 200 bandits. They were going to be enough for what he planned in the future.

He slowly entered the residence of Captain Akazawa. The man couldn't detect Saito's presence even though Saito had entered his residence.

Saito was standing in the same room where Captain Akazawa was sleeping. He called out for the man, "Akazawa! Akazawa! Get up! Its me."

Captain Akazawa woke up groggily. He was in a deep sleep and had a strange dream of meeting his family again. He obviously wasn't happy to be woken up. However, he felt that the voice was rather familiar. He had a feeling that if he doesn't wake up then he would be in a world of pain.

As he opened his eyes and saw the figure standing in front of his eyes. He was utterly shocked. He didn't expect to see Saito standing there.

"Sir Axel…! You are here. Can I meet with my family now?" Captain Akazawa asked with his eyes filled with hope and anticipation.

Saito waved off his words and said, "Let's talk about that later. Tell me about the condition here in the village first. Since you have lived here for a week, you must know quite a lot about the village."

Captain Akazawa stayed silent for a period of time before he said, "I knew that you wouldn't send me here unless you had some sort of your own motive."

There was a cold smile on Saito's face as he started speaking, "If you had been that stupid then I wouldn't have saved your life. Now start talking…"

There was disappointment etched onto the face of Captain Akazawa before he started talking, "This village has been taken in control by the bandits about 4years ago. The bandits treat this village as their base and have taken control over the food storage. The weapons they have are primitive. Their strength is average, even I alone can beat 10 of them but any more and it would be difficult for me to fight."

Saito remained quiet as he heard the information. He motioned for him to continue after a few seconds. Captain Akazawa started to talk, "The first day that I came here… They demanded an entrée fee of 1 gold. It was fortunate that I myself had 40 Gold Coins on my body and didn't pull out that pouch for them to see or else they probably would have taken the 1000 gold coins and killed me."

"After searching me and getting the 40 Gold Coins, they were satisfied with the gain and let me enter the village. In this one week, I witnessed them killing villagers just because one of them dared to speak in front of them. All the women above the age of 15 have been defiled by these bandits. They actually treat them worse than things. It was hard to resist to not do anything at all to these bandits who were being the scums to the society right in front of my eyes."

There was apparently no change on Saito's expression. He didn't care about the lives of the villagers or how they have been treated by the bandits. This was just the way how this cruel world works.

The ones with the power could do anything while the weak ones could only lower their heads and obey. He wasn't going to pity these weak villagers. The reason they were in this situation is because of their own hesitation to act.

According to his estimate, there were around 200 bandits while 1700 villagers. If the old people and children were to be neglected. They would still number around 1000. Just half of that number is enough to chase these bandits out.

He knew the problem of these villagers. Even if they had the strength, they probably wouldn't be able to work together because they had no leader. If one rose up to be the leader then the other would counter and say why couldn't he become one. This would just lead to internal struggle to be the leader.

That is why… Someone needed to use absolute power to suppress them all to obey.

Since he had received enough information about the village. Saito decided to ask him, "Akazawa… You previously asked me if your family was here, right? A better question would have been if they were fine or not."

Captain Akazawa's eyes widened a little as he held Saito's arms, "Don't tell me they are hurt or worse yet killed."

Saito shook his head and replied, "No… However, the crown prince targeted them in this one week. They were isolated by your friends, neighbours and even the new officials. Your brother even came to have fun with the two of them."

"No… No… Impossible! That's impossible! My friends wouldn't do that! My brother won't fall that low!" He seemed to be in disbelief as a cruel bucket of reality was thrown on top of his body.

"You should know well enough that I have no reason to lie to you. Stop your pathetic shaking and listen ahead to me." Saito was in no mood of consoling him.

He continued to tell him, "For now, they are safe and waiting outside the village. Don't worry, the bandits can't approach them. I brought the two of them here so be prepared for the search parties coming in this direction. You three will have to hide from those men… I am still not ready to have an all-out war with the Crown Prince."

After hearing that his family was fine and they were both here, he started to calm down. His heard was still raging at those he considered friends and the hatred for his blood brother reached another high point. Saito was nearly sure that Captain Akazawa would lose all calm if he saw his brother right now.

Saito stared at him and said, "Let's go out. I need to wipe would these bandits quickly. You move out towards the Zleka City. You will meet your family within the forest."

Captain Akazawa was somewhat unsure if they should go out at this time. He was a bit worried about Saito. Even though he was strong, he was up against 200 bandits. It would be hard to fight against them even more him.

However, he noticed the casual expression on Saito's face. It was like all these bandits were nothing to him. Such strong self-confidence or perhaps arrogance. He was really curious if Saito could defeat them all or not.

As they were heading out of the residence, he heard Saito mutter in a low voice, "25 seconds… no, 20 seconds should do it."

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