Reincarnated Golden Emperor

Chapter 98 - Dealing With Bandits

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Captain Akazawa didn't have any idea what Saito was talking about but he was going to know soon enough.

As Saito stepped out of the gate. He disappeared… More accurate to say, he disappeared in a black flash. He heard multiple bandits shouting due to surprise before they suddenly turned silent. What surprised him was that he was hearing the shouts from all directions.

He started to walk towards the gate of the village which opened towards Zleka City. As he reached the place, he noticed that the guards which were supposed to be guarding the gate were tied by a strong dark web. Their mouths were sealed along with their arms and legs. They couldn't move at all.

Captain Akazawa looked around to see one of them still able to move. He got ready in order to fight against him but his eyes widened when he saw a Black Flash appear and that guy was suddenly tied like the rest of them.

He swore that he saw that it was Saito. He relaxed his posture before he wiped down the sweat coming down his face. He now realized how powerful Saito was as compared to him.

All these bandits were being taken out before they could even put up any resistance. There just wasn't anything these bandits could do against Saito at the speed at which he was moving.

Even though he knew that these bandits were worse than trash and they didn't deserve to live. At this scene, he couldn't help but pity them. Though he didn't spend too much of his time thinking. He walked out of the village for the first time in a week and went to search for his family.

Right as he had stepped out of the village. On the other end of the village, Saito tied the last bandit and placed his foot on his face showing no respect at all. He let out a disappointed sigh and muttered, "It took 30 seconds to deal with 200 trashes. Looks like I need training."

As the bandit heard his words. He was frightened and enraged at how this guy was behaving so arrogantly. He tried to get out of the dark web string but his resistance was a joke.

If even someone like Lane and his partner couldn't get out after using all their strength then it would have been strange for the leader of the bandits to make any difference with his full strength. He was simply wasting his strength.


Captain Akazawa met up with his family. Seeing that he wasn't a threat, Joergen chose not to attack him. After hugging the two most important people of his life. He asked the two of them, "Are you both fine?"

With that, Gloria suddenly started to cry in his embrace and told him all that happened in the week. They were scared and had nowhere to go. The amount of suffering they had experienced in this one week was greater than the amount of suffering in their life before.

He gently consoled his daughter Gloria by saying, "Shhh… Everything is alright now. I am here. I won't let anything happen to the two of you."

After saying that, he looked up and saw Kailyn staring at him. Just a gaze was enough for him to understand the amount of pain she had experienced.

He stared at her and said tenderly while touching the soft cheeks of his wife, "Wife… You have suffered. It's alright now…"

He embraced the two of them and slowly caressed them on their backs. Joergen blankly stared at the three of them before looking around as he saw Emma returning back while pulling the body of a Jaguar.

Kailyn and Gloria drooled at the sight of the dead Jaguar. It has been a week since they ate anything decent. Before they were about to step forwards and eat it. Captain Akazawa placed his hand on their shoulder and stopped them, "Wait… let's cook it. It will be better that way."

They cooked the Jaguar and started to eat it together. While they had started eating, Kailyn asked her husband in a curious tone, "Husband… Did you really join hands with the Crown Prince to trap Axel?"

He nearly choked as he heard his wife call Saito just by his name. Captain Akazawa spoke out to her in a serious and scared voice, "Call him Hero Axel or Sir Axel. And yes wife… I did join hands with the Crown Prince."

He let out a sigh of utter disappointment in that decision, "It was perhaps the most foolish decision I could have made. I am now caught up in this strange battle between Sir Axel and the Crown prince."

Kailyn raised her brows and asked him, "If Sir Axel is against the crown prince then shouldn't the whole Kingdom be hunting him?"

Shaking his head in denial, "A lot has happened. I can just tell you that Sir Axel isn't that easy to deal with. He has the support of Princess Rita."

Gloria perked up as she heard the name of Princess Rita, "Whaaaat!? Sir Axel has the support of the most beautiful woman in the Kingdom!?"

Captain Akazawa remembered his meeting with Princess Rita and got the chills just by thinking about her, he muttered to himself, "I don't know about the most beautiful part but she is definitely the deadliest."

There was something which Kailyn wanted to know, "Husband… Tell us clearly. Whose side are you on right now? The Crown Prince or Sir Axel?"

A chuckle escaped from his mouth as he took a bite of the meat, "Whose side? Is that still a question? I am caught up in this situation because I switched sides and joined Sir Axel. The moment the Crown Prince manages to catch us, we are finished. Our only choice is to stay with Sir Axel."


Meanwhile Saito let out a tired sigh as he looked in front. There was a large number of poles with a height of around 3 metres. All 200 bandits were tied to around 200 poles. After every 20 bandits, Saito had created a bit more space before placing the poles and tied 20 more bandits. He did that until all the 200 bandits were completely tied.

Saito let out a tired groan, "Dammit… It only took 30 seconds to deal with you all. But to make this execution site, I had to work for an hour non-stop even with my control over the Nature Element to tie you all here. It's fortunate that I have the Nature magic or it would have been really hard."

After that, he stared at all of them with ruthless intent, "I assure you all that your deaths won't be pretty. Soon the fun shall begin… for me that is. Kekekekeke…"

His evil laugh resounded in that empty ground which he had declared as the Execution Site. It was better to call it the Execution Ground which was just a little south of the village.

Tomorrow would be the day his plan would officially start. The villagers had no idea that even though they were saved from the bandits, their lives were about to turn even worse.

A demon was going to rule them! A demon with no mercy and no pity! Someone who was going to train them all to be his soldiers! Everything about them was going to transform! Their body, their mentality, their way of solving problems, and most of all their ruler.

Saito flew towards Joergen's location. He was also rather hungry right now and seeing that they were eating roasted Jaguar. He also joined them and started eating the meat.

He said to the three of them, "Alright, the bandits of the village are all restrained. You three can come and live in the village from today onwards."

Captain Akazawa blankly stared at him and asked, "Sir Axel… Don't you know that the Crown Prince will soon send out the search parties in all directions? Wouldn't it be more logical to run away from here?"

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