I followed Fury, occasionally answering a question of Natasha's. They seemed like innocent questions that didn't seem like much but I could tell she was prodding me for any information in my head.

"So, do you remember where you came from? Maybe Thor could help you find more about yourself if you know where you come from?" she crossed her arms as she curiously looked at me, her blue eyes shining with 'good' intentions.

"Not really...I have an idea on what I am but other than that, I don't know anything else..." I had a half-smile as I looked at her, showing my 'innocence'.

More questions followed, about what I was, obviously, but I kept it all vague using the Sage Force to make sure I didn't contradict myself. I also kept a direct link with her surface thoughts, letting me know what she thought about my answers.

It was safe to say she was suspicious of me at best, just like a Spy would be.

But she didn't have anything to pull me up on, so you could say I was in the safe.

Anyway, we arrived at a small room. It seemed to be an office of some kind as it had a desk, a few chairs in front of the desk and a big leather seat behind the desk. All in all, it was a pretty basic room but from my scanning with the Sage Force, I found multiple gun turrets in the walls, guns, knives, and other weapons under and in the desk.

None of which could hurt me but still, it shows that anyone who entered and played up in this office would be taken care of quicker than you could say "They're dead".

"Sit down, we need to discuss what's going to happen with you," Fury sat in the big chair, lifting his hand to the most central chair opposite him. Taking the signal, I sat down in the chair and kept eye contact with Fury.

"What do you wish to discuss then, Mr.Fury?" leaning slightly forward, I cast my Sage Force throughout the room, sensing for any occurrences that would prove disadvantageous for me. I also split my mind once again, using the Parallel Processing to make sure I don't mess any of this up.

Fury brought a cup of coffee to his mouth, from god knows where, and took a sip from it before leaning forward just like me, "We know you're not a Human, or at least not a full-Human anyway," heleaned his head on his hands before frowning slightly, "So, we need to know if you're a threat to the world...but due to your lack of memories, there's not much we can do to test that," he shrugged his shoulders, expressing his annoyance at the situation.

I could get where he was coming from, if I was a threat to this world and he didn't stop me when he could, he'd be ridden with guilt.

"What are we going to do then? Keep me here and wait until I regain my memories?" I asked somewhat in disbelief because if that was his solution, I'd instantly kick-off due to how boring that would be. I want to experience this world, not be a prisoner in it.

Fury, seemingly reading my thoughts from my face, chuckled before taking another sip of his coffee.

"Don't worry, we won't keep you locked up here...instead, we want you to live in this world but under the monitoring of a S.H.I.E.L.D Agent. I think you'll prove to us whether you're good or not within a few weeks of living on this planet," hearing his proposition, I half-rejoiced and half-lamented my circumstances.

I guess this is one of the better scenarios...better than being held captive anyway and I'm pretty sure I could outsmart any of the spies/operatives they send to watch over me. I wonder if I'll get someone I know about?

Bringing myself out of my thoughts, I answered Fury who was looking at me questioningly, "That seems...fair. May I ask who will be looking over me?" I asked with a polite smile, once again trying to use my charisma on the stone-faced man.

Fury leaned into his chair with his hands laid to rest at his side on the armrests. He let out a 'Hmmm' thinking sound before speaking again, "Ah! I've found one who would fit you perfectly..." his voice faded off before he turned to Natasha, "Agent Romanoff, how would you like to monitor our friend over here?" he flashed his pearly white teeth at Natasha who went stiff at his voice.

Both she and I could tell that this wasn't a request she had any say over and she had to do it regardless.

And while she looked slightly reluctant, I couldn't help but count my lucky stars. Not only do I get to stay in touch with such a beauty but I know more about her than some random S.H.I.E.L.D grunt, so keeping her off my tracks would be easier. Even if she did catch on to whatever I plan on doing outside in the world, I'm sure I could come to a deal with her. I do have the ability to make a wish of hers come true. Well, maybe at least.

I was brought out of my thinking by Natasha nodding and answering Fury's order, "I'd love to look after him...Don't worry, Fury, he'll be in good hands," her reluctance seemed to wane ever-so-slightly when she saw me smiling at her and my red eyes lit up with excitement.

Fury clapped his hands together before looking at Cap and Thor, "Now, you two, we need to get a read on this kids abilities, so take him to The Room," Fury leaned fully back into his chair and closed his eye before drinking some more of his coffee. I swear I heard him speak about the coffee being some 'gourmet shit' in his words.

Before I could question it, I felt a familiar force grasp my shoulder, "Come, my friend, let us see truly how strong you are!" the slight crushing pressure made me thankful I was half-Angel as any normal human would've needed medical attention by now.

Cap, however, came to my rescue, "Go easy on the kid, Thor," he smiled at Thor to which the God released my shoulder with his hands held up in surrender and apology. Cap turned to me, "You okay, kid?" I nodded with a thankful smile, "Good. Don't mind Thor, he's just excited to have someone he could possibly spar with...Anyway, follow me, I'll take you to the testing area," he, just like Thor, slapped my shoulder but it was considerably less hurtful. To my infinite joy, that is.

Nonetheless, I quickly followed him and Thor with Natasha standing next to me.

While we walked, I internally discussed which powers to use. My Strength Force powers or my Angel powers.

After many lines of thought, I chose to only use my Angelic Strength and Body. At least then the results they'd have of my power would be lesser than my true strength.

With this decided, I had a confident and excited smile on my face. I couldn't wait to see where my limits lay.

{A/N - Okay, so, he will be monitored by Natasha and therefore S.H.I.E.L.D but there won't be any superhero stuff during this monitoring. He's gonna be living life, like going to (super) high school with other (un)ordinary teens. Hopefully, you get what I mean right? Before superhero stuff, he's gotta meet other teen heroes! For possible romance, obviously.

Please don't complain about the monitoring, however, as it's the most realistic course of action for Fury to take. Would you leave a potential maniac without someone monitoring them? No, so why would Fury leave a dubious, at best, superhuman without monitoring? Plus it'll give more time for him to get closer with Natasha. Though I still don't know whether to have a romance between the two...Oh well.

Ah, and it's been brought to my attention that Uber Metal ( the metal the restraints were made out of) could be misunderstood. What I meant by Uber Metal the supreme metals of Marvel like Adamantium, Vibranium, and Uru. His restraints were made of one of those, he just didn't know which so I referred to it as Uber Metal to show it was supreme (which is what Uber basically means, or at least one of its synonyms).

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