As I was following Cap and Thor, I really got to do some thinking on our way over to the testing room.

I thought in a lot of detail about who I was. Due to not having many memories (none at all, more specifically) I didn't have any definable experiences to really play off of. I had my knowledge about Marvel from all the Comics I've read and all the MCU movies I've watched - nonetheless, the latter wouldn't give me much help unless this universe follows the plot.

The lack of memories left me with a much more blank personality than I really liked. I didn't know whether I liked Pepsi or Cola, or whether I even knew the difference...Nor did I know my favorite food.

It was these little things that really hurt for some reason. Like I'd forgotten some small facts about myself but despite their small size, the sheer amount I'd forgot meant I was basically a walking question.

But it wasn't all bad. Because as bad as it sounds, I'm glad I don't remember my friends or family, as the knowledge that I've never meet them again would probably haunt me and hurt like hell. It would also allow me to forge more meaningful relationships with people in this universe.

So, all in all, without my personality I'm really being affected by my Angel Bloodline. Where's my evidence for this?

I'm being so patient and polite to everyone around me!

Most people in my shoes would go ballistic at Fury for what he's done to me. He held me captive, did medical tests without my consent and even after all that he admitted that he was going to have someone monitor me, practically ripping my privacy away from me.

But what did I do? I just said 'Okay' and it's not just me being overly's because I think I'm better than them.

Like, how you put up with a mosquito buzzing around, only really killing it if it's convenient to you and what you're doing. I didn't mind S.H.I.E.L.D buzzing around me because even if they did, would it really matter? Who cares what an insect does right?

But I did know that if threatened I wouldn't be so indifferent anymore...

It was those thoughts going about my head that made me...slightly scared if I'm gonna be honest. Plus my eagerness to fight and the excitement I was feeling right now, even without memories I could tell I was different in a very dangerous way.

This sort of arrogant indifference was typically a bad thing, but I...I didn't want to suppress anything of my new self. I am me, no matter what bad parts are a part of me.

I guess not having memories helps getting used to stuff like this then, right? Maybe I'm in some kind of hyper flux of personality traits, all getting mixed together...some kind of defense system for the mind to make an Ego/Personality to reel in my Id/Instincts. Kinda like a kid who's quickly discovering stuff about themselves and applying it to a personality.

As my mind ran through all the possibilities and thought about everything that was happening with my newly forming personality, a small portion of my mind was split off to make sure I could follow Cap and so I knew when we arrived at the room.

I continued with my personal questioning and before I knew it we arrived at the testing room.

I could describe it in one word; Massive.

It must have been a few hundred meters in length and width and filled with a multitude of Gym equipment which had been dialed to eleven.

What do I mean? The machines nearer to us seemed to be tailored to Olympic-level Athletes and the further you looked away from the door, the bigger the weights got and more intense the machines looked.

Weirdly enough, I couldn't help but feel intense excitement for these incoming tests.

But Cap brought me back from my excitement as he pointed over to the back end of the room, "We're gonna head over to there to test out the limits of your strength. Then we'll move onto a few other basic tests for Durability, Reflexes, and Speed. Got it?" he seemed to have slipped into a sort of drill sergeant persona.

Guess his time in the army's showing through when he tests people, huh?

Nonetheless, I nodded my head in agreement and walked with them over to a weird looking machine.

It looked like a massive hydraulic press and just from looking at it, I figured out what I had to do. It was pretty simple after all.

I walked under the hydraulic press and looked over to Cap. He looked a bit surprised I knew how this would work, I guess he was under the impression I wouldn't know what a Hydraulic Press was, but he recovered pretty quickly and walked over to a console not too far from where I was and looked up at me waiting for confirmation.

I looked at him before glancing at Natasha and Thor. Natasha looked at me with curiosity but Thor looked at me with intense interest, obviously wondering if I could indeed be his sparring partner.

Thinking about fighting a god made my blood boil slightly...Am I some kind of battle maniac in this life? Oh well, guess it'll help...somewhat.

I looked back at Cap before nodding my head. I raised my hands and placed them on the circular piece of metal which was going to attempt to crush me.

Cap pressed a few buttons and I felt some weight in my hands but it felt entirely negligible. Like holding a sheet of paper; because of the weight you knew it was there but it could never strain you.

"That's 2 tons, how you feeling?" Cap's voice brought me out of my thinking and I've got to say, I was incredibly shocked. I was holding 2 tons up like it was nothing...this was purely from my physique and I hadn't even used an iota of the Strength Force. Not that I was going to, either. But knowing I was this strong without that Force was good to know for future reference.

"I feel great like there's no weight above me at the moment," I felt a confident smile grow across my face as a fire was lit in my gut.

How strong could I possibly be?

This thought continued to echo around my head, getting louder and louder. Feeling restless, I looked at Cap and without waiting for his reply, I hurriedly spoke.

"Hurry up, please, increase the weight!" a slight manic tone entered my voice which Thor seemed to notice, causing him to nod his head like some kind of proud master looking at his disciple.

I'm not your student you big bastard!

"Uhh, okay, I'll do that," Cap didn't expect my change in behavior from my earlier politeness to the restless mania I was currently showing.

More weight was pushing against my palms but like before it felt like nothing and only increased my excitement.

Seeing that it wasn't pressuring me, Cap just pressed the button a few more times and the weight increased more and more.

After a while, he stopped pressing the button and I could feel a decent amount of weight pressing down on me. But you guessed it, I wasn't struggling much, if not at all, and I was still just as perversely* excited as before.

(*A/N - By perversely I don't mean anything sexual, I just mean unreasonable. Just put this here so people don't get confused)

"...This is 25 tons. Have you hit your limit?" Cap was looking at me weirdly, probably because of the ear-to-ear smile I had currently had on my face.

"Not about we speed this up and add 25 ton on each time? Sound good?" I spoke like a kid hyper from sugar, my blood red eyes shining like two fires.

Thor let out a boisterous laugh, "Yes, let us do this, Rogers! Let the boy push himself to the limit!" Thor walked over to Cap and went to mess with the controls but Cap stopped him with a hand on his wrist.

"We don't know if the kid could handle a sudden increase. Maybe his strength is due to adrenaline, you can see how excited he is...if we push him further he might get crushed," Cap spoke with a serious voice as he stared at the Asgardian next to him.

Thor seemed to think this over before putting a hand on Cap's shoulder before smiling, "I know you're heart is in the right place, my friend, but I can this boy is like me. He wishes for challenges, please just humor may be the best way for him to learn just like it was for me," he faded off before walking over to me, "and if he truly cannot handle it, I will help him. This is safe enough, no?"

Cap let out a sigh seeing the near identical smiles on both Thor and my faces', "Haahhh~ Okay, just make sure he doesn't get hurt, Thor,"

"Haha! Of course, on my name as the God of Thunder, I will help this child if he needs it!" Thor slammed his fist into his chest, causing a boom like metal hitting metal to spread across the massive room.

Cap sighed again before messing with the settings and pressing the button once more.

"Urgh!" My arms suddenly dipped and my knees sunk a little. A slight pain was coming from my arms and back but it didn't deter me. In fact, my will to push further blazed even hotter instead.

I looked up at Cap and nodded once again. He clicked the button reluctantly after seeing my arms dip.

The weight was now considerable and I could tell my earlier excitement and adrenaline had clouded my sense of my own strength. Just like how Cap had said. Luckily, it wasn't purely just that, I obviously had strength to spare.

So, this is what 75 tons feels like, huh? Nothing much...

Despite my inner bravado, I could feel my arms and overall, my entire body groaning in pain. But this pain seemed to come with someone else - a burning feeling which traveled through my blood.

The burning felt like every cell in my body was a caged beast that was rattling its cage with everything it had, begging to be released.

A small thought was at the back of my head and I knew instantly it was my instincts telling me what to do.

Go further...push it...go further...

It just kept whispering that over and over to me, on repeat like some broken record. But I could tell what it was trying to do; It was trying to get me to release whatever was in my cells.

It felt like the right thing to do, so...I did it.

{A/N - The first part of this chapter was to answer all those people who keep calling the MC a wuss or someone without a backbone. He doesn't have a personality or any memories about himself, so he's just going with the flow. Plus, he's like Thor, someone of Divinity. Why would he care what the Humans are doing? Do you think Thor would care if S.H.I.E.L.D kept track of him? Not really.

All in all, it's to show that the MC isn't spineless but rather he couldn't care less what S.H.I.E.L.D are doing as long as it isn't anything aggressive against him. But if they, let's say, sent a S.T.R.I.K.E Team after him, he'd kill all of the people who went after him and go to S.H.I.E.L.D for answers.

Hope that put some people at ease.}

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